And yet, visions of her invaded his mind. In her bed, cream silk sheets caressing her body, her sable hair fanned out on her pillow. He felt her, almost as if he stood in her bedroom.

He'd never sleep tonight.


Shannon shifted, burrowing further under the covers. A thick fog covered her bedroom, revealing only the wrought iron bed upon which she lay.

A dream. Clearly she was asleep and having one of those I'm dreaming and I know it but it feels real so I'm gonna enjoy it anyway kind of dreams.

Funny how in one's dreams all senses heightened. The cool sheets rubbed against her naked breasts, her nipples tingling in response. When she shifted, satin rubbed against her sex. Her pussy tightened, heated, that familiar and sweet sense of arousal making her wish she wasn't lying alone in the middle of her bed.

The fog began to lift. Okay, so she wasn't alone in her bed.

The wolf, the one she'd seen outside the condo, lay at her feet.

"Go away," she hissed, as if the very act of saying shoo would have an impact on a wolf.

Besides, this was a dream, and in her dreams she was in control, just the way she liked her real life. It couldn't hurt her in her dream.

The wolf didn't budge. Instead, a low growl emanated from its throat as if responding to her request to leave with I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready and not a minute before.

So now what? Were they going to have a staring contest? What the hell was the damn wolf doing in her dream anyway? Why couldn't she be having fantasies of some rich, handsome movie star sneaking into her bedroom at dawn and fucking the daylights out of her?

The wolf stretched, then stood, creeping slowly between her outstretched legs. Its eyes glowed an eerie green and yellow. Okay, that was unusual, and yet hauntingly familiar. Who had eyes that color?

Oh, God. She knew.

In the instant her mind made the connection, the wolf changed, becoming not quite human, yet no longer fully a wolf. And in that change she saw clear human characteristics that could only be attributed to one man. His face was more that of a wolf's than a man's, his elongated snout and long tongue licking at his very prominent teeth. But his body was a man's, partially covered in fur, fingers more like claws, but definitely a man's body.

A man's naked body.


Well, as weird dreams went, this one had to top them all. After all, it had been one hell of an odd day. No wonder her mind was filled with Max and the wolf. And in her warped brain cells, obviously the two had merged into one, creating this freaky apparition at the foot of her bed.

Not a turnoff, either. In fact, the intense way he looked at her, the sight of him half covered in fur and half naked...okay, it turned her on.

Big time.

"You want me," he whispered, his husky voice like secrets in the dark. Funny, he talked normally, just like Max, despite the fact his face was partially wolfen.

"Yes." Hell, why not? It was just a dream. If she couldn't have some no-holds-barred fun in her dreams, where could she?

"You like being in control, like dominating every situation."

Now he was talking. "Yes, I do."

"That ends with me, Shannon. I'm in control here, I will be your master in the bedroom. And what's'll like it that way."

No fucking way in reality, but here...sure. She didn't answer, figuring he wasn't expecting her to. Besides, she couldn't very well speak since her heart now lodged somewhere in her throat, pounding, swelling, cutting off her breath as he ripped the covers away, exposing her naked flesh to his gaze.

He licked his lips. His tongue was amazingly long. Her mind sailed in all kinds of naughty directions. Instinctively, her hips rose off the bed. When his head shot up and his feral gaze met hers, he smiled.

"I know what you want."

Of course, he knew what she wanted. It was her dream after all.

"You want me to lick you. I've dreamed of tasting you, since before we even met."

Before? Okay, she wasn't going to ask him to explain that one. Dreams made no sense anyway. "Then lick my pussy."

His thick brows arched. "Oh, I will. In my own good time. Remember, I'm in control here. Not you."

With his gaze firmly planted on her sex, he grasped her legs and pulled them apart. She realized he looked directly between them, his tongue snaking out and licking over his lips. The drawing pull of desire warmed her lower belly, centering her, preparing her. A sense of urgency enveloped her, making her want, need, that release that he promised.

He sat back on his heels, his face more and more recognizable as Max and less like the wolf's. But he still retained the partial wolfen features, especially that glor

ious tongue. Already, she could feel it on her, covering her sex, lapping up her juices. And he hadn't even touched her yet.

His hands changed shape too, becoming more human in appearance, the claws sheathing until his nails took on regular shape. He reached for her feet, pulling one onto his lap, nestling the flat of her foot against his hard cock.

And what a cock it was. Her eyes grew wider as she focused on his shaft for the first time. Mon dieu, c'est magnifique!

A sound came from his throat. Some kind of contented growl? His sensual onslaught against her body was nearly more than she could handle. His scent, his voice, especially coupled with the slow, deliberately sexy way he massaged her feet. Then he did the unexpected, lifting her foot and licking her toes with his incredible tongue.

She nearly shot to the ceiling at the feel of his warm, wet tongue sliding over her toes and foot. Good lord, that was an amazing sensation!

He didn't stop there, either. With agonizing precision, he licked his way up and over her ankles, calves, concentrating on the back of her legs until she shivered uncontrollably. Damn, the back of her knees were an erogenous zone. Had she known that before?

Of course not. No man had ever taken the time to lick the backs of her knees. How could she have known that?

Max did. Thoroughly exploring every inch of her body, he was on an expedition of discovery, and tasting every inch of her skin was a quest toward the ultimate finish line.

"Hurry," she urged, desperate for his tongue to touch that burning spot between her legs.

"Mmm hmm," was his only response.

Finally, he reached her aching pussy, his mouth and that fantastic tongue mere inches away. But instead of diving in like she expected, he moved up and over her sex, planting kisses on both her hip bones and sliding his tongue into her belly button.

"Dammit, not there!" Really, did he need a roadmap?

He looked up at her and grinned. "I know exactly where I'm going. It's not the destination, Shannon, it's the journey."

"Bullshit. Lick my pussy."

He only laughed and ignored her. Well, hell. This was her dream. How come she wasn't getting it the way she wanted it?