Finally, she looked at him, her eyes as cool as he wished the weather was. "I think you're full of shit. There's not a damn thing wrong with The Rising Storm's public relations campaign."

"Afraid of a little constructive criticism? Concerned that I might come up with a better idea?"

"I'm not afraid, nor am I concerned. I simply think you have your head up your ass and haven't done your research."

"What if I've done thorough research and still think I can improve your plan? Are you so conceited about your work that you wouldn't even take a look at what I have to offer?"

Her eyes widened, then shot icy daggers across the table at him. Max remained relaxed, enjoying a battle more than anything. This was positioning of the alphas. Her against him. And he intended to come out the winner. It was just a matter of time before Shannon realized that. However, since she didn't yet know about him, he'd give her a little time to adjust before he attacked.

She looked around the table at her siblings, then shrugged. "You're here, although I didn't ask for you. I'll take a look at what you have."

He tried to prevent the grin of pure satisfaction that threatened to break out on his face, but had one hell of a time masking the triumph he felt.

Logan stood and smiled at Max. "Well, damn fine job passing the Storm test. We're not an easy bunch and speak our mind."

"I'll take an honest gut reaction over a load of bullshit any day. I don't mind a little battle every now and then. Keeps the blood moving."

Logan grinned. "You'll do just fine here."

Shannon snorted and mumbled something about arrogant assholes under her breath. She assumed he couldn't hear, but then again, she didn't know about his ultra keen senses.

The rest of them said their goodbyes, agreeing to meet later in the week after he'd had a chance to go over the plan with Shannon.

She started to walk out, but he wanted some time alone with her, and didn't want to wait. "Shannon."

She stopped, her shoulders tensing. Good, he wanted her riled up a bit. He liked her that way. She turned, arching a brow. "There's more? I thought for sure you'd shot your entire wad of insults about my work in one conversation."

"I didn't insult your work; I just said it could stand some improvements."

"You're an arrogant bastard, aren't you?"

He smiled. "So I've been told."

"On a regular basis, I assume?"

Damn she was a fireball. Just the kind of mate he needed, the kind of woman he'd want to rule beside him. Strong, capable, take no prisoners. "More often than not, yeah. But I didn't get to the position I'm in now without pissing a few people off in the process."

"You've done a fine job for your first day. I'll talk to you in the morning."

"Have dinner with me."

She opened her mouth and he knew the word "no" was going to come sailing out. But then she surprised him by asking, "Why?"

"Because I don't want you to think I'm a prick all the time." Which was true. He wanted her to know he was in charge, but not a prick.

The corners of her mouth lifted in a slight smile. "Don't shatter my illusions of you, Max. I prefer thinking you're a prick all the time."

"Well, I love to prove people wrong. Have dinner with me. I just got into town and have no idea where to eat. You wouldn't want me to sample the wrong Cajun food, would you?"

She rolled her eyes and glanced at her watch. "I'm busy."

"You have to eat."

"I already have a mother. Don't need another one."

"Where's that southern hospitality I keep hearing about?"

She let out a disgusted sigh. Ah yes, he knew that would get her. She looked him up and down, regarding him as if she wasn't sure she could trust him.

If she were smart, she'd run like hell, because he sure wasn't trustworthy where she was concerned. No way could he keep his hands to himself.

"Fine. Give me an hour to wrap things up and I'll meet you in the lobby."

Max admired the slight sway to her hips as she turned and walked out. Subtle, but definitely there. Her legs were long and shapely, and he'd wager a guess she was either a runner or a tennis player. Good. She could run with the pack easily then.

After he converted her, after he claimed her as his.

His balls tightened, his cock springing to life at the thought of making Shannon Storm his mate.

Whether she liked it or not, they shared a destiny. He was patient in some areas, not in others. Considering he was already primed and ready for sex, his patience was going to run out quickly where she was concerned.

Time to put his plan into action.

Chapter Two

Shannon paced the lobby and waited for Max, annoyed at herself for so readily agreeing to go out to dinner with him.

As if she wanted to spend time with the overbearing, conceited Yankee, anyway, let alone outside the normal business day.

She spotted him exiting the elevator at the other end of the lobby. He stopped to speak to Logan as he passed by the door to the corporate offices.

"He's hot, isn't he?"

She turned to see Kaitlyn peering around her. "He's okay."

Kaitlyn stepped in front of her, her amber eyes widening. "Then you're blind, soeur douce. He is perfection. Has to be a couple inches over six foot tall, wide shoulders, narrow hips, broad chest. And those eyes. I swear I

've never seen eyes such a mesmerizing color."

"Like I said. He's okay." And that was all she'd admit to, otherwise she'd be bound and gagged and headed to the altar within twenty-four hours. Kaitlyn was as much a matchmaker as their mother.

"He's more than okay. And clearly he's attracted to you."

Shannon crossed her arms and turned her attention toward her sister and away from Max. "Oh right. Insulting me in the first ten minutes of our meeting was a definite clue that he has the hots for me."

"He's an aggressive alpha male, Shan. You know the type. God knows we've dated plenty. Most are assholes. Max isn't like that, I can tell already."

"Uh huh. What was your first clue? His incredible charm, or the way he slammed me in front of all of you?"

"He didn't slam you at all. Appeared to me as if he was teasing you. Playfully. Even challenging you to see if you could stand up to him. I think you two would make a good match. I feel something between..."

Shannon held up her hand before Kaitlyn could utter another word. "Do not tell me he's my destiny or I swear I will let out a scream that will bring this hotel down around us."

Kaitlyn held up her hands in mock surrender. "Ohhhkay. I won't say it. But if Mom was here..."

"Mom isn't here. And Max Devlin is not my destiny. For God's sake, I haven't even known him a day. You and Mom are too quick to jump on this destiny thing."

"Worked for Aidan and Lissa."

"That was different."

"How so?"

"I don't know, just different. They were different. Hell, Kait, we all felt their connection, and close your mouth right now because I know what you're going to say. There is no connection between me and Max Devlin. Nothing. Zip. I don't feel a damn thing. So quit comparing us to Aidan and Lissa. This whole conversation is ridiculous."

"And yet you're going out to dinner with him."

"He asked me to, said he didn't know anything about where to eat. Now you know Mom would have my hide if I left a newcomer to fend for himself."

"Uh huh." Kaitlyn crossed her arms, giving Shannon her classic I'm right and you know it look.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that? Don't you have some event to plan?"