I was thrown from her body, which I was using as the most comfortable pillow I’d ever had the pleasure of sleeping on, falling ungracefully to the floor in a flailing pile of my own naked limbs. “You want it rough, baby you got it,” I mumbled, still half asleep.

“What?” Dre asked.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into my woman’s beautiful dark gaze, which looked very confused. “What exactly is going on? You trying to beat me up in my sleep? ‘Cause that hardly seems fair,” I said groggily, rubbing my eyes and appreciating the fact that Dre was crouched on the floor naked, her pert little ass in the air, still covered in streaks of blood which were now dry. A beautiful reminder of how we’d spent our time before passing out from exhaustion.

“I think someone’s firing out there,” Dre whispered, crouching down behind the bed next to me. A familiar boom came from outside the window. “See! That sound. There it is again.”

“Nobody’s firing at us,” I said, pulling my woman across my lap. I stood up, dragged her up with me. I positioned her so she could see out of the window down to the driveway below where the very old brown beater I expected to see came rolling up the driveway. The booming sounded again, this time a small poof of fire and smoke from the exhaust pipe accompanied it.

Dre’s shoulders instantly relaxed. “Who is that?” she asked, standing on her tiptoes to get a better look.

I stood behind her admiring her ass and shapely legs. Realizing I hadn’t answered her she went to turn around to face me, but I pinned her in place, wrapping my arms around her waist and settling my chin on her shoulder. I pointed to the driver’s side door, which had just opened. “That,” I said. “Is called a piece of shit car.” Kevin got out and lit a cigarette. “And that, as you already know, is my little brother.”

“Why is he here?”

“I called him. He’s been hinting about wanting to work for me,” I told her. “So I told him to meet me here.”

Dre turned in my arms and raised her eyebrow at me.

“There’s no better time than the present to figure out if your family is out to kill your wife,” I explained. “Might as well get it over with now.”

Before we get too close.

“So, what exactly do you plan on doing?” Dre asked like she knew there had to be more to the story. And she was very right. There was. She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her nose into my chest. My cock, all too aware of her naked thighs lightly brushing against him, began to jump to attention.

Dre looked down between us to my fully hard cock. She licked her lips and shot me a questioning look. “Don’t blame me. When you walk by the family dog and pat him behind the ears he’s going to lift his head for attention.”

Dre laughed followed by a squeal when I bent over and picked her up by the waist, tossing her back onto the bed. Her tits bounced as she settled into the pillows. I crawled up onto the bed and in one quick motion flipped her onto her stomach. I ran my hand down her back to the crack of her ass and back up again.

“So,” she said, her cheeks reddening when I dipped my fingers even lower into the crease. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“What question?” I asked, focused on her glistening pussy, already wet for me.

“Kevin. You want to learn more about him. You invited him here. I asked you what exactly you planned on doing with him,” she finished. I smacked her ass cheek and she dropped her head, groaning into the pillow.

“Kevin wants in on the family business,” I said, tracing the red mark I’d just made on her perfect ass. She glanced over her shoulder and I flashed her a sly smile. “So I’m gonna show him the family business.”

I pushed her thighs apart with my knee and fisted my cock, pushing into her tight wet heat. “But Kevin can wait,” I groaned, my eyes practically crossing at how good her pussy felt wrapped around me. “There’s something else I have to do first.”

“Oh yeah?” she asked, pushing back against me. I could practically feel her smile in her voice. “What would that be?”

I thrust hard, pushing my hips forward until I was buried inside of her magical pussy as deep as her body would allow. “You.”


A half an hour later I emerged from the house and gave running high-fives to The LAWLESS MC bikers standing guard on each side of the doorway. I hopped down the porch steps three at a time to meet Kevin.

“You’ve got blood on your neck,” Kevin pointed out.

I shrugged and made no point to wipe it off. My inner schoolboy was dying to divulge every single detail of the fuck-fest Dre and I had ourselves that morning to Kevin. However, my inner adult, which I didn’t know I had until recently, quickly reminded me that Dre was my wife. A feeling of possession like I’d never known took over. MINE. MINE. MINE. Ran across my brain like a stock market ticker. Shouty-caps and all.

I scowled at Kevin as if he had been standing there watching us fuck or could somehow see her naked inside of my brain.

“Uh, you sure you want to do this today?” Kevin asked, shoving his hands inside the pockets of his board shorts. “I mean, after all that went down last night.”

I twirled my keys in my hand. “Listen man, life is short. Nobody knows that better than me. We gotta seize the day. Carpe the diem while we still have diem’s to carpe and all that shit.” I waved my hand around in the air. “Besides, got the bikers keeping an eye on the family, so all is good for now. We won’t be too long.” I looked up to the window on the third story and caught a curtain of shining black hair wrapped in a sheet turning away from the window.

“She’s fucking hot, dude,” Kevin said, staring up at the same empty window.

“She is,” I agreed, slapping him on the back and digging my fingers roughly into his shoulder as I led him over to Bear’s van. “Touch her and I’ll slice both your fucking hands off. Mmm...kay?”


“Leave the pieces when you goooooo,” I sang, tapping my foot to The Wreckers song in my head as Kevin and I stood outside the van in an empty field just outside of town.

“What exactly are we doing out here?” Kevin asked. “I thought you were going to take me to the granny houses. Show me the ropes. You know, how to grow and collect. That kind of thing.”

I clucked my tongue. “Oh no, dear brother. Before you become the chef you gotta wash a lot of fucking dishes.” Just then a truck hauling a trailer rounded the corner and came barreling through the center of the field, bouncing from side to side as it drove over rock and uneven earth. “You sure you still want in?”

“Yeah,” Kevin answered. “What is that?”

“The fucking dishes.”

At first glance it looked like any other truck hauling a trailer, complete with the same annoying beeping noise as it backed up into place, finally stopping when the engine was killed.

Jake Dunn, the fucking blond devil himself, hopped down from the driver’s side and rounded the back of the trailer. Ignoring our presence as he unlatched the door. I pulled Kevin aside to avoid being hit by the falling door as it slammed down so hard onto the grass a puff of dirt ascended into the air.

“Whoa, what is all this?” Kevin asked, staring into the trailer.

Inside was an all-metal, very sterile-looking interior. Rows of sharp tools hung from hooks lining the wall. Knives, what looked like machetes, along with icepick looking things and a few hoses. A matching table sat directly in the middle, a drain on one end. A small sink was attached to the wall directly behind the driver’s seat.

I extended my arm like a Price is Right model. “This is what they call a mobile slaughterhouse, kemosabe,” I informed Kevin, lighting a cigarette. “And that fine blond gentleman is Jake. Since we are here to learn, lesson number one is don’t tell Jake he looks like he used to be in a boy band, or fell out of a Teen Beat magazine, or anything else that would make him seem less like the bad-ass motherfucker he


Jake scowled, but his blue eyes gleamed.

The guy was a walking contradiction.

I put my arm around Kevin. “Let’s change that. Lesson number one is don’t talk to Jake. Like EVER,” I said. I tipped my chin to Jake. “Morning, Sunshine!” I shouted, ignoring my own rule.

Jake grunted. “Who the fuck is this?”

“Didn’t you know? It’s bring your little brother-you-didn’t-know-about-until-recently to work day.”

Jake looked Kevin over like he hated his very existence. He probably did. Because he was Jake. No explanation needed.

“Lesson number two,” I said, passing my lighter to Kevin who lit his own smoke. I looked down to his shorts. “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”