“My husband is one so I don’t know if I can do that if there was a crime involved. Which is what it sounds like.”

Godfuckindamnit. “Fuckin’ figures.”

The doc lifted a hand. He supposed it was to soothe his worry. It didn’t.

She spoke quickly. “It seems like Autumn wants nothing to do with this baby, so I talked to her about the option of adoption. It’s a good solution for an unwanted child and she seemed open to it. Maybe my husband and I would be interested. The timing is finally right for us and we’ve been on a waiting list for a while now. Autumn doesn’t have insurance and she needs a lot of care right now since Stella said she’s had no prenatal care at all... And with the way she looks, I’m sure that’s true. We...” The doc spread her hands flat on her desk. “We could help. Make this easier on her and us. It’s a win-win. Especially if the baby is born with medical issues from being underweight since I’m a doctor. And, if she wanted, it could be an open adoption. We’re not opposed to that.”

Sig sat back in his chair and studied the doctor who had just spilled a lot of shit he needed to wrap his head around. He wasn’t surprised Red didn’t want to keep the baby. She called it a fucking seed. What woman did that?

He knew that answer.

One whose mind wouldn’t allow it to admit to what it really was. Whose mind didn’t want her to become attached to the result of trauma. Whose mind didn’t want to admit to everything that happened to her.

She probably needed a crazy doctor in addition to a baby doctor.

No probably about it.

The woman had more issues than only being pregnant because of a rape. She might have permanent scarring of her mind.

All of this was over his head. He could quickly drown in it all. And he had enough of his own issues to deal with to try to take on Red’s, too.

But, for fuck’s sake, did a doctor and a local pig really want a baby sired by a Shirley? A Bryson pig, more than anyone, knew what those Shirleys were like and how fucked up they were.

That baby might never be normal and Sig had no clue how fucked up that kid could end up. It would have Shirley blood and wasn’t even given a fighting chance to survive with the way Red looked. Skin and bones, beaten up, most likely forced to live like an animal. Her mental status questionable.

Sig’s fingers curled against his thighs, his nails digging sharply into the denim of his jeans.

This whole thing was just plain fucked up. Why the fuck was he getting involved? Why didn’t he just hand Red over to the doc to take care of? Let her husband deal with the Shirleys. Let them protect her and find her a safe place to stay until the kid was born.

It wasn’t his kid, so he shouldn’t care one fucking bit about it.

So, why was he taking any of this on his shoulders?

Why the fuck did he even care at all?

It was some fucked in the head woman who had a baby from some inbred motherfucker planted inside her. There was nothing even remotely normal about the whole thing.

He did not need this shit. Not at all.

He needed to concentrate on getting what was owed him and then getting the fuck out of town. He should be only looking out for himself. That was it.

Because if he took on Red’s situation... He couldn’t roll out any time soon.

He’d be stuck in this goddamn town for the next few months. Long enough to protect Red until her “seed” was born. Long enough to help her find a safe place to land afterward.

Damn, he did not need this shit.

He did not need this shit.

Goddamn it.

“Might rethink that fuckin’ offer, Doc, once I tell you what I know. And believe me, I don’t know everythin’ yet. I’m sure it’s much fuckin’ worse than what little I do know.”

Carly also sat back, pushed her glasses to the top of her head and crossed her arms over her very generous chest. “If you knew my husband, you’d know I can handle a lot of shit. So, fucking lay it on me.”


So, he did.

Sig stepped outside his apartment and watched as his brother and his woman hoofed it up the steps. He had one arm wrapped around his ribs because they were aching like fuck right now. He’d been doing too much shit and not giving them a chance to heal properly.

“Inside?” Trip asked as he jerked his chin toward the closed door behind Sig.

“She’s sleepin’.” She had been for the past couple of hours.

“How is she?” Stella asked and leaned her ass against the metal railing at the top of the steps.