Ready to kill, judging from her reflection in the mirror.

It had to be the sultry New Orleans heat making her feel like a temptress, making her choose sexy dresses and dabbing on tantalizing perfume.

She grabbed her bag and headed toward the elevator, as perplexed as ever about what was happening to her. She'd heard New Orleans was magical, full of mystical practices that went back centuries. Maybe that's what had overcome her--the magic of this place.

Certainly, it had nothing to do with Aidan Storm.


Aidan cooled his heels in the lobby, wondering what kind of reception he'd get from Miss Frosty tonight. Most likely the same one he'd gotten all day today.

Spying his sister, Shannon, at the front desk, he strolled over and grabbed her around the waist. She shrieked and turned, a furious glare on her face.

"Dammit, Aidan! You scared the hell out of me."

"That's the idea," he said with a grin. "What are you doing here so late?"

"Finishing up the PR campaign for the French Quarter Business District."

And still looking bright and professional in her little business suit, even at nearly eight. He'd never seen Shannon look anything other than completely put together. "I see."

"And you? You're never here this late."

"Waiting for Melissa. We're going to one of the casinos tonight to check out the competition."

Shannon nodded and swept her hair off her shoulders. "You two will be spending a lot of time together, won't you?"

"Yeah. So?"

"She's very attractive."

"Yes, she is."

"And whip smart."

"Indeed." He already knew where this conversation was going, but enjoyed playing the game with his sister.

"Not really your type, though, is she?"

Shannon might be able to bat those turquoise eyes and act innocent with someone else, but he'd never fallen for it once.

"No, she's not."

"Kind of cold, isn't she?"

"Uh huh."

She pursed her lips and tilted her head. "Bet you'd like to heat her up just a little, though, wouldn't you?"

Now it was time. "Where are you going with all this, petite soeur?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Don't you little sister me, Aidan. I know exactly what you're doing with her."

Aidan crossed his arms and arched a brow. "Really. And what is that?"

"You're setting her up for heartbreak." She laid a perfectly manicured finger in the middle of his chest. "And yourself, too, if you're not careful."

"I can handle it, Shan."

She snorted. "Famous last words. You've been handling women around here for years now. But I think this time you may have met your match."

"Why do you say that?"

Shannon shrugged. "I don't know. Something about her is...different. I noticed it last night."

So, he hadn't been the only one. "Different, how?"

"Not that she's different," she replied, looking around and then taking him by the arm to a sitting area where they had more privacy. "She seems to bring out the magic in you."

"Damn, Shannon, not you, too. You sound like Mom."

"I know, I know. Believe me, I'm the last one to think the magic is all encompassing, especially as it relates to destiny. All I'm saying is that as soon as she walked in the door to the house last night, I felt it. It begs a warning for you to be careful."

He nodded and kissed his sister on the cheek. She smiled up at him. "Unless, of course, you don't want to be careful."


"You are getting up in years there, cher frere. Maybe it's time you settle down and start raising those grandchildren Mom and Dad are always harping about."

"You first," he teased.

Her eyes widened. "Not on your life. I don't have time."

"Talk about famous last words," he said, then stopped cold when the awareness hit him. He turned and spotted Melissa.

"Wow," Shannon said behind him.

Dressed in one hellaciously hot dress, Melissa strode toward them. Gold and shimmery, the dress waved around her legs and clung to her like it had been painted on her.

"You're in deep trouble, Aidan," Shannon said over his shoulder, mirth evident in her warning

"No shit." This new Melissa he hadn't expected. In fact, after today he fully expected her to show up in pants or some garb that covered all of her from head to toe. Not a silk dress cut low in front and showing off her figure. Her long legs looked even longer in those high heels.

Ignoring her would be difficult, if not downright impossible. He'd seen the body barely hidden underneath all that gold. And he wanted to see it again.

Melissa smiled brightly at Shannon as she stopped in front of them. "How are you tonight?" she asked his sister.

"Great," Shannon replied. "Working late as usual."

Melissa nodded. "You sound like a workaholic, just like me."

"Gorgeous dress, by the way," Shannon said.

"Thank you." A telltale blush appeared on her cheeks as she glanced quickly over at Aidan.

"You two have fun. I've got to get this paperwork finished." Shannon scurried off toward the hotel offices, leaving Aidan and Melissa alone.

The quiet was unnerving. And he couldn't stop staring. The gold dress shimmered against Lissa's creamy skin, the effect casting a burnished glow over her. Arousal rumbled inside him and he fought for control. Not tonight. According to Melissa, never again. He had to remember that.

"Shall we go?" she finally asked.

He nodded and led her to his car.

She stood at the door to the Corvette. His thoughts gravitated to how she'd look when she slipped into the low car, her long legs swinging over, her dress hiking up to her thighs.

Ah, hell. How much torture could one guy endure in an evening?

As Melissa situated herself he looked straight ahead, refusing to glance down at her legs and whatever else might be revealed.

The night was hot and humid, and as he walked around to his side Aidan pulled the crewneck collar away from his neck, feeling like a noose was tied around there. He'd be happier if he could be sitting at home with shorts and no shirt on, watching sports on television and drinking beer. Instead, he was working.

With a gorgeous partner who didn't want to have anything personal to do with him.

Life just sucked sometimes.


The heat yanked the wind right out of Melissa's sails. Moist and sticky humidity clung to her in most inconvenient places, and they hadn't even reached the casino yet.

At least Aidan was virtually ignoring her. Which was what she wanted. Although she'd noticed the obvious male appreciation when she'd appeared in the lobby, and couldn't help smiling at the thought she had at least a few charms to tantalize him with.

If she were interested in tantalizing him, that is. Which she wasn't.

She shifted, the cool air conditioning in the car peeling away the heat that seemed to permeate the very air around her. Occasionally she stole a glance at Aidan, but he refused to look her way.

As long as he was ignoring her it gave her the opportunity to look at him without giving him the wrong impression. When she'd first seen him in the lobby with Shannon, her heart had hammered against her chest.

Dressed in black pants and a beige crewneck shirt that hugged his well developed chest and shoulders, he looked the epitome of cool, classic and outright sexy. He had the most gorgeous head of full, dark hair that waved just the tiniest bit. How had she missed the opportunity to run her hands through his hair last night?

That would have been her only opportunity to do so, too. At her own request, of course, since she'd made it clear to Aidan she wanted no part of a sexual relationship with him.

He turned his head slightly in her direction as they turned into the driveway of the casino. He had the most perfect nose. Straight, not too long or wide, and a square jaw with just a hint of five o'clock shadow covering it. He looked like a man that a woman would want to sin with.

Checking her rapid heartbeat at the door, she entered the casino. The clanging bells, noise and activity made Melissa feel right at home. Bright lights shimmered and pulsed all around her, and cheers could be heard all the way from the back of the huge casino where the craps tables no doubt were located.

"What first?" Aidan asked.

"Let's take a stroll around the entire place and get a feel for the setup."

He nodded and let her take the lead. The casino, a national chain, was set up similar to others of its type. Slot machines and video poker were strewn throughout the casino, so that no matter where a customer wandered, there would always be spot for them to pause and put in their nickels, quarters or dollar coins and take their chances on a pull of the one arm bandit.

Blackjack, craps, roulette tables, and various card games were strategically placed in high traffic areas. Several restaurants and theaters were located within the boundaries of the casino, ready to feed and entertain their customers no matter what their pleasure.

"How does this place rate versus your casinos?" Aidan asked as they walked the carpeted path.

Melissa cast her eye at the craps tables. "Similar. Not as good as ours, of course."

"Of course."

They must have walked the entire casino three times when Aidan stopped her and asked, "Why don't we play a little?"