Melissa gasped for breath, unable to believe what she'd just done. Her body flamed with excitement and if Aidan had shoved his cock all the way inside her at this very moment she'd have gladly wrapped her legs around him and fought for her desperately needed orgasm no matter their location.

But reality slowly set in, and once again she struggled for the control she'd so easily lost. He handed her a handkerchief.

She was so turned on she could barely manage to stay upright on her shaky legs. Yet she knew she had to put a stop to this before she completely lost herself in Aidan.

"Now, cher, it's your turn." Aidan slipped his hands inside her dress, scraping his palms over her nipples and cupping her breasts.

Her pussy throbbed and spilled with liquid desire. She fought the battle within herself. She wanted his touch, his cock, his mouth on her so badly she couldn't breathe. But she was losing herself, becoming someone she didn't even recognize, and she couldn't, wouldn't let it happen.

"Let me go, Aidan," she said, trying to shut down the part of her that burned for him.

"What?" he asked, his hands stilling against her breasts.

Searching within herself for a resolve she didn't really feel, she blew out a breath and pushed him away. "I said let me go. I want to go back to the hotel."

She heard the sounds of his zipper and belt buckle as he righted his clothing. She inhaled and exhaled a few times to get her damned libido to calm down, until finally she managed to at least appear cool and calm on the outside. Never mind that she boiled to near overflowing within.

"I don't understand."

Ignoring the fact she was about to hurt him, she said, "Don't you? You got exactly what you wanted--an orgasm. Now, if you don't mind, we have a lot to do tomorrow and I'm tired. I'd like to go to bed."

"Lissa, let me--" he started, reaching for her, but she eluded his grasp and stepped out into the spotlight of the casino entry.

"No, Aidan. No more. Take me back."

"You're pent up, you need release. Let me take care of you."

She wanted to--God how she wanted to. She needed release right now. Touching Aidan, kissing him, cradling his hard cock in her hands, knowing how much she wanted to feel him inside her, was nearly unbearable. The building tension had reached volcanic proportions and she needed release from the incredible pressure threatening to erupt.

But she couldn't. Once she gave up her control to him, once she turned over her desires and wants and needs to him, she'd be putty in his hands. And she'd be in the same predicament she'd gotten herself into before.

She'd made that mistake once. She'd gotten involved with a coworker and completely lost sight of her goals. Never again.

"I don't need anything but to go back to the hotel. Now, if you don't mind."

He dropped his hand. "Fine, if that's what you want. But let me tell you this," he said, approaching her and grasping her upper arms, refusing to let her go when she tried to shake him off.

"Quit hiding your passion from me," he said. "It's pointless. A fire burns inside you, Lissa. Right now you need an orgasm so desperately that if I touched you once you'd climax."

Miserably, she realized he was right. But hearing it and acting upon it were two different things. Instead, she lied and said, "I'm fine, Aidan. I don't need anything from you."

"You ache inside and you damn well know it."

"I can take care of it myself," she countered.

He smiled slightly. "Yeah, you can, but not like I can do it for you."

"I'd rather do it myself than have you touch me again."

She turned her gaze away from the hurt in his eyes. Guilty pain washed over her, but she knew what she'd done was for the best.

Aidan let her go and nodded. They stepped out into the light and he signaled for the valet to bring his car.

They rode back to the hotel in silence, and when he stopped in front she quickly exited before he could even get out.

"Goodnight, Aidan," she said quickly, slamming the door of the car and hurrying up the stairs.

She closed her eyes and hoped fervently that he wouldn't come after her, wouldn't question her, wouldn't touch her again. If he did, she'd melt all over him.

When she reached the safety of her room she bolted the door and sat on the bed, nearly on the verge of tears.

What was wrong with her, anyway? Why couldn't she enjoy sex without churning herself into an ulcer worrying about what would happen down the road? Why couldn't she just fuck Aidan Storm without thinking she'd end up emotionally involved with him?

Melissa dropped her head into her hands, feeling shattered both inside and out. Two days. She'd been here two days and already she'd made a huge mess of things with Aidan.

Although she'd never considered herself a tease, she'd come awfully close these past days. Granted, she'd made Aidan come twice, so it wasn't like she was getting him hard and then walking away, but she knew he wanted more tonight. More than just a grope in the dark. But this whole hot and cold thing she gave him bordered on the ridiculous, and more than a little immature.

How old was she, anyway? Sixteen? No. She was a grown woman. A full-fledged sexual being. Why couldn't she simply reach out and grab sex when she wanted it?

The worst thing was, tonight she had wanted it. Wanted it with every fiber of her being. Touching Aidan had been a lesson in frustration. Sweet, satisfying, and oh so agonizing at the same time. Every time she'd grasped his enormous shaft she visualized his cock inside her--stroking, thrusting, making her scream with pleasure.

He'd have given it to her, too. So what did she do? She said no. Not only no, but I've-no-further-interest-in-you no.

Now what were her alternatives? Relieve the ache with her own hand, as she'd done so many times over the years? Frankly, she was more than a little tired of coming that way. Tired of being afraid to have a relationship, or even just plain old sex, for heaven's sake.

Not that sex with Aidan would be plain ole' anything. She already sensed that making love with him would be a forever altering experience. She simply wasn't sure how she knew that.

She stood, no answers forthcoming and resigned to the fact she'd made a mess of things tonight. With a sigh she walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Her reflection caught her eye and shocked her.

Her hair was unkempt - several strands had fallen loose from the clip in back, lending a look of complete disarray to her appearance. Her cheeks were pink, her lips swollen from Aidan's kisses, making her look wild and...dare she say it? Sexy.

She could have laughed if the idea of being sexy weren't so ridiculous.

Then again, why not? Resting her hands on her hips she twisted to the side. Not much in the chest department, true, but still the low vee of the dress showed off the sides of her breasts nicely. She was slender, her belly firm thanks to the gazillion sit-ups she did at the gym. Her legs were in good shape from running and tennis.

She wasn't exactly hideous. She was desirable. And obviously Aidan agreed.

He wanted her.

She wanted him.

So what was the problem? Why couldn't she enjoy a little hot and sultry romp in the sack with a man who oozed sex appeal? After all, in a month she'd be back in Boston with fond memories and at least some sexual satisfaction. Aidan hadn't exactly indicated he was looking for a permanent relationship. Admittedly, he hadn't said he was interested in anything but sex.

And sex was something Melissa hadn't had nearly enough of in the past few years.

She cupped her breasts, palming them over her dress, her nipples springing to life against her hands. Moving her fingers in circular motions, she stroked the aching buds until they stood out prominently against the silk.

Desire pooled between her legs, reminding her that one hot guy had come in her hands less than an hour ago. She'd come herself, in that bizarre, out-of-nowhere orgasm that had rocked her senses in the casino. Was she so turned on that she'd had a spontaneous orgasm without being

touched? Maybe that was her problem.

Dammit, she needed sex. And if she hadn't been so stupid, by now Aidan could have had his long, hard cock buried deep inside her, making her scream with a desperately needed orgasm.

But no, she'd been stupid. Now she'd have to do it herself.

The thought made her shudder, and she contemplated lying down on the bed and stroking her clit to a quick orgasm. Heaven knows it wouldn't take long. The tension had been building all day. That's probably why she'd had that strange orgasm in the casino. She'd held too much inside for too long and the dam had simply burst. Once it had, it continued to refill, just like now. She knew a rapid release would be in order.

But as she started to turn away from the mirror, a thought occurred to her.

What did she look like when she came?

Masturbating in front of a mirror was something she'd never done before. It had a certain wicked appeal. Especially in a well-lit room like the hotel's bathroom, with a full-length mirror on the side wall. She'd be able to see everything.