With those words, he toyed with the outer lips of my sex, strumming them like guitar strings, just as a wall of rain appeared in the near distance. I wriggled in his grasp unsure of where to go or what to do as it grew closer and closer.

“Look at it, Say,” Finn demanded, turning my chin toward the incoming rain as he rotated his fingers in varying stages of slow and fast with no discernable rhythm leaving me wanting for more and wondering what was coming next.

I did what Finn said. I looked at it with new eyes. As something wondrous instead of something evil. Something here to help, not hurt. As the wall of water approached I found myself almost in awe of it. “It’s beautiful.”

“It really is,” Finn said, pulling his fingers from my panties abruptly, turning me around to face him.

“The most beautiful,” he said, looking into my eyes and licking my wetness off his fingers. He lowered his lips to mine and once again, his hand found its way up my shirt and into my panties.

As the first drops of rain fell, the tension and fear about the storm melted away and the tension of passion and desire grew and grew until I didn’t think I could take anymore.

“You’re close. I can feel it,” Finn growled. “Face it. Face the storm when you come.” He spun me around again and resumed stroking me. Faster and faster. “Tell it you’re not afraid of it,” he demanded.

“No, I can’t.” And I didn’t know if it was because of what he was doing to me or because although I could find the water beautiful, I couldn’t quite let go of the fear.

“Come on, I thought you were fearless,” Finn prodded.

“I never said that. Actually, I’ve said the opposite. Pretty much everything scares me,” I responded, tossing my head back as he increased the pressure between my legs.

“Finn, I don’t know what you’re doing. I don’t know…”

“You don’t have to know what I’m doing,” Finn said, “because I do.”

Finn pressed the heel of his hand against my clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

When my body tensed and I felt like something was about to happen he eased up, leaving me wanting and gasping.

“All you have to do is tell the storm you’re not afraid,” he nipped the edge of my ear, “and I’ll give you what you want.”

I couldn’t even pretend to be unaffected by him. His touch, his words. His insistence in trying to cure me of one of my biggest fears.

I rocked back against his hand. “I’m not afraid of you,” I said, although as the darkest part of the clouds grew closer I did feel my pulse start to quicken and my body stiffen. “There, I did it.”

Finn paused his movement all together and I almost growled out of frustration. “Louder, much louder,” Finn said, starting his torturous stroke over my sex once again.

“I am NOT afraid of you!” I yelled. The intensity of the buildup was almost too much to bear. I needed a release. I needed Finn.

“Louder!” Finn yelled. He picked up the pace and pressed his erection firmly against the crack between my butt cheeks.

“I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUUUUUUU!!!!!” I yelled with all my might, bucking back against him.

I expected Finn to comment, or at least laugh at how loud I was, but he again paused his fingers but didn’t withdraw. I glanced over my shoulder to find him watching me with his eyes hooded and his pupils large and dark.

“Are you afraid of ME?” Finn asked softly, rocking his hips against me. The rain came in, washing out everything around us, there was no more road. No more trees. Just me and him and this fire blazing between us that not even the rain couldn’t put out.

I could only manage to shake my head.

“Really?” Finn leaned over me, rocking against me. “Because you scare the shit out of me.”

Lightning lit up the early morning sky and thunder bellowed and shook the gravel under my feet.

And for once…I wasn’t afraid.

Finn pressed the pad of his thumb down hard on the very spot that was throbbing for him. As the next roll of thunder roared through the air so did I.

My body released what it had been holding on to in a flush of pleasure that came in spurts, one more blissful than the next. The scream that tore from my mouth rivaled the thunder itself.

I was no longer skin and flesh and bones. I was only feeling and sensation and pleasure coursing through my body over and over again, wringing every last muscle of its power until I collapsed against Finn who held me up so I wouldn’t fall.

But it was too late.

I’d already fallen.

Chapter Thirty-One


“You are by far one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen,” I said to Josh.

It had been a few days since Finn took me out to face the storm and cure my fear. Now, it was my turn to help cure him of one of his.

Finn was aware of my plans.

Josh was not.

“Don’t blow smoke up my ass.” Josh turned to admire herself in the mirror.

“I’m not,” I argued from my perch at the corner of my bed. “My upbringing taught me some things I now know aren’t true, but it also taught me to always be honest. And honestly, when I first saw you, I couldn’t stop staring. I’d never seen anyone like you.”

“You mean a black person?” Josh adjusted one of her earrings and smiled at me over her shoulder.

“No, I mean someone who can be both…feminine and masculine. So strong and sturdy, but so graceful and…and pretty. A foul mouth filled with words of wisdom,” I said, folding my hands on my lap and hoping that she wasn’t offended by my explanation.

“Girl, you best stop talking or we won’t even need to go out because I’m just gonna stay here and fall in love with you.” We both laughed.

Josh turned back to the mirror. “I do look damned good, don’t I?” She winked at her reflection in the full-length mirror behind my bedroom door and doing a full turn so she could inspect her ass over her shoulder. She wiggled so I could see the full effect of the tight dress surrounding it.

I dropped my head into my hands.

“What? You think it’s too short?” she asked smoothing down the side of her dress with her hands. It was the first time she’d ever shown even the slightest crack in her wall of confidence.

“No, it’s perfect. Miller is going to love it.”

“This isn’t for him,” she said to my reflection in the mirror. “I just want to look nice.”

“Sure it’s not.”

“Why all the moaning and groaning over there?” she asked, wrinkling her nose and applying another coat of shiny lip gloss. “You should be getting ready.”

“Because it would take me renting out someone else’s body to look like that. Seriously, you make things very unfair for the rest of us.” I hesitated when she shifted her dress up her thigh to adjust the gun holster beneath. “And also, I’m slightly terrified of you.”

“Only slightly?” Josh said. “I’m losing my touch. And you’re so full of shit.

Here, put this on.” She opened her purse and pulled