Her lips curled in a devilish smile. "Oh. We can't have that, now can we?"

She stroked his length, mesmerized when his cock jumped in her hand and burned her palms. Goosebumps popped up on her skin.


Aidan let loose a guttural groan. "Lissa, stop."

She let his erection slide away from her fingers. "You want me to stop?"

"Fuck no. I want you to touch it with your mouth. Quit teasing me."

If she weren't so fired up about doing exactly as he asked, she'd have tormented him a few seconds longer. But she couldn't.

She sat on the bench in front of him, grasping his shaft once again in her hands, adjusting to the way it seemed to vibrate with a life of its own. She wanted to touch him all over, to feel where his skin was soft and where it was covered with crisp, dark hair. But not now. Now she needed to taste him.

She opened her mouth and captured the tip of his penis. Thunder rumbled somewhere far off in the distance. She licked the salty fluid that spilled onto her tongue. Aidan bucked his hips and more of his delicious cock filled her mouth.

"Christ, Lissa!" Her gaze met his and she triumphed at his clenched jaw and heavily lidded eyes.

Wanting more, she stood and bent over him so he could watch her slide as much of him into her mouth as she could hold. When he reached for her and caressed her hair, she moved her mouth down until she could go no further. And still, there was more of him she hadn't tasted.

When she released his cock he shuddered, his gaze riveted as she alternated stroking his shaft and licking the tip. He tasted like hot, spicy sex, and she loved every second of having him in her mouth. When she moved down and licked his balls he cursed in French and nearly rocketed himself off the bench. Smooth, the twin satin sacs tightened against his body. She laved them with her tongue until he begged her to suck him.

From the way he moved, she knew that he wasn't going to last long, and even that thrilled her, knowing she could take him this close to orgasm in a matter of minutes.

"Oh, man," he mumbled when she sucked him in deep and quickened her movements. He sat up and palmed her face with his hands. She stilled her head and let him fuck her mouth, the sensation unlike anything she'd experienced.

Sparks of intense desire shot between her legs, and she instinctively reached down and slid her fingers between her legs. Her pussy was soaked with the juices of her earlier orgasm. She closed her eyes, imagining her body primed to receive his thick cock.

Her strokes mirrored his as she pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy in time to the thrusting motions of his cock in her mouth. Tension built inside her like a gathering storm, driving her toward the edge of reason.

"Yeah, baby, touch yourself. Make yourself come," Aidan whispered, now controlling the movements of his cock in her mouth. She went with him, her fingers sliding deep inside her heated core, nearly delirious in her desire to plummet over the edge with him.

Listening to his groans of pleasure heightened her own. Then it hit her, suddenly and without warning. She moaned against his cock as the orgasm took her over, and he went with her, a gush of fluid filling her mouth. She swallowed his come eagerly, a swirl of incredible sensations sweeping through her as she climaxed.

After she'd licked and sucked him until he started to grow soft, Aidan withdrew his shaft and pulled her up against him, taking her mouth in a deep kiss. She grabbed for his shoulders and held on tight, feeling dizzy and exhausted but more satisfied than she'd ever been before.

"Well, cher, that was certainly a great way to end our night," he whispered against her ear, nipping gently at the lobe until she shivered.

"Yes, it was." She stifled a yawn and blinked twice to force her eyes to stay open. The aftereffects of her orgasms and the wine she'd consumed had finally begun to take their toll. She sank against him, grateful when he wrapped his arms around her, helped her pull up her dress and led her back to his car.

The ride back was silent, yet not uncomfortable. Melissa's wine-soaked brain refused to realize what she'd just done, and she wasn't about to fight it. Ignorance was bliss, at least temporarily.

By the time he pulled up to the hotel she was nearly asleep, fighting desperately to focus her eyes.

"Do you want me to walk you inside?"

She shook her head. "No, I think I can find my room."

He stepped out of the car and went around to open her door. She grasped his hand, grateful that he assisted her. Her limbs felt heavy and all she wanted to do right now was pass out in her bed.

When she turned to say goodnight he hauled her into his arms, her chest pressed against his. She looked up at him and the smoldering look in his eyes had her body recharging once again.

"I'm going to walk you to your room."

And what? Have a reoccurrence of what she was already trying to forget had happened? No way. "I'm fine. The doorman is right there and it's your hotel, so you know it's safe. I'm really okay, Aidan, but I appreciate the offer."

"I insist."

"And I say no. Please."

"All right. I had fun tonight."

"Me too." Too much fun, she feared. "Goodnight Aidan." She pulled away and waved him off, then hurried through the lobby doors.

The first vestiges of guilt and horror at what she'd done tonight with a virtual stranger were already wiggling their way into her conscience. She wanted to be sound asleep before the full impact of her behavior reared its ugly head.

Not that it would matter, she thought as she made her way to her room, throwing her purse on the chair and stripping off her dress. She'd have to face it tomorrow.

As she slipped under the cool sheets, her body still simmered with heat from Aidan's touch. Like a long, hot summer, she worried that nothing could cool the fire he'd flamed inside her.


The alarm blared in Melissa's ears. How could it be time to get up already? She'd just gone to bed. Or at least it seemed that way.

Pulling her head from beneath the pillow, she managed to squeeze open one eye to check the time.

Damn. Damn, damn, and double damn. It was time to get up.

Get up, take a shower, and get ready to face Aidan.

The flush warming her body as she padded into the bathroom had nothing to do with memories of his electrified touch. This time it was the flame of mortification.

What the hell had she been thinking? Better yet, who the hell had she been last night?

Certainly not Frosty Cross. She'd never let go like that, never let her inhibitions fly away in a storm of desire. Always cool, calm and in control, the woman she'd become in Aidan's arms was a complete opposite of the woman she'd thought herself to be.

The woman she wanted to be. Poised, professional, crisp and impersonal. Instead she'd been wanton, sexy, molten fire and had melted all over Aidan.

Too bad the shower couldn't wash away the embarrassment she'd have to face once she saw him again.

If she were a weaker person she could feign a headache and at least temporarily put off what was bound to be an uncomfortable meeting. But she wasn't weak, had never been, and wouldn't allow herself to avoid contact with him.

Correction. She had been weak, once.

Last night.

She soaped her body, aching in places that

hadn't been touched in far too long. Oh sure, she got herself off on a regular basis. After all, masturbating was a great tension reliever, and in her line of work she ended every day stressed to the maximum.

But getting oneself off and spreading her legs in the middle of a public park with such wild abandon was an entirely different matter.

When she soaped her breasts, she remembered the sensation of Aidan's hands grasping her softly and gently, tweaking her nipples until shocks of pleasure sailed through her. Slipping her fingers between her legs, she was surprised at the instant awakening of desire.

This kind of thing just didn't happen to her.

Refusing to give in to the sexual need growing steadily inside her, she turned off the shower, dried off and faced herself in the mirror.

No sense whining about something she had no control over. What's done was done, and she couldn't go back and change things, no matter how much she wanted to. She'd just have to keep things cooler between her and Aidan in the future, and to make sure he clearly understood that she was not a hot sex goddess, but a cool, calm, professional.


Damn, she'd been hot last night. Aidan flipped his car keys to Frank, the attendant, bounding up the steps and into the lobby. For the first time in a long time, he was supercharged about going to work.

Part of it was the excitement of the casino venture with the hotel.

A lot of it had to do with seeing Lissa.

His body already craved her again, wanted her touch, wanted to inhale her sweet scent. He had to mentally force down thoughts of fucking her to avoid walking through the hotel with a very visible erection.

Never before had a woman fired him up like Lissa had. She'd taken him completely by surprise with her acquiescence to his sexual teasing. He'd only started it because he wanted to rile her a little. He found her cool Boston exterior not only a challenge, but charming.

Okay, maybe more the challenge.

Then when she heated up like a wildcat, her desires more than matching his own, she'd tantalized him past the point of rational thought.

If Logan knew about what happened between them last night, he'd have a fit. Aidan even felt a twinge of guilt that he'd not only done the one thing Logan warned him not to do, but he'd done it the first night Melissa was in town.

Considering she'd be here at least a month, trying to keep his distance would be difficult, if not downright impossible.