With a renewed resolve to toughen up, she threw open the door of the bedroom and sought him out.

There he was again, just like the day before--bare-chested, wearing shorts, and reading the paper out on the balcony. She sighed and grabbed a cup of coffee, poured in a touch of cream and flounced outside, determined to be cool, casual and unaffected.

"Morning," she said brightly.

He dropped one side of the paper and peered up at her warily. "Mornin'."

"Sleep well?" She sat and picked up a section of the newspaper, all but ignoring him.

"Fine," he grumbled.

She smiled behind the newspaper. Evidently he didn't sleep either.

"I slept like the dead. As soon as I went to my room I laid down and, boom, that was it."

"How nice for you."

Suppressing a giggle, she sipped her coffee silently.

"What's on tap for today?" he asked.

"Everything Oral," she stated matter-of-factly, despite the tingling between her legs at the thought of getting her mouth on that fine cock of his.

He didn't respond. Just grumbled.

"Feel like begging off?" she asked.

He pulled the paper away from her face, his mouth set in a grim line. "You got someone else picked out to suck on today?"

Men were so dense sometimes. "No. Just didn't want to force you to participate if you didn't want to."

"I can participate just fine."

"Fine, then."


That went well. He sure had a bug up his ass this morning. Cranky from lack of sleep, or regrets that he'd gotten involved in these escapades with her in the first place?

Yesterday he'd seemed fine about the whole thing, eager even. And he'd clearly enjoyed the Voyeurism Venture.

Last night, he'd been the one to initiate that kiss and what followed, and he'd been the one to stop it abruptly. So whatever bothered him, it was about him, not her. She wasn't going to spend another minute of time worrying about what crawled up his ass. When the time came for them to play, they'd play. When it was over, they'd go their separate ways.

Safer for both of them that way.

"I'm going to grab some fruit and head out to the beach until it's time for our event."

He dropped the newspaper into his lap and stared at her as if he were looking at her for the first time. His gaze roamed over her body, making her feel naked.

She liked that feeling. Liked knowing that the two little triangles barely covered her breasts, and the thong bottom had little more than a scrap to cover her mound.

What she liked most was the way his eyes darkened and his breathing stilted.

It seemed as if he wanted to say something, but then he closed his mouth. "Have fun."

"I'll be back later." He didn't respond, so she grabbed her beach bag and headed out the door.

The beach was gorgeous. Pale sand and comfortable lounge chairs littered the pool area, just steps away from the turquoise ocean. Serena breathed in the salty sea spray and the sweet tropical flowers and smiled up at the warming sun.

The resort was completely secluded, the only habitated place on the island. Other than the various buildings, the entire place was completely private.

She spread her blanket over the cushioned chaise and lathered lotion on her body, then untied her halter strings so she wouldn't get tan lines. Not that there was much to the material, anyway. As it was, she should just tan naked. Most of the other guests were.

And some of them had seen her all but naked yesterday. So why did it matter?

Midwestern values, she supposed. And body image, like most women. She was no fashion model, that was for certain. She was simply--average. Some things she could get past, others would obviously take some time, if ever, to put by the wayside.

The sun relaxed her and after awhile she shifted over onto her stomach, feeling drowsy. Before long she felt herself drifting off. She didn't know how long she'd been out, but a voice brought her around.


She lifted her head and saw Michael sitting in the chaise next to her.

"How long have you been sitting there?" she asked, stifling a yawn.

"About a half hour. You were out cold."

She stretched to clear the sleep cobwebs from her head, retied her halter, then turned around and lifted the chair to a sitting position.

He'd brought her a glass of iced tea. "Thanks," she murmured, taking a giant swallow. The sun was hot today, and the cool liquid sliding down her throat was a welcome relief.

Something else sliding down her throat later would be even better, she thought, eyeing Michael.

"Want to take a dip in the ocean?" he asked, putting the book in his lap on the table between them.

"Sure." A splash of cold water was exactly what she needed to bring her to a fully awake mindset. Although thinking about sucking his cock sure woke up certain parts of her quickly.

He rose and held out his hand for her. She looked at him, warmed by the first genuine smile she'd seen on his face all day. Maybe they'd both been grumpy and simply needed some distance. She definitely felt better after a little nap.

The water was cool, but not unpleasant. They waded in, hand in hand before Michael let go and dove under the surf. Serena stood in the water, waiting for him to surface.

He didn't. She turned around, feeling suddenly nervous, when suddenly she felt a tug on her ankle and she slipped under the water. She surfaced quickly--sputtering and spitting water out of her mouth. When she cleared her eyes of the stinging salt spray, she saw Michael treading in front of her, a boyish grin on his face.

"Jerk," she said, but couldn't hold back the smile.

"Couldn't help it," he said. "You were an easy target."

They swam out a distance to a floating dock and jumped out to sit and catch their breath, leaving their feet dangling in the water.

Being with Michael felt nice. Perfect. They sat comfortably together, their hips and shoulders touching.

"I was grouchy this morning. Sorry," he finally said.

"Me too. Don't worry about it. Neither of us has gotten much sleep since we got here."

He arched a brow. "I thought you said you went right to sleep last night."

She felt her face heat, and knew it wasn't from the sun. "I lied."

He laughed and pushed her wet hair out of her eyes. His gaze lingered, as did his hand against her cheek.

Please, plea

se kiss me. She needed to feel that closeness with him, that bonding of lips against lips, the most intimate of the sexual acts they'd share this week. His mouth was heaven...soft and romantic, leaving her breathless with desire. Bring me to life, Michael. I only have one week. I need you.

She didn't care that it meant nothing, that it wouldn't be personal or romantic. She simply needed it.

He must have read her mind, because he cupped his hand behind her neck and pulled her face towards his, pressing a salty kiss to her lips. She sighed and breathed in the scent of him, so masculine and powerful like the sea surrounding her. His tongue lightly tangled with hers and her mind drifted to an image of the two of them on the dock, stripped naked with him poised above her, driving his big cock between her wide spread legs.

They could go at it right here, right now, and no one would think anything of it. But then again, it wouldn't be within the confines of their scheduled activities, and that's where their sex games should stay.

More impersonal that way. She couldn't help the desire to get more personal with him right now.

"It's almost time," he whispered after he pulled back from the kiss.

His voice broke the spell of fantasy she weaved, brought her back to the reality of being with him again--intimately, erotically. "I know."

"I've wanted to taste you. Been thinking about it a lot."

Visions of their bodies entangled, their mouths sucking and licking anywhere and everywhere they desired, flew through her mind. "I've wanted to suck your cock, Michael. I want that sweet taste of you in my mouth again. You know I only had a slight little flavor of you cross my lips yesterday."

"Yes, same for me. That one little taste of your sweet pussy left me hungry for more. I'm going to make you come today, Serena, with my tongue. Over and over and over again.

She sucked in a breath, suddenly unable to think about anything except the promise in Michael's deep blue eyes.

His gaze swept over her body--everywhere his eyes touched a caress against her heated skin. "You ready?"

She nodded, and they swam back to shore. Serena raced upstairs and jumped in the shower. She dried her hair, put on a little makeup, then chose her outfit for the adventure.

She smiled, thinking about Michael undressing her, revealing her skin bit by bit, his mouth licking and biting every part of her. And then she'd do the same to him. Dampness pooled between her thighs and her libido fired up hot and ready.