The landing was a large rectangle, big enough to include both Sig and Judge’s doors, but not to where it reached the large picture windows at the “front” of their apartments, which actually faced the fields behind the barn and bunkhouse. Trip had it designed that way for security reasons.

Both Sig and Judge agreed it was a good idea. Just like their front doors being metal, windowless and including a heavy-duty deadbolt.

“She’s exhausted just from that trip to the doctor.”

“Probably doesn’t take much being that malnourished and pregnant at the same time,” Stella murmured. “I always felt tired when I was pregnant.”

“Say what?” Sig asked, his eyes automatically going to Stella’s stomach. That was the first he’d heard of Stella having a kid. He wondered what happened to it.

“That’s not what we’re here to discuss,” Trip said firmly, before Sig could ask.

His eyes slid to his brother’s, picking up what Trip was putting down. “Right.”

“Baby good?” Stella asked.

“For the most part. But even after that appointment, the kid’s still an ‘it’ or ‘the seed’ to her.”

Stella frowned, her eyes troubled as she nodded. “Might take a while for her to see it differently. Pregnancy messes with a woman’s mind sometimes, but the way she got pregnant—if we’re right in our assumptions—probably really screwed with her big time.”

“No shit,” Sig whispered.

“We need to decide what the fuck to do with her, Sig,” Trip said. “She isn’t ours. I still don’t think it’s a good idea we keep her here.”

“We can move her to the house,” Stella suggested.

Sig tried not to grin at Stella misunderstanding her ol’ man on purpose.

“That’s not what I fuckin’ meant, Stel.”

Stella shot Trip a look Sig was glad wasn’t directed at him. “Where can she go? She has nowhere.”

“That’s not our fuckin’ problem. She’s not carryin’ Sig’s kid. She’s not Fury blood. She’s nothin’ to us.”

Sig avoided Stella’s stare when she finally did look at him. “Speak for yourself,” she whispered.

“She’s better off stayin’ in my apartment than the house, Stella. Got Judge next door with Jury, who’d scare the shit outta anyone. Got Deke downstairs with Justice. Both those dogs are protective when needed. Judge would kick anyone’s ass who tried to break in here. There are more eyes and bodies at The Barn and bunkhouse than up at your place. ‘Specially when you’re at the bar and Trip’s out doin’ a repo or at the bar with you, or even at The Grove Inn checkin’ in with Ozzy. She’d be alone. And I’m not just worried about them snaggin’ her back, I’m worried about her runnin’.”

“She’d be crazy to run,” Trip said.

True, but... “You just said the reason she’d run.”

“Because she’s crazy?” Trip asked.

“Think shit’s really broken up here.” Sig tapped his temple. “It’ll be awhile ‘til she gets over it.”

“If ever,” Stella added. “We don’t even know everything she went through, yet.”

“And may never. Which is another reason maybe it’s not best to keep her here. Hand her over to the pigs.”

Jesus fuck, what was with his brother being such a fucking dick about it? “And then that opens up the possibility of the Shirleys gettin’ her back. Might put her on those hillbillies’ radar when the fuckin’ pigs get their emergency response team, with all their big-ass military-grade toys and hard dicks, rushin’ up that mountain to make a fuckin’ arrest. It’s better to take care of them quietly.”

Judge’s door opened and the big man stepped out, his American Bulldog by his side. “Go on,” he commanded the dog, jerking his hand toward the stairs. “Go pop a squat and get the fuck back here.” With a loud, excited bark, Jury rushed down the steps, her tail raised and waving like a flag, as she headed toward the field. As Judge kept an eye on his girl, he asked, “We havin’ a fuckin’ meetin’ out here?” to the rest of them.

“Nope,” Trip answered.

“Sure as fuck sounds like it. Any decisions made about us gettin’ involved with that woman in Sig’s bed needs to be brought to the table.”

“Yeah,” Trip agreed. “It’s gonna have to happen since Sig won’t see reason.”

Sig’s jaw tightened. “Didn’t know you were such a cold fuckin’ bastard, brother.”

“And you’re not?”

“Would also help to know the whole goddamn story before any of us vote on it,” Judge added.

“But you might not get that for a while,” Stella admitted. “You all might need to decide with only what we know at this point. And then decide on how much you all want to get involved. Trip’s right. She doesn’t belong to the Fury. She’s not from Fury blood. We have no ties to her. There’s no good reason for us to take her on. None.” She lifted her hand to stop anyone else from talking. “But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. She’s fucking alone, boys. Alone. If it was me? I’d be really fucking grateful for some heroes to step in right about now. Especially since she’s struggling in more ways than one. Don’t I remember you boys all wanting to be super heroes with capes growing up? Now,” Stella turned her attention to Sig. “What happened at the doctor’s? Let’s at least hear that first.”