Page 43 of Naked or Dead


“If you want it to stop, tell the truth!”

“OKAY! Okay…” I allow her some slack by bringing her head out a bit. “I lied. Okay? I was embarrassed and my dad was about to ground me so hard. I panicked.”

“And you came on to him?”


“And you showed up at his house?”

She nods.


“YES!” she shrieks when I thrust her back into the toilet. “Yes, I showed up at his house.”

My hands are shaking. I feel so fucking alive right now. Does that make me a sick person? Do I care?

Fuck no.

I pull my switchblade from the inside of my boot and raise her head so she can see it. I don’t unleash the blade, I just need her to see it and know that it’s there.

“Little miss black belt bullshitter. When you leave this bathroom, you’re going to apologize to Nok. You’re going to start telling the truth about what you did to clear his name.” I whisper the last part for added effect and so the voice recorder doesn’t catch it. “This right here is child’s play in comparison to some of the shit I’ve done. Do you understand?”

“Please,” she begs, sobbing. “It’s over for him now. It’s done. I’ll be persecuted.”

“You mean like he was and is?”

“Hardly, he got to stay in school.”

This bitch. “Are you fucking deluded? You almost ruined his life!”

“I know. I’m sorry. But admitting it won’t change anything.”

I release the blade, unable to control my shaking rage, and she shrieks with panic and fright. I can feel her trembling, worse than jelly in an earthquake. If I wasn’t holding her up, she’d be a puddle on the tiled floor beneath my feet where she fucking belongs.

“For every word you say to argue from this point, I’ll carve a line into your neck. Do you understand?”

She nods, pressing her lips together as her breath comes out in staggered gasps.

“You’re going to tell the truth, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she sniffles, her breathing uncontrollable now.

I put my booted foot on the toilet rim and tuck the knife away. “Good girl. Let’s keep this between you and me, huh? Your word against mine after all and I’m the one with nothing to lose when I creep into your room at night and cut your face from ear to ear.”

“You’re a psycho,” she whimpers.

“At least I’m an honest psycho. I don’t just ruin people’s lives because they rejected me.” I throw her face-first into the side of the stall, leaving her dazed and crying. Then I wash my hands at the sink, put my phone away and zip up my bag. “Good talk, Barbie. We should do this more often.”

I exit with a skip in my step and adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

That felt so good.

I hang back, hiding out, waiting to see what Barbie does. She exits the bathroom with puffy eyes, messed-up blonde hair, and slumped shoulders. I expect her to go straight to Principal Cooper, but she veers in the direction of the cafeteria. She hesitates at the doors and Tish follows hot on her heels, asking her what’s wrong. But when she turns to look at Tish, she spies me, and there’s genuine fear in her eyes.

It almost makes me orgasm. Fuck me. That’s amazing. I love it. I live for this.

I keep close watch as I enter through the other doors and sit back with Loki while she actually approaches Nok who tensed the second he saw her coming his way.

His arms fold across his chest as she speaks, and I shush Loki while I concentrate.

Barbie breaks down and starts sobbing but all Nok’s friends are glaring at her. One of them says something to her that makes her cry harder.

And then Nok, who looks perplexed by the entire thing, looks up and finds me.

I smirk at him and lean back on my chair just as Barbie runs away crying, leaving Tish to stare after her with a gaping mouth.

I see Tish look at Nok and mouth something that looks like an apology, before she moves to a group of girls looking pasty faced and horrified.

Nok strides towards me, his boys behind him. He stops at my toes as I lean back casually against the table edge. He sees my arm, sees the bloody half-moon grooves in my wrist and gently touches them with the tip of his fingers.

“What’s going on?” Loki asks quietly.

Nok, with his sparkling acorn eyes on me, grabs the front of my black T-shirt that says in bright yellow letters,

“If I don’t say it with my lips, you’ll see it in my eyes.”

I got changed just in case I got blood on my school shirt. I’ll change again before class.

He yanks me from the bench, and everybody stills. It was an aggressive move to an outsider. It was a pleasant one to me.