Melissa unpacked and stared into the closet, occasionally glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

Aidan offered to take her to dinner tonight, although she'd tried to beg off, claiming jet lag. But he'd sprouted a horrified expression and indicated he'd be shamed severely by his family if he didn't at least take her to dinner on her first night in town.

She'd finally agreed despite the warnings clanging in her head about having anything remotely personal to do with Aidan Storm. Then again, he hadn't said anything about this being a date, or even personal. Only that it was customary for him to take a business partner out to dinner.

With a frustrated sigh she closed the closet door, stepped into the opulent bathroom and turned on the shower. Jets shot out from both walls, the steam rising and clouding up the glass doors almost immediately.

Exactly what she needed. A nice shower to whisk away the flight aches and sweat from the humid air outside. She stripped off her clothes and stepped inside the frosted glass enclosure, delighting in the soft spray hitting her on both sides of her body.

Lord, she was tired. She closed her eyes and let the jets pound away. They felt good, almost like getting a massage. She leaned back into the spray and the stream on the front side of her angled right between her legs.

Mmm, nice. She needed a massage there, too, one of a different variety. Then again, these jets were nice and soft and stroked her clit in just the right spot.

She leaned back further until she sat on the overhanging ledge at the back of the shower, and adjusted the spray head on the side wall until it hit her pussy. She shivered, feeling the sweet tension build deep inside, the water pulsing against the incessant ache she'd carried around for most of the day.

Ever since she'd laid eyes on that hot devil, Aidan Storm.

She moved her hands over her breasts, her nipples pebbling against the palm of her hands. With her fingertips, she lightly caressed them until they tightened, sending shots of pleasure straight to her core.

She allowed the surging water to do its job, imagining a man's head between her legs, his soft, wet tongue licking her pleasure spots.

Only it wasn't just a faceless man. In her mind, amber eyes locked with hers, holding her in his gaze, mesmerizing her until she was unable to look away. It was Aidan she imagined between her legs, doing magical things to her body.

She lifted her hips to meet his mouth, her body crying out for the release only he could bring.

Even in the shower she felt his heated touch, nearly unbearable in its sweet torture.

"Please," she whimpered aloud, knowing no one could hear her. She begged the Aidan of her imagination to take her over the edge, to give her the fulfillment she so desperately craved.

He licked the length of her, the double sensations of his tongue and the pulsing water making her quiver with the building storm. When he plunged his tongue inside her she trembled. As he fit his mouth over her clit, she climaxed with a loud moan of pleasure, her orgasm raging through her until she feared she might fall to the floor.

She grabbed for the ledge to brace herself, still feeling the aftereffects of an orgasm that nearly blindsided her in its intensity.

She blew out a breath and reached for the shampoo with shaky hands.

If she didn't know better, she could have sworn that scene had been real.


Aidan smiled up at the ceiling. He lay naked in his bed, fully visualizing Melissa in her shower. His cock was rock hard and nearly ready for release, but he'd wanted her to come first. He squeezed his shaft and stroked the length of it, his hips rising off the bed, his orgasm building.

Such a nice surprise to slip inside her thoughts. It was rare when it happened. He'd never gotten inside someone's mind before outside the family. Not that he hadn't tried. Too bad he couldn't visualize her naked body, but his thoughts had merely become mixed with hers, so he could only see what she saw, feel what she felt.

His mother would say they had a psychic connection, that there was something special about Melissa. But Aidan didn't buy into all that magic and destiny crap. The magic he used when it suited him. The destiny and finding your soulmate was something his overly romantic mother tried to drum into all of them for as long as he could remember.

No such thing as a soulmate. And Melissa certainly wasn't special. She was just a woman he had the hots for.

Funny that they'd both been masturbating at the same time. When he lay naked on the bed, intending to relieve the hard-on that had tortured him all day, he found himself psychically connected to her. He'd felt her pleasure as the shower jets pulsed against her clit.

So, his cool Bostonian had a hot side. Not that it surprised him. He'd known it from the second she'd turned her emerald green eyes on him and tried to hide the fact that she was full of passion and fire.

Easy for kindred spirits to spot each other. She had as much of a stormy nature as he did. Their only difference was that he recognized it in himself. Melissa, on the other hand, was in deep denial.

Too bad her orgasm had broken their connection. If it hadn't he might be catching a glimpse of her naked body about now as she stood drying herself in front of the mirror. As it was, he'd have to imagine.

Good thing he had a vivid imagination. He swirled his thumb over the tip of his cock, rewarded with a pulsing of silky fluid. He was close. Very close. That shower scene turned him on and he could come right now if he wanted to. But he wanted to think about Melissa a little while longer, imagine it was her hand on him, sliding her long fingers around his shaft and squeezing, then stroking the length of him until he was so deep into the moment he'd be fucking her hand.

Which is what he did now, his movements becoming faster and harder as his body begged for release. Visions raced through his mind. He and Melissa in her shower together, the jets coming at them from all sides as they touched and tasted every inch of each other. Then, carrying her to the bed and thrusting inside her pussy until he came harder than the shower jets.

It was all too much. With a last, frenzied stroke and groan of pleasure he came quickly, hot fluid spilling as the spasm of his climax rolled over him.

When at last he relaxed, he felt satisfied but still wanted more. Much more.

Melissa Cross was a challenge. Someone who'd made it quite clear she wasn't interested in him on a personal level. But deep down inside, he knew damn well she was lying to him and to herself.

She wanted it so bad she'd allowed a psychic link between the two of them. And now that one had been established, he was going to fire Melissa's libido up so hot she'd be begging him to fuck her.

At least that's how he hoped it would play out. If he guessed wrong, he might be the one doing the begging.


Melissa stood in front of the mirror, not certain whether the outfit she wore was acceptable or not.

A brief moment of indecision and she pulled the dress off, flinging it on to the bed where it landed on top of the ten other things she'd already tried and discarded.

Good thing she hadn't brought her entire wardrobe with her--otherwise she could be at this all night.

Dinner. Casual. New Orleans. August. What was she supposed to wear?

And, more importantly, why did it even matter? She'd never obsessed for so long about dressing for a date.

Not a date. A business dinner with a business colleague where they would discuss business items. That was

as far from a date as one could get.

Screw it. She was hot, irritated and had about five minutes to throw something on before Aidan arrived. Hopefully he'd be late again like he had been for their appointment this morning.

Grabbing a short cotton and spandex dress, she threw it on and dashed into the bathroom to run a brush through her hair, then placed a clip around the ponytail to hold it in place. Her cheeks were flushed from her one person fashion show, so she certainly didn't need to add any blush. Besides, anything she wore would just melt off her face in this humidity, anyway. And she thought Boston summers were bad.

She looked in the closet door mirrors and assessed her appearance. The dress was a little short but at least it was cool. A mint green, and lightweight so she wouldn't sweat, with thin straps holding it up. She slipped on her sandals and turned sideways.

What exactly are you looking for? And why do you even care how you look? Get a grip, Melissa, it's just a business dinner!

She was dressed, she looked reasonably decent, and she was ready. Enough of the primping in front of the mirror. Good thing, too, because a tap on her door indicated that Aidan was on time.

Figured. She walked to the door and opened it, then immediately forgot how to breathe.

Attractive as he'd been in his suit, the man standing in front of her dressed in dark blue jeans and a black polo shirt literally took her breath away. Now she could see the body his suit had only hinted at earlier.

He had to be six-foot-two or taller. And he was lean, with well-defined muscles, especially his biceps and shoulders, which stretched the polo shirt tight. Her fingers curled in response. She quickly thrust them behind her back to avoid the burning desire to run her palms over his chest and see how hard he really was.

Maybe not just his chest, either.

"Evenin', cher," he said with a smile.

"Good evening."

"You look hot." His warm eyes raked over her. She swore she grew hotter with every second of his assessment.

Melissa took a deep breath and mentally fought to keep from saying, so do you. "Thanks."

"Hungry?" he asked.

She grabbed her purse and walked through the doorway. "Ravenous."

"Just how I like my women."

She turned her head and met his wink. This was going to be one long evening. She really was going to have to watch what she said in front of him.