For fucking, not for life.

Why not just enjoy their time together, and when she went back to Boston his life could resume as it had before she came?

Ignoring the nagging pang of loss that hit him square in the chest at the thought of Melissa leaving, he pulled her closer, kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes.

Chapter Eleven

Melissa woke with a start and opened her eyes.

The first gray light of dawn peeked in through the wood blinds of the bedroom. Someone breathed against her neck. She sighed with contentment, wriggling deeper under the covers and against the hot, hard body behind her.

A very warm Aidan shifted and pulled her closer. She shivered when his chest hairs brushed her back. His palm cupped her left breast, his thumb lazily tracing her nipple.

She held her breath, pleasure spiraling to her core. How she could get even remotely excited after last night's sex fest was beyond her, but sure enough she was aroused. She waited, thinking he was awake, but his steady, even breathing led her to believe he fondled her in his sleep.

Even in sleep, he touched her, excited her, made her wet.

Slowly, so as not to wake Aidan, she moved her palm over the sheets. They were dry. But last night it had rained in this room. A hard, soaking rain. Lightning had cracked against the walls, and thunder had shook the bed.

And yet as she looked around, nothing seemed out of place. There were no dark holes in the plaster, no moisture permeated the room and the bed was exactly where it had been when Aidan first placed her on it last night. She was dry, as was Aidan, as were the bedcovers.

Had she dreamed a thunderstorm in the bedroom? Could Aidan be such an outstanding lover that not only had the earth moved, but he'd fucked her until she broke out into a drenching sweat?

No, that wasn't it. Something definitely happened in here last night, and it wasn't a dream. But how was she going to ask Aidan about it? She stifled a laugh at the look on his face if she asked him if it had rained in his bedroom last night.

He'd think she was insane. Maybe she was.

Aidan groaned and rubbed her nipple again. Sparks shot south and her juices flowed. His suddenly growing erection pressed against her rear. Instinctively, she moved against him, rewarded when he pushed against her, his shaft sliding between her legs.

"Good morning," he whispered into the nape of her neck. When he kissed her neck, she shivered, then moaned when he lightly nipped the soft spot.

"Morning," she replied, scooting her backside against his cock.

In an instant he was fully hard and probing between the folds of her pussy. She arched forward and he slid easily inside, filling her.

She gasped at the sensation, whimpered when he began to move against her. He thrust unhurriedly, languorously, digging his fingers into her hip.

The room grew hot and humid despite the air conditioning. Soon they were soaked in sweat, their slick bodies sliding against each other.

There were so many things she wanted to talk to him about, questions she had to ask, but not now. Now he filled her, fucked her, and she was so wrapped up in his thrusts hitting that sweet spot inside her that she couldn't think of a single thing to say.

Aidan reached around and tangled his fingers in her moist down, searching until he found her clit. She jumped at the first contact of his fingertip against her sensitive flesh, sparks of pleasure squeezing her pussy around him.

"Oh yeah, baby, that's nice," he said through a groan. The hairs on his legs brushed the backs of her thighs, tickling her already sensitized nerve endings. Her skin was so attuned to his touch, each of his movements brought her closer to the pinnacle.

"Fuck me faster, Aidan," she demanded. He complied, his strokes punishing and hard. But she loved it, rejoicing in the feel of him slamming deep inside her.

He intensified the caress of his fingers on her clit and she cried out her ecstasy. Her climax washed over her, hard and quick. Aidan came along with her, his fingers digging into her hips as he held her in place.

Neither of them seemed in a hurry to get up. Aidan continued to leisurely stroke her hip, her legs, her breasts, all the while applying gentle kisses to her shoulder and neck. The room cooled and settled, the humidity and heat that permeated the air a few moments ago now gone. Still, he stayed inside her, his penis slowly softening. Aidan seemed reluctant to break the connection between them.

If she had her way, they'd stay together like this for hours. Much as she'd love to cuddle in bed with him all day, and the day after that, she knew her idyllic time was nearly up. There were questions that needed answering.

How would Aidan react to her questions?

Finally, he backed away, the loss of his shaft making her feel empty inside.

"Hungry?" he asked as she rolled over to face him. He grinned like a kid who'd just been given the best present of his life.

She tried for a smile, unsure how things would play out now. "Sure."

"I'm gonna shower, then I'll fix breakfast. You can take one with me if you'd like."

She laughed at his wicked expression and looked down at his semi-hard penis. It waved a friendly greeting as if to let her know that Aidan wasn't quite finished with her yet. "I'd love to."

He held out his hand and helped her off the bed, then led her into his bathroom.

The bathroom was spacious and very lovely. Cream and beige marble swirled along the countertop and double sinks. A huge whirlpool tub cornered the room below a double window with white plantation shutters. The shower was separate but quite roomy.

Melissa eyed the tub, wishing she had the time to indulge in a good soak. Her muscles ached all over, no doubt due to the sexual olympics she and Aidan had engaged in last night.

He started to reach inside to flip the shower on, then noticed her longing glances at the bathtub. "Feel like a whirlpool and a hot soak instead?"

Was the man a mind reader or did she wear her desires on her face like a beacon? "If you don't mind. You can shower, of course. I'll just sit in the tub for a few minutes if that's all right."

He laughed and closed the shower door. "What? And miss the opportunity to take a bath with you? Do I look stupid?"

She giggled, suddenly feeling very girly and warm inside. And how dumb was that? He'd just offered to bathe with her, which in no way resembled a declaration of his undying love.

Really, she'd have to get a lot less emotional about all this. Before she ended up in serious trouble.

As the tub filled, she grabbed her hair clip and wound her hair up into a bun.

Aidan got in first and held out his hand. She stepped in and he positioned himself with his back against the edge of the tub. Then he pulled her down in front of him, her back resting against his chest. He turned on the whirlpool jets. They pounded against her muscles, giving her a deep massage.

With a contented sigh she sank into the water up to her breasts. Aidan twined his legs around hers, tickling her feet with his toes.

Admittedly, this was a little slice of heaven. The warm water eased her aching muscles, and the man sitting behind her didn't hurt how she felt at all.

"You're so much smaller than me," he murmured.

She gazed down through the clear water and saw his long legs stretched out way past her feet. "Isn't it supposed to be that way? Or do you prefer Amazon women who are much taller than you so they can throw you down and screw your brains out?"

He laughed, deep and baritone. It rumbled through her body and she hitched a breath at the pure delight in feeling his joy.

"Now wouldn't that be something?" he said. "Do you see me as craving the Amazon type of woman?"

Actually she didn't see him as craving any type of woman but her. And that thought instantly shocked her. "No."

"Me either." He picked up a thick sponge and squeezed, dribbling water over her shoulders. "You wanna know what type of woman I crave?"

Did she really want to find out he preferred petite brunettes? "Sure."

/> "Tall, cool blondes with long legs and athletic bodies really push my buttons," he whispered against her ear.

She smiled down at the water. "Really?"

"Yeah." He reached up and caressed her breasts, the warm water and his hot hands searing her. "And pert breasts with sensitive nipples."

"Mmm, good to know." She reached up and caressed his neck, arching her back against his chest. His thumbs circled her nipples, plucking at them until they hardened to stiff, pink peaks. His erection pressed between the cheeks of her ass, probing against her as he undulated his hips.

"Turn around," he commanded, helping her adjust so that she faced him. Water spilled over the full tub as she wriggled into position on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his back, his cock pressing intimately against her mound.

Aidan's lips curled into a devilish smile and he moved against her, tickling her clit with his penis. Instinctively she arched against him, wanting to prolong the delicious sensations.

"You like that?" he asked.

"My toes are curling. What do you think?"

He grasped her buttocks in his hands and pulled her closer. "Hmm, curling your toes already and I'm not even inside you. Damn, I'm good."

Melissa pursed her lips and arched a brow. "That remains to be seen, doesn't it?"

His eyes darkened and his fingers pressed into her hips. "Or felt?"


Adjusting a bit, he leaned forward and captured her nipple between his lips, sucking it inside his heated mouth. When he twirled his tongue around the sensitized peak, she arched her back, driving her pussy against his shaft.

He laved her nipple with his tongue, then gave the other breast the same treatment until she grasped his shoulders and whimpered.