"No." He was doing this on purpose. "Higher."

"Higher? Like here?" When his fingers lifted her dress above her hips and his tongue trailed a fiery blaze up her inner thigh, she panted out loud like a heated animal.

"Yes. There. To the left."

He moved to her outer thigh and she grabbed his head to direct him where she wanted him, so frustrated she could scream. "Not your left, you idiot! Myleft!"

"Cranky, aren't you?" he murmured against her skin.

This torture had to stop. "Aidan. Lick my pussy. Make me come. Now, dammit."

"I think you've waited long enough," he said, but his words barely registered because right then his mouth blew a soft gust of heated wind against her damp panties. She shivered at the near contact, and whimpered when his hands brushed her hips, dragging her panties down her legs. The cool air inside the cabin swirled against her heated sex. Instinctively she lifted her hips, waiting for his mouth.

"Vous etes si beau "

Her mind registered the language and responded without thinking.

"Merci, ainsi soyez vous."

He laughed. "So, you think I'm beautiful, too?"

Is that what she said? How could she think when his head hovered between her legs, studying her intently, his eyes glazed over with passion, his lips wet. "Yes, you're beautiful. Now make me come."

"Boy, you sure are demanding when you're horny. If I didn't--"

"Goddamit Aidan are you going to lick my pussy or am I going to have to make myself come?"

His brows rose and he smiled. "Yes ma'am. Getting right to it, ma'am."

She made a mental note to torture him mercilessly later on. That note disappeared into the night as his mouth covered her clit and he sucked She arched her back and lifted her hips, grinding her mound against his greedy lips. With expert finesse he painted her throbbing sex with his tongue, stroking until fireworks exploded behind her eyes.

"Oh yes, just like that. Don't stop." She reached down and held his head in place while his mouth worked magic. When he slid his tongue inside her and lapped up her juices, she bit down on her hand to keep from screaming. When he slid two fingers inside her and pumped quickly, then flicked her sensitive clit with his tongue and mouth she did scream, bucking against his mouth and exploding in an orgasm so intense her body felt on fire.

She sank into the mattress, trying to breathe, trying to focus, unsuccessfully scrambling for some form of coherence. The bed shifted under Aidan's weight and when she opened her eyes he was naked and beside her. Without a word he grabbed her dress which had bunched up around her middle and slid it over her hips, discarding it onto a nearby chair. He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her against him, his engorged penis pressing intently against the moist curls of her mound.

She reached for him, wrapping her fingers around his heated flesh, knowing exactly what she wanted to do with him. With a smile on her face she kissed him, her juices mingling with his own sweet taste, and then slid down the length of him, trailing hot licks along his chest, nipples and abdomen until she reached his hardened length.

"Oh yeah, baby," she heard him moan just as she took his cock into her mouth and sucked him in deep. She'd make this night memorable for Aidan.

As memorable as it was going to be for her.

Chapter Fifteen

The smooth head of Aidan's cock slid effortlessly down Melissa's throat and he let loose a guttural groan. Pleasing a man had never been as important to her as it was right now. She licked the underside of his shaft, learning every ridge and bump until she developed a rhythm that seemed to make him crazy.

Oh yeah. She loved driving him wild, listening to his pleasured moans, feeling his hips rise off the bed to pump his cock further down her throat.

She pulled her mouth away, licking the sweet head of its juices, and stroked him with both hands, closing her mouth over the very tip and sucking while she pulled the shaft.

"Christ, Lissa, that's good," he said, his gaze riveted to the motions of her mouth and hands.

She smiled at him, then sat back on her heels and watched for his reaction.

"What's wrong?" he asked.


"Then why did you stop?"

"Just admiring you. You have a gorgeous body."

"Uh, thanks. Now can we--"

"I especially love your chest." She reached up and scraped his chest lightly, then flicked her thumbs over his nipples. They distended against her fingers.

"Thank you. Now about that blow--"

"Although, you have a beautiful face, too. Like a Michelangelo painting, I could sit and stare at it all day."

As if a light bulb had just gotten brighter, he frowned. "Melissa."

"Yes?" she said, blinking innocently.

"Get back to what you were doing."

"You mean admiring your chest, waxing poetically over your face?"


"What then?"

He pointed south to the wavering flag of his erection. "Down there."

"Down...oh, down there. Yes, your thighs are very strong, muscular, not too thick, but not wimpy, either."

"Dammit, woman that's not what I meant!" His eyes narrowed and he blew out a frustrated breath.

She fought back the giggle that threatened to burst from her throat and said, "Oh, you mean this." She moved between his legs and once again grasped his cock in her hands. His eyes rolled closed when she squeezed the shaft and licked the drops of fluid spilling over the tip.

"Yessss, that."

"I have an idea."

"No, don't stop." He groaned, the sound echoing his frustration.

"Oh, you'll like this. Trust me."

His dubious expression led her to believe he wasn't going for the trust angle, but she said, "Close your eyes, Aidan."

Obviously more intrigued than doubtful, he shut his eyes. She turned around and faced his feet, positioning herself into a squatting position over his erection. She licked her

lips in anticipation of what was to come, knowing how he filled her completely, knowing how easily she'd slide down over his shaft, and knowing his visual pleasure would be incredibly enhanced in this position.

"Don't open your eyes until I tell you."

"Fine," he said, his voice tight. "Just do something."

She smiled at his demanding tone and eased down until she the tip of his cock brushed against her outer folds. She closed her eyes for a second, taking in the pleasure shocks. Continuing on, she enveloped him, inch by ecstatic inch until he was completely buried inside her. She leaned forward and rested her palms on either side of his knees.

"Open your eyes, Aidan."

"Merde, Lissa!"

She smiled in satisfaction. She knew he'd enjoy the view of her pussy enveloping him. "You like that?" She lifted slightly, then dropped down, letting him watch his cock disappear inside her.

"Oh, hell yeah I like it. Damn, you're beautiful."

She rocked back and forth against him, lifting her butt up and down, shocks of pleasure hitting her g-spot each time she took his shaft in. She could come right now but forced herself to hold back, positioning her body so that he wouldn't hit the spot that would send her over the edge.

"Tell me what you see," she urged.

Aidan reached for her hips, guiding her movements. "You have a beautiful ass, so firm and tight. Did I mention I want to fuck you in the ass some day, Lissa?"

She shuddered, imagining his cock pressed tightly in her ass, wondering if it would be as pleasurable as it was in her pussy. "Go on."

"Your soft lips grab on to my cock when I pull back, like you don't want to let go of it. Then they swallow it up when I slide back inside, and I can watch it go into you inch by inch until it disappears. Damn, that's hot."

"It feels good this way, Aidan." His shaft pointed right at the pleasure spot inside her, and when she shifted against him her clit hit his pelvic bone, sending shards of wicked sensation through her.

The rocking motions of the boat increased as their movements intensified. Melissa heard the low roar of thunder and glanced out the window in time to see a jagged streak of lightning hit the water in front of them.

Hard drops of rain began to pelt the boat's deck.

"A storm's coming," she said, wondering if they should head to land.

"This Storm is gonna come soon, too. Forget about the weather. I've got it under control."

Of course he did. Why had she even worried when she knew the storm outside was in direct relation to the escalating sensations felt by Aidan?