Miller was still talking as he put a pink pill on the table and started crushing it with the back of his spoon before using a rolled-up dollar bill to snort the powder up his nose.

Finn looked unaffected by his behavior, like he’d seen it a thousand times before, while the look on Josh’s face was that of disapproval and annoyance as she glared down at Miller who was snorting lines off the table.

“What?” Miller asked when he noticed Josh was watching him.

Finn chuckled and squeezed my knee.

She waved a hand over the powder on the table.

“Oh that?” Miller asked. “It’s just Ritalin. It’s for my ADHD,” he nodded at his own statement and snorted another line with his eyes defiantly glued to Josh’s.

Josh snatched the pill bottle from Miller’s pocket. She tapped a nail against the label. “Oh yeah, it says right here to crush three tablets twice a day and snort with food,” she said sarcastically. “Can you at least pretend you have respect for the fact that I’m a cop.”

“Yes, as soon as you can show some respect for my chosen profession,” Miller said, with his powder covered nose in the air.

“Your profession?” Josh questioned.

“Yes, well, one of them anyway.”

“Drug dealer?” Josh chimed in. “You mean that one?”

“I like to consider myself more of a sommelier of narcotics.” He sniffled

. “I don’t see you giving Finn shit about smoking weed.”

“Because it’s WEED you moron. It’s legal in some states. And please. Remember one thing, I’m giving you SHIT about it. I’m not arresting you for it.”

“Well, that is a good thing because…” Miller started.

“YET,” she interrupted, pinning him to the back of his chair with her hardened glare.

“You wouldn’t,” Miller whispered dramatically, drawing out the words slowly as he leaned away from Josh.

“Try me.”

I pressed my lips together so I wouldn’t laugh.

“If you arrest me I’ll take that to mean we aren’t getting married and having babies,” Miller said.

“You talk a big game, but you do realize you’ve never so much as asked me out,” Josh announced suddenly, stunning everyone at the table including Miller who looked downright offended.

“I have too!” Miller argued.

Josh rolled her eyes. “Oh please, inviting me for tacos, tequila, and anal isn’t asking me out.”

Miller’s jaw dropped. He held a hand over his chest. “I think it sounds like a perfectly romantic way to spend an evening. You’re just too picky.”

“Maybe I am,” she shrugged.

“Well then maybe you should just stick with pussy,” Miller groaned.

Josh stood from the chair and narrowed her gaze at him, holding her stare until he looked up and jumped when he found her standing directly above him. “What?” he asked, shifting in his chair.

“Maybe you should stop BEING a pussy,” Josh spat. And with that, she was gone, across the clearing, heading for Finn’s shack.

Miller looked back and forth between Finn and then me. “What the fuck just happened?” Miller asked.

“I think you just got rejected. AGAIN,” Finn said, cracking open a beer.

“Fuccckkkk…I already offered tacos, sushi, and anal. What else is there?” Miller asked dropping his head to his hands.

“No, that’s not it at all. She didn’t reject you,” I interjected.

“She didn’t?” both Miller and Finn asked at the same time.

I shook my head. “Nope.”

“Then…what DID happen?” Miller asked. Both him and Finn leaned forward in their chairs.

I took a sip of my beer and smiled. “I think she just told you to bring your A game.”

Miller growled something inaudible and followed Josh over to Finn’s cabin.

“Thank you for all this,” I said, once we were alone. “You didn’t have to buy me a house just to get me to like you. I liked you right from the beginning, even when I thought I didn’t.”

“I didn’t do it to get you to like me. I did it because I wanted to make you happy. I wanted to make you feel good,” Finn said.


“Because,” he turned his chair toward mine so our knees were touching. “I’ve learned that when I make you feel good it makes me feel good too.”

I swallowed hard. “It does?”

“In fact, I’ll show you…”

He leaned in. Our lips were only a hair’s breadth apart when a bang broke through the space between us and echoed across the clearing.

“Was that…a gunshot?” I called out to Finn who was already racing across to the shack.

“Stay behind me,” he ordered as I followed him.

Finn cast me a worried side glance as we reached the porch of the shack. “I sure as hell hope not.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“Ho-lee shit,” Finn said suddenly. Stopping so abruptly I ran right into his back as he gazed through the screen door without making a move to step inside.

“What?” I asked, curious as to what had gotten his attention. I stepped in front of him and the scene in the kitchen had me gasping. “Ho-lee shit,” I repeated Finn’s earlier sentiment in a whisper. He covered my mouth with his big palm although I think I could’ve shouted and the two people in the kitchen wouldn’t have heard me, their attentions fixated solely on one another.

Finn chuckled softly. “I knew it,” he muttered. He pulled me to the side of the house out of view. However, when I turned back around I could still see Miller and Josh clearly through a crack in the siding. They were stark naked. Josh’s back was against the kitchen counter, her head tilted back, her lips parted in excess. Miller stood between her spread thighs relentlessly pounding himself into her. His butt muscles clenched with each rhythmic thrust.

“We probably shouldn’t be watching this,” I whispered, unable to pull my eyes away. I took a step back directly into Finn’s hard chest.

Instead of stepping back and giving me room to flee Finn surprised me by placing his hands on my shoulders and walking me right up to the living room window where we now had front row seats to the sexiest show I’d ever seen.

I swallowed hard and gasped when Finn wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me back against him. “Do you like what you see?” he asked, his voice low and hoarse. His hands wrapped loosely around my throat.

“I…I’m not sure,” I answered breathlessly, confused by my reaction to both flee and watch. “I hate the fact that my first reaction to this was hearing my father’s voice in my head telling me that what they’re doing is shameful. That my body is shameful.”

Finn tensed. “Say, sex is not shameful. It’s two people wanting to make each other feel good. To give them pleasure. And I will tell you right fucking now that there isn’t a thing about YOU that is shameful. You’re beautiful, and feminine, and soft, and your body is something to be proud of, to enjoy.” He ran his hand down my side, heating my skin everywhere he touched.

I shivered.

“Sex, making love, fucking, whatever you want to call it. It’s normal. Natural.” Finn glanced back inside. “Well, other than it being Miller and Josh doing it. There is nothing normal when it comes to those two,” he joked, his breath hot against my ear.

Finn moved my hair off my shoulder and pressed his lips against my neck. He trailed his lips from the base of my neck right behind my ear and I felt myself pushing back against him. He bit down on my skin between my neck and shoulder. I moaned when the sensation sent a shot of pleasure between my legs. Finn responded by grasping me tighter against him.