Griff isclose to finding Frank. Soon, revenge will be mine. I’m in shock that Griff got a hit on Frank. I was beginning to believe Frankie when she said her old man wouldn’t materialize no matter what we threatened him with.

But it was hard to focus on revenge after that shit-storm on the couch and the text from Griff. I find myself needing a release like a snake bite victim needs anti-venom. I’m dying, or I’m already dead, because visions of Frankie gyrating her hot pussy up and down my lap are all I can see. Even hard physical labor of replacing Zelda’s fence posts didn’t tire me out enough to stop my imagination from running wild with what could’ve happened. What I’d wanted to happen.

What Frankie wanted to happen.

After taking Frankie back from Zelda’s, I spend half of the night in the same bed with her trying to pretend this thing between us isn’t a thing. It’s better that way. I promised I’d deliver her to Griff. That was the deal. I can’t go back on my word when Griff was the one who gave me the Frank Helburn lead to begin with.

Frankie’s asleep. Her warm body just inches from mine. The covers slip, and I’m staring at a perfect pink nipple on a made-for-my-mouth pale creamy tit.

I’m rock fucking hard. I salivate, imagining my tongue lapping against her nipple. Sucking it. Making her moan as it peaks in my mouth. Imagining her wet and ready for me to take her any fucking way I goddamned please.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. I’m a grown fucking man, and I’m drooling.