She'd bet he knew exactly what to do with a woman. Even more so than before, her excitement level grew in anticipation of the wild week ahead of her. Gone was mousy and plain Professor Graham. In her place, Sexy Siren Serena had materialized.

At least for the next week.

Michael led the way toward the throng of people already assembled in the resort lobby. Tropical flowers in tall urns decorated every corner of the dimly lit room. A huge bar sat against one wall, and the open deck on the ocean side blew a fragrant evening breeze inside the nearly packed room. Rattan tables and chairs circled the room, with plenty of space left over for standing and mingling.

The party was in full swing. People with drinks in hand were laughing and talking loudly. Hopeful and disappointed expressions could be seen in every group. There was even some graphic touching of women's asses and palming of men's crotches. Serena inhaled, mentally preparing herself for an adventure the likes of which she'd only dreamed.

Michael headed to the bar to get them drinks. Serena found an unoccupied table and grabbed two chairs. She hadn't been alone for more than a minute when a good looking man approached her. In his early thirties, she'd estimate--roughly the same age as Michael. He had sandy blonde hair, brown eyes and quite a nice physique. Muscular and well built. She'd guess he was involved in athletics or sports of some kind.

"Hi," he said, sliding into the seat she'd held for Michael. "My name is Steve."

She shook the hand he offered. "Hi, Steve. I'm Serena."

"This your first time here?"

"As a matter of fact it is. Why? Do I have that first-timer look about me?"

He laughed. "Nah. I come here a lot, so I know most of the regulars already."

"Oh, I see." He seemed like a decent enough guy. And if she hadn't already finagled a week with Michael as her partner, she might have considered Steve. But as it was, she had a feeling she'd have her hands full with the man she selected.

Then again, the brochure said that swapping and multiple partners was welcomed and encouraged at the resort. Maybe for others, but she'd be happy to share some mind blowing sex with just one guy.

"So, have you partnered off with anyone yet?" he asked.

Serena nodded. "Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, here he comes now."

Steve followed Serena's gaze to Michael. She smiled, watching Michael frown as he approached the table and set down the drinks. Jealous, maybe? No, that couldn't be it. Jealousy would imply emotional attachment to her, and he'd already made his "no emotion" speech.

"Michael, this is Steve." She made the introductions, noticing the two men sizing each other up as they warily shook hands. This could be fun. She'd never had two guys vying for her before.

Michael shot her a look that she couldn't quite decipher. She couldn't tell if he was pissed off or merely curious at Steve's presence.

"So, you two have partnered off for the week?" Steve asked, vacating the chair.

Michael spoke first. "Yeah, we have."

"Interested in a three-way?"

Oh my. Serena hadn't thought of that before. Did she even want two men at once?

"No thanks," Michael countered before she could say a word.

Guess not, then.

"No harm, no foul," Steve said. "I'll go scout out some other action. You two have fun this week."

After he walked away, Michael sat and pulled his chair as close to Serena's as physically possible. He was jealous. Or something. Either way, she liked it.

"Did you want a three-way with him?" he asked, his dark blue eyes focused intently on her.

Did she want one? She shrugged. "I have no idea. I've never had one."

"Trust me. They're not all that great."

Interesting. She made a mental note to explore that conversation some other time.

"Attention everyone. Can I have your attention please?"

They turned to the makeshift dais where a gorgeous woman stood. Dressed in a flowing, tropical sarong, she was a true goddess. Her shoulder-length red hair seemed alive in the evening light, the spotlights' glow showcasing her vivid blue eyes. Her body would make any man salivate. Full, high breasts, a tiny waist and slender hips. One long, tanned leg peeked out from a high slit in the side of her sarong.

"I'm Morgan Brown, the manager of Paradise Resort. Welcome to a week of passion, excitement, and any sexual adventure you could possibly desire."

Serena shifted, feeling the rush of excitement as the week she'd scrimped and saved for was about to begin.

Morgan continued. "I'll start with laying out a few ground rules. Really, there aren't many, except to indulge your fantasies to your heart's content. The only cardinal rule the resort holds is that if you are uncomfortable in any situation, the game stops. No one will force you to do anything you do not want to do."

She paused for emphasis. "Anyone who pressures another guest or harms them in any way will be forever banned from the resort, and turned over to the local authorities. We take our guests' safety very seriously here, and as long as the fun is mutual, you may enjoy yourselves with no limit."

"Please take a moment to scan the brochure and form on the tables. Select your adventures for the week, and turn them in at the desk before you leave tonight. Tomorrow, the fun begins. Enjoy your stay at Paradise Resort, and if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me or one of the staff. "

Serena picked up the brochure, which described in great detail the different scenarios the resort offered. She supposed she'd need Michael's input, too, since he would have to share them with her.

What were his sexual tastes? Did he prefer plain sex, or something out of the ordinary? Hopefully he wouldn't want to do anything she found unpleasant.

"Let's take a look and make our choices," he suggested, his shoulder brushing against the side of her breast.

She inhaled, both anticipation and fear swirling inside her. She was about to embark on a sexual escapade with a complete stranger.

"Unless you're incredibly kinky and enjoy extreme pain, I'd prefer to avoid Sadomasochistic Palace," he said.

With a sigh of relief, Serena nodded. "I agree."

"Why don't you pick one, then I'll pick one, and if we both agree, we'll put it down for a daily activity?" he suggested.

"Good idea."

"You first."

Serena looked closely, that familiar shyness and uncertainty pounding like her rapidly beating heart. What if Michael laughed at her suggestion, or expressed shock at her choices?

Well tough. She'd plunged head first into this adventure, and the time for hesitation was over.

"How about Voyeurism Venture?" she whispered, feeling silly for the heated blush that warmed her cheeks.

Michael smiled. "You like to watch?"

"I . . . I don't know. I've never watched before, but I think I'd like to."

"I'm game if you are," he said, his voice taking on a seductively husky edge that made her nipples tingle. God, what would happen when he actually touched her, when they got naked together? Would she self combust on the spot?

Now it was Michael's turn. "How about Everything Oral?"

Wetness formed between her legs the minute her mind registered exploring tongues, mouths and all forms of oral pleasures with the man sitting next to her. She moistened her lips with her tongue, and managed a squeaky, "Yes."

He smiled and wrote it on the form.

After the first couple, suggesting them became easier. It appeared Michael had no inhibitions, because every one of her choices met with his approval, and vice versa.

She was thrilled when his choice for their final day was the Private Cove for Two. That meant no props, groups, or other people. Just the two of them--a day filled with unbridled passion in a secluded spot for two. She couldn't wait.

Her body thrummed with anticipation. She knew she wouldn't sleep a wink tonight, imagining the activities laid out for the next several days.

This was the moment she'd waited for, the one she'd craved desperately. The chance to live out her fantasies with someone who appeared to be as eager to participate as she was.

Music started up in the background and Serena nursed her drink, her stomach fluttering nervously.

"Are you gonna be able to go through with all this?" Michael asked, leaning in to whisper in her ear. His breath sailed across her cheek, and she inhaled the sweet scent of fine whisky.

She nodded. "Yes, of course. I'm looking forward to it."

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if we had a little taste of what's to come right now."

Mesmerized, she let him pull her to her feet. Right in front of everyone he slid his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Her breasts crushed against the hard wall of muscle there. And it wasn't the only place a hard wall of muscle lived. His erection pressed against her thigh.

Oh, wow. He was built quite impressively. Thoughts of his long, hard cock sliding into her core danced through her imagination, vibrant images of hot sand, blistering sunlight and sweaty bodies moistening her, readying her. Oh hell, she'd been ready for hours already.