Aidan Storm would break her heart, if she let him. She wasn't going to let him.

She jumped at the knock on the door, her heart pounding madly at the thought that Aidan was there.

"Who is it?" she asked, too afraid to even look through the peephole. If it was Aidan, and she saw him, she was certain her resolve would melt away. She already missed him so much it was physically painful to think about him.

"It's Kaitlyn. May I come in?"

Blowing out a relieved breath, she opened the door. Kaitlyn smiled brightly as she entered. Gold bangles on her wrists clanged together in a musical, lilting sound that seemed so cheerful it didn't surprise her at all they were on Kaitlyn's body. In fact, she looked like a gypsy today in a bright colored skirt of blues and purples, and a sleeveless peasant top in orange. On any other women it would look ridiculous. On Kaitlyn it seemed perfect.

"Why have you been hiding here in your room?" she asked.

"Oh, I, uh, I've been busy working."

Kaitlyn nodded. "Too much work isn't a good thing. Besides, I've missed you."

Melissa sucked in a breath. It was difficult enough to be in love with Aidan. But she truly cared for Kaitlyn, and Shannon, too. "I've missed you too."

"Great. Then, I'm inviting you to Aidan's thirtieth birthday party at Mom and Dad's."

"What?" Oh please no. Not that. She couldn't handle seeing Aidan in a social situation. Or his entire family.

"It's tomorrow night, and a surprise, so don't say anything to him. You'll come, won't you? Aidan's coming over at eight, so if you could be there around five or six you could help us set up."

Melissa blinked, trying to process the information Kaitlyn had just spilled. Birthday party. Aidan was turning thirty? And come early and help? That was stuff.

"I don't know, Kaitlyn. It seems like a family event. I'd feel awkward."

The colorful bracelets jingled when Kaitlyn reached for Melissa's hand. "Don't be silly. Everyone is family to the Storms. Besides, I think it would make Aidan very happy."

Melissa stood and looked out the window onto the busy street below. "I doubt that. We aren't exactly on the best of terms right now."

"Again?" She heard Kaitlyn rise and step toward her. "Did you have another fight?"

"Not really." They hadn't fought. They hadn't talked about anything, how could they fight?

"I see."

Melissa glanced at Kaitlyn's contemplative face. "What?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Kaitlyn, tell me."

"Well, Aidan's been...moody the past few days. Actually the past few weeks. One minute up, the next down. One day he's laughing and joking, the next he's sullen and withdrawn. It's not like him--usually he's carefree and happy."

Wonderful. Because of her he'd undergone some kind of personality change. Where once stood Dr. Jekyll now stood Mr. Hyde. Not that she could blame him. She'd gone through a few emotional highs and lows herself the past few weeks, either riding cloud nine or lying in the gutter of despair.

Didn't appear as if theirs was a healthy relationship for either of them.

"I'm sorry he's been so moody. I'm afraid I'm to blame for that."

Kaitlyn arched a brow. "Really. Tell me about it."

She motioned Kaitlyn into the small kitchenette and fixed them both a glass of iced tea. They sat at the round table and Melissa stared into the glass. "I think I'm in love with him, Kaitlyn."

Just saying the words aloud made it seem so real, so frightening. And so true.

"That's not a surprise to me. I already knew you loved him. He's in love with you, too."

She looked up, certain the shock was evident on her face. "He doesn't love me."

Kaitlyn grinned. "Yes, he does."

"Did he tell you that?"

"Not exactly."

"Then how do you know?" That secret smile she'd seen so many times on Aidan's face appeared on his sister's.

"Trust me, I just know."

Melissa couldn't, wouldn't believe it. Aidan in love with her? No way. No way in hell. Kaitlyn was way off base on this.

"You don't believe me do you?" she asked as if she could read her mind.

Well, why not? Aidan always seemed to be able to. "No. I think he loves--" She couldn't say it, couldn't bring herself to discuss her sex life with Aidan with his sister.

"You think he only loves having sex with you?"

"Dammit, how do you Storms do that?"

"Do what?" Her eyes widened innocently, but Melissa wasn't buying it.

"Read my mind like that."

Kaitlyn giggled. "It's not what it seems."

"You have magic. You all have magic, some kind of mystical powers. I've...I've seen it."

"During the times you make love with Aidan?"

She threw up her hands, giving up on trying to figure out how Kaitlyn knew what she knew. "Yes."

"It's common for us to do that. But we're not sorcerers or anything that should scare you, Lissa." Kaitlyn reached for Melissa's hand. "Don't be frightened of us."

"I'm not. I should be, but I'm not. I never have been." Confused, yes. Frightened? Had Aidan ever really scared her? She thought about it, about all the times they'd made love or come close to it, how the very air around them swirled with mystical forces. But then she'd welcomed them. Not once had they frightened her. "Can you tell me what it means?"

Kaitlyn's lashes fluttered closed for an instant, then she lifted them and met Melissa's gaze head on. "I can't. It's not for me to do so. Your answers will have to come from Aidan."

Which meant she'd have to be willing to ask the questions first. And that she wasn't certain she had the guts enough to do.

"So, will you come to the party?"

Melissa thought for a moment, really considered the ramifications. Then again, it was a birthday party and a lot of people would be there. She wouldn't have to be alone with him if she didn't want to be. "Yes, I'll come."

"Wonderful!" Kaitlyn stood and hugged her. "I'm so glad you'll be there. It'll mean so much to Aidan."

After Kaitlyn left, Melissa stood again in front of the window, watching people walk by on the busy street. Couples holding hands, carrying around drinks, laughing and having a wonderful time, looking for all the world like they were gloriously in love.

She was in love, too. But gloriously? Hardly. She'd gone and fallen in love with the last man on earth who would want to settle down with one woman. Did Aidan really love her, too?

No, she refused to believe that. Believing it would give her hope, and she didn't want to feel the hope surging through her. Better to believe they shared a hot passion for each other, and that was all.

Passion sparked like lightning, then just as quickly as it lit up, would disappear That described their relationship perfectly. Or at least the way she wanted it to be.

Safer for her heart that way.


Twenty-four hours later, Melissa stood at the front door of the Storm family home, her mind no less muddled than it had been the day before. She rapped on the screen because the door was open. Loud chatter came from somewhere inside and obviously no one heard her. Taking a chance, she opened the door and yelled out, "Hello? Can I come in?"

Logan was the first to spot her and smiled, motioning her into the already crowded kitchen. "Glad you could make it."