The day Razor came home and...

And everything that had been spiraling just imploded. No one was left untouched by the mess it created.

Not fucking one of them.

Fuck, he needed to get out of that head space right now. He couldn’t visit the past. Instead, he needed to focus on the current problem. Which was a pregnant Red, who was currently sleeping in his bed.

“She tell you anythin’ more than her name?”

“No. But I think that baby is one of the Shirleys’. I’m not sure, but I assume she didn’t volunteer to get pregnant. Not with how she looks.”

“Fuck no. D’you see her nails?”

“Yes. I...” Stella’s mouth twisted. “We need to do somethin’, Sig.”

No shit. “We’re gonna. Told your ol’ man we’re handlin’ it. One reason he’s not real happy right now. Just need to get the whole story from her first.”

“And you think she’s going to tell it to you?”

“Maybe. If not me, maybe you. Know you already helped, but need you to help make your ol’ man see why we need to handle this ourselves. Not go to the fuckin’ pigs.”

“He wanted to go to the cops?”

Sig nodded. “He’s worried about stirrin’ up shit with them. Becomin’ their focus. Creating bad blood between them and the Fury, like in the past.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “So am I. But in the past, the Fury would’ve handled this on their own. They never would’ve went to the cops, either.”

“Right. He needs reminded of that. That we handle our own business.”

“But, Sig, is she really our business? She doesn’t belong to us. You said you know her. Do you really?”

He stared at Stella for a moment. “Know what it’s like to be trapped, unable to escape, Stel. Know what it’s like to fight to survive, to fight for my freedom. So, yeah, I know her.”

“But, Sig, you had a choice to stay out of jail. I don’t think she had a choice.”

He hadn’t only been talking about jail. “Maybe not. And, yeah, I fucked up.”

“A lot.”

Sig grimaced at her reminder. “Yeah, a lot.”

His first of many major fuck ups was planting Buck’s knife under Razor’s jeans so he’d find it. That one action caused the complete annihilation of the Blood Fury.

The action of one stupid twelve-year-old fucking kid.

She jerked her chin up at his face. “You getting into fights isn’t going to keep you out of jail.”

“It wasn’t a fight.”

“What was it?”

He sighed. “I’m sure Trip will tell you everything.”

“Oh great,” she groaned with a frown.

“Yeah,” was all he said.

She shook her head. “I need to get back up to the house.” Stella headed toward the door but stopped right before it. “She needs to get looked at. She needs medical attention. Prenatal vitamins. We have no idea even how far along she is. Do you want me to call my doctor and see if I can get her an emergency appointment?”

“Yeah. Will need to take your Jeep, cover that red hair, sunglasses. Whatever. Just in case those fuckin’ Shirleys are out lookin’ for her.”

Stella nodded. “I’ll take care of all that. And I’ll give the doctor the heads up on the situation. You just take care of her in the meantime. Small meals. Lots of fluids. Sleep. That’s what she needs. Trip had a couple repos for you today with the rollback. I’ll tell him he needs to find one of the prospects to handle them. Don’t leave her alone, Sig. I have a feeling if she gets a chance, she’ll try to run.”

Sig had no doubt Red would try to run, too.

And he wouldn’t blame her one fucking bit.

“Stel,” he called out, making her pause with her hand on the knob. Then he said a word that felt foreign on his tongue. “Thanks.”

Stella gave him a small smile and left.

The first thing Sig did was lock the deadbolt and tuck the key deep within the front pocket of his jeans.

The second thing he did was take off his boots and head straight back to his bedroom.

He quietly opened the door and walked as softly as he could through the dark. To the right was the only window in the room since to the left was Judge’s apartment. Straight ahead, behind his king-sized bed, was the second level storage area for The Barn.

A spare sheet covered the large picture window, which he only used to filter out some of the morning sun since he wasn’t worried about privacy up there, even though his window faced the courtyard. He didn’t really give a fuck if anyone caught him walking around his room with his dick out. In fact, he’d mooned some of the prospects and hang-arounds a few times by shoving his ass against the window when they were out there partying all night. They’d all been drunk, including him.

He grinned. If he checked, he’d probably find several ass and nut sac smudges on the glass.