He'd been racking his mind for a way to win her affections. He'd never told her she was his mate--she'd taken his explanation of demon matehood . . . poorly--but perhaps 'twas time to confess all?

Or mayhap he should try seduction? As a handsome prince of hell, he had scant experience coaxing a female to bed--he'd always been plagued with females pursuing him--but how difficult could it be?

Kari would become fully immortal soon and must be needing a male's touch to see her through this time of transition. After he claimed her and they shared that pleasure, she would never doubt they were fated to be together.

He told her, "I myself would be deeply aggrieved if we were parted. Which is why you're coming with me to Pandemonia."

She sighed. "Oh, am I?"

He drew her closer. "You will be mine, Kari. For all time. I will never be separated from you."

She rolled her eyes. "You are infatuated with me, young demon. It will pass once you return home and surround yourself with fawning demonesses."

"What I feel for you is no mere infatuation."

With a challenge in her gaze, she demanded, "What aside from my looks draws you?"

"You are the cleverest female--nay, the cleverest being I have ever known. You can't be bothered to read or study, but you make fools of all the elven courtiers who live by their considerable wits. You are merry whenever you allow yourself to let down your guard with me." She loved hearing about Pandemonian legends of old, would grow relaxed as he spun tales. "And you are fiercely protective of those you love." Her snobbish family. "If I could but earn that fierce love for myself."

Casting him a soft look that made his heart punch his chest, she murmured, "You are the first male ever to answer that question adequately." Yet then she tensed once more, and her tone turned flippant. "Clearly we are meant to be together."

Was she jesting? "Why do you play games with me, little female?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You burn hot and cold."

He thought he spied a flicker of something like . . . scheming in her dual-colored eyes. Gone so quickly. "I burn hot, my darling, then realize you do not return the tender regard I feel for you."

"I am mad for you!"

Her gaze darted at his outburst. Dancers nearby glared at him.

He glanced over her shoulder. Her parents looked on with distaste, as usual.

In a lower tone, he asked, "Can you truly not know of my feelings?" He hadn't bothered hiding them. He'd sneaked into her room to leave her gifts, and he'd danced with her at all of these ridiculous balls she adored. He'd even written bloody poems to her!

"Then why do you not trust me?" She sounded sad. "You tell me tales of old about Pandemonia, but never anything about your kind. You want to take me to your dimension, but how can I go there to be with you when you refuse to reveal details about it?" She gazed away, tears welling.

He had not thought of these things! Of course she would be nervous about living in a new world.

Out of loyalty to his kind, he'd withheld information. But if he could win this female, she would become his kind.

The dance ended. "I will tell you anything you want to know, Kari." He curled his finger under her chin, lifting her face. "Anything at all." Yes, Sian had been racking his mind for a way to win her affections; he decided on seduction. "For a kiss."

Her eyes widened. "You are overbold, demon."

"Steal away with me, and give me a single kiss."

She worried her bottom lip, then whispered, "When the clock tower strikes three, meet me beside the lake."

Anticipation made him nigh light-headed. Somehow he forced himself to release her. "With pleasure."

Millennia later, Sian watched her spinning, seeming lost in thought herself.

He conjured her silk shift, bringing it to his face. As he inhaled her scent, his member shot hard as stone.

He considered calling for one of his royal concubines, but he couldn't drag his gaze from the mirror.

Over all these long ages, he'd known countless females, purging himself of his need for his mate. But he had always wondered what his fated female would look like unclothed, trembling beneath him--

She tugged up her bra again, which pulled the material taut over her pert breasts and stiffened nipples.

He growled in response. How many times had he imagined what shade those peaks would be? And if she'd moan to have them sucked?

How many times had he come, teeth gritted with frustration because he was squeezing his cock instead of kneading those mounds of creamy flesh?

Frustration now; frustration then. Wondering if he'd ever be free of it, he recalled their meeting by the lake. . . .

Arriving an hour early, he'd paced the water's edge as he awaited her.

The little witch had danced the rest of the ball with that king. As the pair had glided over the dancefloor, everyone murmured about how perfect they looked together. Kari had gazed up at the male with a besotted expression.

Sian's fists had clenched until he'd realized her game. She was meeting him, which meant she wanted him, which meant she was only trying to make her demon jealous.

It was working!

He stilled when he scented her approaching down the woodland path to the water.

She wore a dark cloak, drawing back the hood as she neared. "I cannot believe I agreed to meet you."

Flashing a cocky grin, he wasted no time closing in on her. "Perhaps I am not the only one keen for a kiss."

She took a step back. "I want you to tell me of your kind, and then I shall kiss you."

He stalked closer, backing her up against a tree. "A kiss should always come first." His shaft was already hardening.

She craned her head up. "What are you doing, Abyssian? Stop being silly." With her spellbinding eyes locked on his mouth, she wetted her full lips.

Her gaze rose to his horns. Smooth and black, they curved back from his temples. He was proud of them. A demon's horns were used for fighting--but they also brought sexual pleasure. She would learn to love them, to caress the sensitive lengths for him.

When they straightened even more as she stared, her ears flattened against her head. Anxious? Did she find his most demonic feature distasteful?

No, she couldn't. Fate would never have paired them. He cupped her face. "Princess, you are my mate."

Sian unlaced his pants and freed his cock. In his hell-change, the flesh had become pierced as if he were a demon of old--yet another part of himself rendered unfamiliar.

He dismissed the idea of a concubine, wanting nothing to distract him from this memory, one he'd replayed infinite times. With his mate near, his recollection was even more vivid. . . .

"Yours? You do not mean . . ."

"You are the only one I will love, the only one who can rid me of my demon seal, so I can give you younglings." He grasp

ed her arms, drawing her closer. Her trembling body yielded to his so sweetly, her soft breasts pressing against him. "Kari," he rasped. "I plead: let me take your lips, as I've dreamed about."

Those lips parted in surprise.

Sian desired her no less now than he did then: desperately. He wrapped her shift around his member, and all of a sudden he was sixteen again, his body stricken with lust for her. Would this craving never end?

His breaths were ragged. Moisture beaded the head of his cock, the closest he'd ever gotten to producing seed. Oh, yes, she is mine.

Though he wasn't physiologically able to ejaculate, he knew he was about to orgasm harder than he had since his time in Sylvan, when he would come with her scent fresh in his mind. . . .

Savoring the feel of her against him, he said, "Fate gave you to me." As he gazed down at her heartbreakingly lovely face, his chest tightened. He felt connected to her--as if he'd been awaiting her from his first breath. Nothing else mattered but her. "I know you want me too." He leaned down, and his mouth covered hers.

She parted her lips for him! When their tongues touched, pinpoints of light exploded behind his lids. Her kiss was like a lightning strike combined with a wave crashing over him.

Electrifying, sending him off balance.

Or righting his balance for the very first time.

He groaned with bliss. This is the way of it. Of matehood. He finally understood.

Sian didn't cherish her because he desired her; he desired her because he cherished her.

When he deepened their soul-shattering kiss, she gasped against his lips. Her innocent surprise would have stolen his heart had he not already given it to her.

At the memory, Sian began to culminate. His heels dug into the mattress, his fist flying up and down his shaft. His wings contracted, then flared.

His lungs emptied on a bellow, so loud his tower rocked. The mirror cracked. Volcanoes all over his lands erupted with each pulse of his cock as the pleasure went on and on. . . .

With a last shudder of his wings, he sprawled across the bed, catching his breath. Tension melted from him. He felt like he floated, like he'd been drugged.

He'd just come harder than he had as an adult male.

Now that his lusts had been slaked, his hatred returned. Their one kiss had lasted only a brief time because she'd drawn back to tell him, "The Draiksulian king trusts me; perhaps I should save my kisses for him."