"Should I try to calm you down?" she teased, knowing she'd be unable to calm her own internal storm, let alone his.

"Hell, no. Fuck me, Lissa."

She did, grinding against his shaft. His fingers dug into her buttocks and he lifted her, then slammed her down against him, hard. She threw her head back and looked up at the ceiling, watching the rain come down in the room. Arcs of lightning struck as pleasure fingers caressing her body, knowing that Aidan touched her wherever a white hot flash seared her skin, knowing this was as intense as it had ever been between them. And she felt the connection, too. Suddenly, she had the power.

She reached her arms up over her head, not at all surprised to see light streaming from each of her fingertips to hit the ceiling and crash down around Aidan, who groaned out loud and pumped furiously against her. His magic poured through her and shot around the room. She was completely immersed in him, a part of him.

It was all too much--the sensations spiraling together until the spasms pummeled her, coaxing her violently over the edge.

"I'm coming," she whimpered when the last shot of electricity struck her throbbing clit. She exploded around him, crying out as her climax hit and squeezed her body around his. She grabbed for his thighs and held on tight as he shouted her name and spilled inside her with one hard, deep thrust.

When it was over, when she could breathe again, she slipped off and fell onto the bed next to him. He gathered her in his arms and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head.

"Tell me about the magic," she urged, trailing her fingers through the hairs on his chest.

His fingers traced her cheekbone and jaw, his eyes full of the emotion she felt. "It just is. Something that I was born with, the power of summer and all that goes with it--heat, rain, thunder and lightning."

"How do you control it?"

He laughed. "Sometimes I don't, as you've seen. But I can't really describe the sensations. They're like part of me, deep inside, and I can call them up at will. Even adjust the weather patterns if it's raining on a day I wanna play golf."

She giggled. "How convenient."

"You bet it is."

"Does anyone outside the family know about it?"

"No. Well, you do, now."

That simple statement made her feel as if she'd made the right decisions all along. He'd so easily let her see his powers, first more subtle, now all of them, and never once asked if she'd keep them a secret, or worried she'd run to the tabloids with the story.

And she wouldn't--ever. Maybe he'd instinctively known that.

There were so many more things she needed to say to him, to ask him, so many emotions she wanted to express, even if they did no good to tell him. But she knew neither of them had the energy left and she closed her eyes, content for now to fall asleep in the arms of the man she loved.


Aidan woke with a start and sat up, then blinked the sleep of the dead from his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings.

He looked down at the slumbering beauty next to him and grinned.

Oh yeah.

They had motored back to the family's dock last night, then made love again, this time leisurely until they drifted off into each other's arms. They hadn't even spoken, just kissed and touched. He'd slid his shaft inside her sweet pussy and stroked her to another orgasm, her tight contractions sending him over the edge again too.

Then they'd passed out.

The sun shone brightly inside the cabin. It had to be way past dawn--time to get up and hightail it out of there. Besides, he heard his mother's whispers outside on the deck.

He reached in a drawer and grabbed a pair of shorts, dressing quickly. He walked outside and scratched his head, squinting in the morning light. "Morning."

"Morning to you, too," his mother replied, beaming proudly as if he'd just had a wedding night.

That glimmer in her eyes didn't bode well.

"I brought you two some breakfast. Just croissants and coffee. When you're ready for something more substantial, come inside."

"How do you know Melissa's here?"

She shot him her trademark give-me-a-break look, which didn't even require a response from him. She just knew.

He took the tray from her and motioned her to the tiny round table secured to the deck. They sat on the cushioned benches and he poured a cup of steaming coffee. "I had a great time yesterday, Mom. Thank you for the party."

"You're welcome. Thank your father and brother and sisters, too. They all had a hand in the planning."

He nodded. "I will, but I also know who the mastermind around here is."

She giggled. When she did she looked so much younger than her mid-fifties. Even now, her face held the beauty she'd been when she was in her twenties. And her dark eyes sparkled like they had when he was a child.

"I'm glad you were surprised," she said, patting his cheek.

He laughed and took a deep swallow of coffee. "Surprised is an understatement."

"And how were things last night with Lissa?"

"Mom. You know I'm not going to discuss my sex life with you." His face heated at the uncomfortable prospect.

"That's not what I meant. Have you two settled things?"

"Like what?"

"Like your destinies. Like what happens next."

"Nothing happens next."

Angelina leaned back and crossed her arms. "So, you're just going to let her leave for Boston at the end of the week?"

Was he? What other choices did he have? "I guess so."

"You disappoint me."


"Because you're not one to give up so easily on something you want. You've always worked hard at reaching your goals."

Aidan laughed. "Lissa's hardly a goal, Mom."

She waved her hand in the air. "Destiny, goals, what's the difference?"

He didn't want to be having this conversation with his mother. Hell, he didn't even want to think beyond what would happen today, this moment. "Things will happen the way they're supposed to. You've always told me that."

"True. And yet sometimes you have to give destiny a little nudge in the right direction."

"What if I don't want to?"

She leaned forward and caressed his cheek, the same tender touch she'd used when he was a child. "Only you can answer that, mon fils."

She was right. The only problem was, in order to answer the question, he'd have to acknowledge it. He'd have to face his feelings, something he was never very good at.

"It's time to grow up, Aidan. Time to stop playing with the girls. Time to face your destiny."

"And just what is my destiny?"

She smiled slightly. "I think you already know, but you don't want to acknowledge it."

He stood and turned to look out over the lake, the water so calm not even a ripple marred the glassy surface.

"How do you feel about Lissa, Aidan?"

There it was. Out in the open, the question he knew he had to answer, both for himself and for the woman sleeping downstairs. "I'm in love with her, Mom."

He heard her quiet footsteps as she slipped behind him, then curled her arms around his waist and hugged his back. "I know."

"I thought you might."

"That didn't hurt a bit, did it?"

It hurt like hell and scared the shit out of him. "No."

"What frightens you?" Angelina moved to his side and took his hands in hers, forcing him to meet her probing gaze.

"That she might not love me back."

"A common fear for all of us. It's hard to admit love for someone, to open your heart. There's always a risk that love won't be returned."

His biggest fear, what had kept him from committing to a woman before. He wasn't exactly the easiest man in the world to live with. Sometimes he was a bit too playful when he should concentrate on business, and yet he'd always managed to get the job done. Then there was the magic, and not just any woman could live with a man who wielded the power of the elements.

> "Lissa is stronger than you give her credit for," his mother said in answer to his silent musings. "And she hasn't run away from you yet. She's still here. And I think she returns your feelings."

"I wish I could be sure of that."