Page 85 of Naked or Dead

“You’re determined.”

“Duh. And that’s not even the craziest part…”

“Tell us,” Bobby demands, and I can taste his excitement in the air.

“They found two more victims. Students of Saltwater High or something. I forgot the name. Both teen males.”

“Whoa… that’s twenty-nine, right?” Bobby breathes, looking on edge now and freaked out. As am I.

Mackenzie nods, looking sad. “All those lives lost. So sad.”

“Do you know anything else?” I ask, chewing on my lip. “Are they closing the investigation?”

“No idea. I doubt it. They still haven’t identified who this person is or why they think it’s this person and their security systems are getting harder to crack.” She slaps a hand over her mouth. “Forget I said that.”

“Said what?” I ask, smirking.

Bobby shrugs his shoulders. “All I can hear is thunder.”

“That’ll be my beating heart from all this excitement,” Mackenzie jests and then slaps Bobby around the face when he takes this as an invitation to put his hand over her chest, directly over the swell of her breast.

“Ouch,” he murmurs but doesn’t argue the fact he deserved it and more.

“Don’t touch titties without permission, dude,” I admonish playfully and pat him on the shoulder.

“Understood,” he replies, rubbing his cheek dramatically, “I still love you, Mackenzie.”

“No,” she states simply, shaking her head. “Just no.”

“I’ll win you over eventually with my charm and serial killer knowhow.”

“So attractive.” I laugh under my breath and move to where Joseph is keeping Mackenzie’s guest entertained.

I get annoyed at her laugh and walk away before Joseph finishes introductions. She has one of those nervous giggles that sprout at any fucking time and I can’t deal with it.

“S’up?” Nokosi asks as I approach.

“Can we go back to our cliff to get away from Giggly, Chatty, and everyone else?” I ask but I’m only half-joking. “I want to smoke weed and have sex.”

He groans into my neck and hardens against my thigh. “Why do I get hard whenever you mention sex or anything pertaining to?”

“Because you find me really attractive and devilish in the sack?”

“You’re not very humble these days.”

“I’m dating you… have you seen you? Imma gloat for the rest of my life at the world.”

Laughing, he guides me around the finished tent and lifts me inside where the mattress is ready and covered. My bag is stuffed to the side behind his and I’m happy to see two flashlights and a lantern. Within reach.

I take the biggest flashlight but Nokosi snatches it from my hand. “Mine.”

“Okay, Seagull,” I mutter petulantly, taking the smaller one which actually feels nicer in my grip but I won’t admit that to him. “So… who has the beer? I’m ready to get this party started.”

Nokosi cups his hands to his mouth and howls at the sky. I do the same, trying not to laugh as the entire camp joins in. It’s his thing and I fucking love it.

We drunkenly hit the mattress giggling… yep… both of us. Even Nokosi. He’s so wasted but so am I so who cares? The tent interior is spinning so I cover my eyes with my arm. It’s cold. Not so cold that I’m shivering but I just want to bury myself under the blanket.

He takes a gulp of his beer after fumbling with the tent zip and goes to lift his shirt over his head.

“Too cold,” I whisper, rolling onto my front. “I don’t want to get naked anymore.”

“Whatever,” he breathes and yanks my pants down just over my rear. I squeak, then laugh, then yelp when his cold hand creeps around my front and finds himself between my legs. He nudges his way into my warm sex, stretching my skin in a nice kind of way as his girth struggles to fit. My legs are stuck together so I’m not much help, and his chest is against my back so I can’t raise my hips or anything to meet him.

I relax, wriggling to help him find his way, sighing when he pushes into the hilt and starts thrusting wildly, grunting in my ear with each powerful jerk of his hips. I swear the truck bed moves but I’m too drunk to care.

It’s so fucking tingly but I’m too drunk for it to be more than that. Or at least I think I am. I soon find I’m wrong when the hand that guided him in starts playing with my clit.

I groan and bury my face in the blanket as he kisses my neck and grinds into me.

“So tight,” he whispers, getting harder and faster. “Fucking love your pussy, Lilith.”

“Shhh,” I hiss, giggling when he cries out louder just to be an ass.

“Take it in the ass, Lil!” he yells, still pounding inside of me.

“Oh my God, shut up!” I try to roll over, still burning with need, still laughing my metaphorical ass off. “I swear on all that is Satan I will shave off your beautiful hair while you sleep.”