And that thought sent her libido reeling in the wrong direction. Her nipples puckered and pressed against her silk sundress. Heat pooled between her legs, making her itch to pull up her dress and shove her hand up there.

"Give any thought to what you'd like to see today?" she asked, then nearly cringed at his direct gaze. His eyes devoured her as if he were communicating that he'd like to see her today.

No way was that going to happen. Ever. She glared at him and he grinned.

"Oh. You mean the brochure."

He was smirking, laughing at her discomfort. Dickhead.

"Yes, the brochure. What activities would you like to observe?"

"What do you suggest?" he asked.

"All the activities are interesting. I'd suggest you choose something you'd like to write about, and observe that one."

He arched a brow. "Only one?"

"I'm sorry. That's all I have time for today. But you can select several and I'll escort you to them throughout the week."

Didn't that thought just make her day? Having to watch the erotic play of her guests with Tony standing next to her the entire time. Would he want to participate in the activities? Would she be forced to watch him get naked and fuck someone? More importantly, how would she feel about it? She wished she knew the answer. Although the throbbing between her legs at the visual of watching him fuck someone gave her the answer. She'd hate it, but she'd love it, too.

"Well, let's see then," he said, dropping his gaze again to the brochure. "The Roman Orgy looks interesting."

"Fine," she said, her voice more clipped than she would have liked.

"Something wrong with that one?"

"Of course not. All our guests enjoy the orgy." Before he could interject another smartass comment, she said, "Shall we go? I have a meeting this morning."

Morgan was silent on the drive to the resort. Tony was, too. Which got her to wondering what he might be thinking about. Questions to ask her, wondering about the sexual adventure she was going to show him today, or thinking about last night?

She had to admit the more she thought about him listening to her moans and whimpers as she fucked herself, the more turned on she became. It had been so long since she'd allowed a man anywhere near her, especially someone she was sexually attracted to. Besides, she was still safe. He occupied the bedroom next to hers. He couldn't touch her, so why not indulge her fantasies a bit and enjoy the thought of him listening in?

"If you don't mind, I'll tag along for a bit today," he said as they arrived at the resort. "Maybe ask you a few questions here and there when you have a free minute."

"It's your article. Do as you wish."

During the course of her day, Morgan discovered that Tony had a lot of questions.

At least they were logical, intelligent questions. And mainly about the resort. The few times he'd touched on something she felt was a bit personal, she stopped him and he backed off.

A ploy on his part? Maybe he was trying to lull her into a false sense of security, only to pounce on her later with a barrage of personal questions.

She'd been blindsided before, and had learned her lesson well. Always stay on guard.

The day flew by, and before she knew it, the scheduled orgy adventure was about to begin. Morgan found Tony in one of the empty offices, typing on his laptop.

"You ready for the Roman Orgy?" she asked.

He looked up at her and cracked a smile. "Did the Trojans like huge, wooden horses?"

She laughed. "Let's go."

Tony followed along, having no idea what to expect. From what he'd read, anything and everything could happen at one of these adventures.

Morgan led him into the expansive round theater. Some of the participants had already begun to assemble. Toga clad men and women mingled together. Wine and fruit lay around a table in the center of the recessed room. A viewing area with chairs was positioned above the play area, as Morgan described it. She excused herself to greet the guests.

In her strapless dress, she could have been one of the participants. Her body was draped in pale blue silk which clung to her curves, outlining the luscious breasts he'd been fortunate enough to glimpse last night.

The event hadn't even started yet and his cock was already twitching. He resisted the urge to reach down and rub it.

So far today he'd discovered that Morgan Brown was one efficient, hard-working woman. She managed the resort with a firm but fair policy, doling out reprimands with positive criticism and suggestions, and handing out praise where it was warranted.

If only more bosses were like her, there'd be a lot more happy employees.

Morgan finally returned and sat on the red velvet loveseat next to him. He inhaled her scent--a combination of vanilla and woman. He would have loved to have been close to her last night when she was masturbating. He wanted to experience the smell of sex that seemed to permeate the air whenever a woman got excited. No, that wasn't quite right. He wanted to know her scent when she was aroused. If that curious mix of vanilla and female desire filled the air. Christ, he could smell her now, knew how it would be, knew it would drive him over the edge.

And last night, Morgan had been very excited. So had he.

"Tell me what happens," he asked, as the lights in the viewing area lowered. Soft music echoed throughout the room.

Morgan leaned toward him and whispered. Tony noticed she was careful not to touch him with any part of her body.

"The women in this scenario take on the subservient role, catering to the mens' every wish and desire."

"Sort of a dominant/submissive kind of thing?"

She paused before answering. "Yes."

"So, a woman has to do whatever the man wants her to do?"

"As long as she's agreeable to it, yes."

The action heated up quickly. What started out with laughter and playfulness soon turned to serious erotic business. One man pulled a woman onto his lap and peeled off her toga, slowly licking every bit of skin he exposed. Another forced a woman onto her knees and lifted his robe. The woman leaned over his swollen penis and plunged her mouth down on it, eliciting the man's loud groan.

There was so much activity Tony didn't know where to focus his gaze. One on one, two women on one man, two women doing each other--hell, there was a pleasure palace right before his eyes. Anything you wanted could be had here.

The customers seemed more than satisfied, too. Morgan Brown had discovered a gold mine.

When he turned to her, her gaze was focused on the stage. Her hands were clasped on the railing in front of their chair, her fingers gripping the iron bars so tight her knuckles were white.

Was she terrified or turned on? He couldn't tell.

"Are you all right?" he asked, following her line of vision to a woman who'd been thrown over a man's knee.

"Fine," she said tightly.

He still couldn't tell if that meant good or bad. Her gaze was riveted on that certain couple. The woman's ass cheeks were bright red, the man's handprints clearly visible on her pale skin. With every loud smack of his palm against her buttocks, the woman bucked up and squealed in delight. After a few minutes of spanking, the man pulled the woman upright and impaled her on his thick shaft.

Tony turned to Morgan again, leaning back a bit so she couldn't see he was looking at her. Not that she'd have noticed anyway. It was almost like she was in a trance. For the life of him, he had no idea whether she found the orgy erotic or frightening.

But then, as he focused his attention on her instead of the action on the stage, it became clear. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly with her panting breaths, her nipples hard and outlined against the straining silk. Oh, she was trying to hide her reaction from him, he could tell. But she couldn't hide the rapid breaths, her mouth half open as she sucked in air to fuel her excitement.

The scent of her sexual desire was so fucking arousing it made him ache.

His penis, already hard, slammed against his shorts. He wanted to take it ou

t and stroke it in front of her. How would she react to that? She was so entranced by the glistening, sweaty bodies lustily fucking and sucking in front of her that he wasn't certain she'd even notice.

Those bodies below hadn't hardened him half as quickly as the sight of an aroused Morgan had.

And he did owe her one. After all, he'd watched her caress herself to orgasm last night. It seemed appropriate that she watch him now.

Fuck it. He was horny. The other people in the viewing area were either jacking off, sucking and licking each other, or fucking while watching the show. Besides, he needed Morgan's reaction. For some reason it mattered to him.

He quickly slipped his shorts down and his cock sprung up. His balls were already tight against his body, filling with come. He knew this one would be good.

He fit his hand around the shaft and squeezed, closing his eyes for a second as he stroked the length.

It didn't take her long. Morgan's head slowly turned in his direction, her gaze captivated by his straining cock.

She looked from his penis to his face, her eyes widening, her lips parted, her breathing scattered with short pants.

And she didn't say a word. She didn't object, didn't run out, didn't turn her gaze away. She focused on his shaft as if he were the only person in the room.

Which made him hotter than ever. He wanted to put on a show for her like she did for him last night. Even if she didn't know that she had.

Her eyes worshiped his shaft, slowly traveling the length of him. He spread his legs and lifted his hips to give her a better view. Hell, he'd give her anything she wanted if she'd touch him, suck him, fuck him.

But somehow, he knew she wouldn't. Just as he knew what he was doing gave her pleasure. So he was bound and determined to give her all the pleasure she could stand.

"Do you like to watch?"

She nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes."

"Does it excite you?"

She swallowed and nodded. Then she opened her mouth to say something more, but closed it right away. She'd wanted to say something further, but what?