Page 50 of Naked or Dead

His thrusts get faster, his grunting louder. He’s as close as I am.

Tears spring to my eyes for an entirely different reason this time.

“Nok?” Nash calls through the door and we both still, both looking at the door like it’s about to catch fire. “You in there?”

Nok looks as aggravated as I feel. The tension around his eyes is likely mirrored in my own.

The handle starts to turn so I quickly call out, “Just a sex.” I shake my head and start giggling. “I meant sec. Just a sec.”

“Is Nok in there with you?” Nash asks, his voice muffled.

“I’m in here,” Nokosi replies, buttoning up his pants and zipping up the fly.

I hear Nash let out a laugh but it’s humorless. “Of course you are,” he grumbles so quietly I had to strain to hear it.

I turn back to the mirror when I’m dressed again and wait for Nok to open the door and tell his brother that we’ll be right out. Splashing water on my face, I ignore the pulsing in my core and hope it fades soon. I shouldn’t have done what I just did. It was a severe moment of weakness.

I’m better than that. I know better.

Nok comes to stand behind me and kisses the bare side of my neck. His eyes meet mine over my shoulder and the blackness of them makes me shiver with need.

“What happened?” I ask on a breath as Nok looks at me in the toothpaste-splattered mirror. Tiny white dots mar our reflections.

“Elisi has magic,” he sheepishly admits as his fingertips stroke the soft, flat skin of my belly, just over the edge of my skirt. “I didn’t fully believe it until now.”

“Other people don’t react that way?”

He shrugs and smiles apologetically. “Not that I’ve seen, but it’s been known to happen. She’s really good at reading people.”

I shake my head to clear it. “I felt like something in me snapped and I just… it’s stupid right?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s stupid, you clearly needed the mental breakdown.”

I turn, laughing, and slap his arm. “I did not have a mental breakdown.”

“You kinda did but it’s cool.”

“Ugh.” I shoulder past him. “You’re such a dick.”

“You like my dick though, so…?”

I roll my eyes but I can’t stop the laughter that bubbles forth and releases.

Nash is waiting for us when we exit. “Food’s ready. Edudu is telling stories.”

Nok goes on ahead, clearly done with me now. Nash hangs back.

“He’ll use you,” Nash states, not looking sorry for stabbing his brother in the back at all. “He wants one thing from you.”

His words still hit home because I know them to be true. “I haven’t fucked him, Nash, and I don’t plan on it either.”

He doesn’t look appeased, or like he even believes me. But I don’t care. I’m hungry. I want food and then home.

Though thinking about it, I’m not entirely sure I believe it myself.

When we reach the bonfire again, Nok is sitting with his friends, and Vienna is to his right laughing about something he said. They’re so close their arms are touching.

He really is a massive asshole.

“They’re going to get married one day,” Nash whispers in my ear, his hand on the small of my back. “You’re just a fling for him. You’ll never be his forever girl. He already has her. You’re just how he sows his wild oats.” When I don’t reply because I’m too busy glaring at Nok and his forever girl, he continues, “You deserve better than my brother.”

Nok slings his arm around her shoulder and I see red. Not enough to go over there and yank her hair out, but I’m pretty fucking mad.

“And what about you, Nash?” I ask, my tone biting and questioning. “What am I to you?”

“I think we have great chemistry.”

“So… you want to fuck me, that’s what you’re saying?”

His lips part. I caught him off guard. He stammers for the right words.

“Would you still want to fuck me if I told you I’ve had your brother’s dick in my mouth?”

His eyes flare but he doesn’t say no.

“Is it because I’m new? Is it because I’m interesting? What exactly is it about me that makes you think we’d be good for each other?”

He grips my bicep and pulls me out of earshot of his family and friends. We stand in the shade of a tree by his home. I can still see Nokosi, which means he can still see me. “You’re different.”

“That’s what they all say when they don’t have a genuine reason, Nash,” I reply, smiling a fake smile. “What do you want from me?”

His lips part, so soft and round. Kissable lips, just not the lips I want to kiss.

“Be honest with us both for once. Don’t make this about your brother. You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

He blanches at my candidness. “I respect you.”