Page 99 of Naked or Dead

My sister was always supposed to live after me. It was my one saving grace. And now I’ll never get Nokosi because he’ll choose the dying sister that he loves. He doesn’t care what I’ve done for him.

“Well, if she’s dying, I guess I really have nothing holding me back.” I pat Deacon’s cheek. “Sorry, dude. You fucked up touching him. Any last words?” Yanking the fabric from his mouth, listening to him yell for help for a little while, I twist the silencer onto the end of the pistol. I got that from the twelfth guy I killed. His daddy was a hunter who promised me over the news that he’d find me and kill me. He hasn’t yet and I’m glad of it. This doohickey has been a great tool to use for my little hobby I’ve got going here.

Nokosi moves closer and starts to speak, “Maybe we should—”


My elbows almost buckle when the gun fires and the bullet soars through the air, hitting Deacon in the eye.

The splatter of blood across Nokosi’s face shuts him up and he becomes deathly pale.

Deacon is slumped to the side, a hole where his eye was, the bullet passed through and took a massive chunk of brain and skull with it. They’re on the floor by the wall over there.

Nice splatter pattern.

“He’s dead,” Nokosi breathes, eyes wide and full of fear. “You did it. You actually killed him.”

“What? You thought you were being punked?” I laugh and blow on the end of the gun like an old western movie. I wipe the blood from Nokosi’s face using a white rag and kiss the tip of his nose. “You’re welcome.” I tuck the gun into the back of my pants, it’s hot but not so hot that it burns. “Can we kiss now? I deserve that much at least.”

He turns and vomits onto the ground, so I rub his back instead.

“It’s hard the first time. My first time were the guys that raped me and my sister. I took them out one by one. It was so fucking satisfying.”

“You’re insane,” he breathes, wiping his hand on his mouth and standing. “I can’t deal with this. I need to go.”

“Go? You’re not going anywhere. We need to get rid of the body.” I move to it, throwing a towel onto the blood pooling on the ground from Deacon’s head. I kick him back in his chair and start cutting through his bindings with a knife from my boot. “Help me then, don’t just stand there.”

“I want nothing to do with this.”

I stand and point the gun at him again. “You need to have something to do with this, so I don’t have to kill you. Please don’t make me kill you.”

“If you love me…”

I raise the gun; he’s overestimating how strongly I feel for him. “Help me get rid of the body.”

“Do it yourself. How did you do it before?”

“I had the strength then.”

The door opens slowly.

“Did you tell anybody?” I hiss, raising the gun with my heart racing. I point it at the door as a hooded man steps through.

“Sweetie, put the gun down,” the man says, his voice is so familiar. Pain slices through my chest as he raises his hands and pulls down his hood revealing dark blond hair and familiar eyes. “Put it down and we’ll fix this. We’ll get you the help you need.”

“Daddy?” I whimper, feeling grief from the loss of him hit me. “You’re dead.”

The garage metal shutter door slowly starts to open so I turn and shoot bullets through it. They hit the metal and somebody curses on the other side. Holes litter the metal, tiny holes but no blood.

“Sweetie, it’s just Nash and his father, Dasan.” He then calls out, “You all good, guys? Anybody hurt?”

Nash responds with a disgruntled, “Yes and no.”

“How are you alive?” I whisper, feeling my heart break and pain slice through me. “You killed yourself. You couldn’t handle what happened to us.”

His jade green eyes, like mine and my sister’s fill with tears. “No, honey, I didn’t kill myself. Remember? I abandoned you, I was in a dark place, but I didn’t die. I ran away like a coward. I should never have done that. I know it was wrong.”

Hot tears stream down my face as I point the gun at the chest of my father. The man who taught me how to ride a dirt bike, and tie my shoes, and kissed the grazes on my knees.

“But Mom said…”

“Mom’s not here anymore,” he breathes, choking on his sorrow.

“I saw her this morning.”

“No, sweetie…”

“Where’s my sister, she’ll tell you. Where’s Lilith?”

Nokosi looks at me and then at my father, realization dawns in his eyes. “No… how is that…”

My dad cuts him with a look and shakes his head. “Sweetie, I want to speak with Lilith now. Can you call her for me?”