"Alone at last?" he asked, testing the waters.

"I suppose so."

The waters were a little chilly, but already he could feel them warming.

"I'm glad you came tonight."

Her eyes widened a bit. "You are?"


"Kaitlyn asked me to come."

As if that was some excuse for her being here? "Nice of her to do that."

"Yes, it was."

She studied her hands, her fingers laced together, thumbs sliding over each other. Melissa was nervous, but why? And too damn much space distanced them. He rose and walked over to her side, then straddled the bench next to her. She turned to him, eyes widening at his close proximity.

Her hair shined in the darkness. He reached out and grasped a tendril, instantly hardening at the sensuous slide of the silken strand over his hand.

"I've missed you," he admitted, wanting to see where honesty would lead.

"You have?"


She didn't say anything. Maybe he was way off base on his assumptions of how she felt about him. Maybe she'd come tonight out of kindness to his sister.

"I've missed you too, Aidan."

He let out a breath he hadn't been aware he'd been holding. Reaching out, he slid his fingertips over her bare shoulders, the shock of contact rumbling the ground beneath them.

"I've missed touching you," he whispered, feeling her shiver in response. "I've missed breathing in your scent." He inhaled her fragrance, a mixture of woman and sweet flowers.

She shivered.

"I've missed the feel of your lips on mine." Her gaze stayed on his face as he leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips against hers. She jumped, and he knew she felt the jolt, too. "You're like electricity, Lissa. Heat burns through me when we touch."

"I feel it," she murmured, slipping her fingers into his hair and pulling his head down toward her mouth.

Every nerve ending in his body tuned in to her as she licked his lower lip, then touched the tip of her tongue to his. Rock hard already, he wanted nothing more than to sink deep into her warm core until he was buried so far inside her he'd feel whole again.

He wound his arms around her waist and pulled her sideways onto his lap, the heat of her bare thighs burning through his skin. Her ass made contact with his erection and her eyes widened.

"You're hard," she whispered, then offered a sultry smile that he'd missed more than he wanted to admit.

He nodded. "Have been for more than a week. Told you I missed you."

"I suppose we'll have to take care of that tonight," she said, rimming his lips with her tongue.

"Damn straight we will." He pulled her against him and crushed his mouth to hers, needing to feel the absolute contact of her body. He plunged his tongue inside her warm mouth, rewarded when she met it eagerly with her own. Her heart pounded out a rapid beat against his chest, and he reached for her breast, cupping it in his hands and flicking the already erect nipple with his thumb. Damn, he wanted her naked, wanted to feel her skin under his palms. Not this flimsy material she wore, but her sweet body.

"Aidan," she whimpered. "Please."

"I love it when you beg, cher." With a quick tug he pulled the straps of her dress down, baring her breasts.

She reached up and covered them with her hands, struggling to sit up. "Aidan, we can't out here. Your parents are right inside."

His parents wouldn't venture anywhere near the back of the house, knowing he'd want to be alone with Melissa. But he wanted her comfortable and without distractions. "Come with me. I know a more private place."

He helped her right her dress, disappointed he wouldn't be able to feast on her creamy breasts just yet. Adjusting his painful erection, he led her through a thickly wooded path toward the back of the property.

Melissa followed behind Aidan, noticing how he held tight to her hand. She loved his possession of her. When they came to a clearing, she gasped at the huge cruiser tied up to the dock. "Oh, this is lovely."

"Thanks. It's my parents'."

He led her down the dock and jumped onto the cruiser first, then easily lifted her over the side and onto the deck, holding on until she found her balance.

"Are we going for a ride?" she asked, holding on to the side rail.

"Yeah. I know a cove that will give us all the privacy we need."

Melissa was floored by the magnificent boat she'd just been deposited upon. Memories of tooling around in her best friend's family cruiser in the summers in Boston made her eager to feel the wind and water spray on her face again.

She followed Aidan to the controls and sat in one of the gray captain's chairs, the thick leather cool and welcoming.

"This is beautiful," she said.

Aidan turned to her and smiled, the pride on his face evident. "Thanks. Logan and I picked it out for our parents. They go cruising in it all the time."

He started the engine, the low hum of the motor vibrating the chair. She watched, eager with anticipation as he untied the ropes and shifted into gear, maneuvering the boat out of the slip and into the dark night. He flipped on a searchlight and hit the throttle once they got into open water.

She held on, thrilled with the wind rushing through her hair. More thrilling was watching Aidan pilot the boat. His legs were spread, both hands on the wheel and he stared straight ahead, oblivious to her wandering eyes.

He had a terrific ass. Round and firm and perfect for grabbing onto and pulling his cock tighter inside her. An excited dampening gathered between her legs at the thought of making love with him again.

They hadn't traveled far when Aidan slowed the engine, maneuvering into a dark cove. He dropped the anchor, then turned to her and held out his hand.

"Let's go below."

She followed him down the stairs and into a beautiful living area. Walnut cabinets shined above sparkling kitchen counters and sink. Directly next to the kitchen was a small living room, complete with television, wet bar and white leather chaise couch. Further down the hall was a private bedroom larger than she expected.

"Dad is very tall so he didn't want a cracker box for a bedroom in here," Aidan explained as he led her through the doorway. A large bed centered the room. Two large windows let the moonlight in and a decent sized bathroom with a shower stood off to the right.

Primarily, she focused on the bed. And on Aidan. The heat between them simmered until it was visible, wavering lines like a force field between them.

Aidan crossed those lines and stood before her, as if waiting for her to give the signal that she wanted to move forward.

Did she? She'd spent an entire week keeping her distance from him, playing this game that they both played so well, only to fall in love with him anyway, despite the fact she knew they could have no future together.

The boat rocked and she wobbled a bit. Aidan reached out to steady her and she gazed up at his face, his eyes so dark they seemed inhuman, the heat all but roaring out from every pore of his skin.

One step forward and she'd be lost. She should ask him to take her back. Logically, she knew being with him was pointless. Other than a brief physical relief, they would soon go their separate ways. He wasn't in love with her, he wouldn't ask her to stay and she had no business putting her heart out there for him to stomp on.

But God help her, she loved him, and couldn't walk away right now. She leaned into him, circled her arms around his shoulders and breathed him in.

"Make love to me, Aidan, and hurry. It's been too damn long already."

He sucked in a breath and pulled her toward him roughly, not bothering with foreplay or being gentle. Thank God. She couldn't wait much longer. Already her desire for him bubbled over. She was wet, impatient, her nipples strained hard against her dress and if he didn't touch her soon she'd reach between her legs and do it herself.

"No, you won't. Your body is mine right now, and I'll be the one doing the touching."

"Quit reading my mind," she hissed as h

e yanked the straps of her dress down, exposing her breasts. She pushed them forward into his eager hands, rewarded with dark laughter that made her blood sizzle.

He pulled the clip from her hair, letting the strands fall over her shoulders and breasts. Then he took her mouth, plunging his tongue inside as if he were starving for her.

She knew that feeling of utter hunger, and gave him back all that he took. Her moans permeated the still night as he grasped her breasts and gently squeezed, then circled his thumbs over her throbbing nipples.

When he bent down and sucked one hard peak into his hot mouth, she whimpered. His tongue bathed her, his teeth nipped at the aching nub, and when she thought she couldn't handle one more second, he lifted his head and smiled. Before she could catch a breath he attacked the other breast, torturing it in the same sweet way. Desire pooled between her legs. She reached down to massage her clit but he grabbed her wrist and shook his head.

"Uh uh, mon cher. That's mine."

Long past the point of coherent logic, she dug her nails into his shoulders when he bent down on his knees and faced her flaming heat. "Suck my clit, Aidan," she commanded, shocked that the words escaped her lips, but wanting it too much to care whether she'd been improper or not. She'd already done more shockingly intimate things in the past few weeks than she had her entire life.

"Your wish is my command, mademoiselle," he teased, then smoothed his hands over her hips, his touch leaving a fiery trail of want and need. When he reached the bare skin of her thigh at the end of her dress, he squeezed, then pulled her legs apart. Resting his palm on her stomach he pushed her gently against the bed until she sat. Then he pulled off her shoes, taking his sweet damn time to kiss every one of her toes, then her ankles, then her calves...

"Aidan, now," she cried.


"Lick me."

"Sure." His hot tongue blazed a trail over her knee.

"Not there."

"Here, then?"

A warm, wet sweep covered her thigh.