“Love, what you want, you get. Always. But National Pajama Day only happens if I get to pick your pj’s.”

“Are you saying my pj’s will be skin?”

“Oh, good.” He positioned his body above hers and rubbed the tips of their noses together. “You understood.”

She wound her arms around his neck, saying, “I understand that you’re stuck with me forever.”

“Forever isn’t long enough.” He kissed her then, letting himself get lost in all that was Sunny Lane, the love of his life. And what a life it would be, with her at his side.


First Annual Ball and Chain Celebration

Sunny perched upon William’s lap while he lounged in his new throne. Yes, her throne had been built next to his...a little bigger than the king’s. While his throne was made of what looked to be interlocking unicorn horns, hers was made of diamond sheets that reflected flecks of colored light. At their feet was a dog bed/throne for Dawn, who rested comfortably.

They watched their friends party in their new palace. Along with the crown, William had been gifted with the territory formerly owned by Lucifer. Sunny and her man had been working tirelessly to clean the place up. She’d even dubbed the land a safe zone for anyone seeking asylum from demons.

Life was good. William had burned his book, and they’d cheered as the pages turned to ash.

“You made this possible, love,” William said. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Yes. Lose.” As he laughed, she added, “Or find Sable.”

“She’s out there. My boys finally had a sighting. We’ll find her, I swear it.”

When William made a promise to Sunny, he kept it. So, she wouldn’t worry about her friend. “You know, we did this together, baby. I’m so thankful for our new pack.”

“As I am.” William stood, lifting Sunny. He set her on her feet, and led her to the dance floor he’d had installed.

He’d also had windows installed, so she’d always see the great outdoors. And he’d used magic to ensure rosebushes grew along the walls all year round.

As Sunny snuggled up to her man, she moved her gaze over their guests. Anya danced dirty with Lucien, and Puck danced extremely dirty with Gillian.

Sunny loved Gillian. The girl had sass.

Gideon and Scarlet stood off to the side, chatting with Amun and Haidee. Both females were heavily pregnant. Earlier Sunny had heard mention of a “mucus plug” and she’d wanted to cut off her ears.

Maddox and Ashlyn ushered their twins, Urban and Ever, along the buffet table, which boasted a nice selection of meats, cheeses and flower petals.

Reyes and Danika, Aeron and Olivia, Galen and Legion played darts with a poster of Lucifer acting as the bull’s-eye.

Paris and Sienna talked and laughed with Koldo and Nicola—well, with Nicola. Koldo maintained the same expression as always: homicidal.

Hades and Pandora walked a circle around the room, their heads bent together.

Father and son had been working to rebuild their relationship. As for Hades’s sort-of prophecy, Sunny figured she’d been right, that death hadn’t meant actual death but a new beginning.

With Lucifer impaled on the horn and locked in the dungeon, they were all getting a new beginning. And soon, they’d know how to kill him for good.

Sunny already had ideas. Somewhere out there was something known as the Morning Star. Oh, the things it could do.

She’d mentioned it to William and he’d told her the Lords of the Underworld had been searching for the Morning Star for a while. With the information she had, she suspected they’d find the Morning Star in no time.

Laughter drew her gaze to Strider and Kaia. They played on the gauntlet William had rigged. A real-life video game, he’d said. Sabin, Gwen, Bianca and Lysander played, too. Strider was winning, because Kaia kept taking out his competition.

Sunny grinned. William had the best friends. And now so did she!

Torin and Keeley were petting three new hellhounds brought by Baden and Katarina.

As soft music continued to float through the ballroom, Reyes and Danika, Kane and a pregnant Josephina, Zacharel and Annabelle, and Cameo and Lazarus all moved onto the dance floor. Then Bjorn and Fox did the same, so, of course, Thane and Elin did, too. Their buddy Xerxes watched from the sidelines.

William’s children—no, their children, since she was their stepmom and all—played poker and smoked cigars.

The trio had been out searching for Lilith, so William could apologize and thank her. No joke.

The only one missing from the celebration was Viola, the keeper of Narcissism. She’d been missing on and off for a while. William had expressed concern about where she was and what trouble she was causing, so Sunny had sent out her other unicorn pals to look. Her people were free again!

What an incredible life Sunny now lived. She traced her fingertip over the sun tattoo he’d inked into his chest in her honor—a sun for his Sunny.

To show her appreciation, she’d implemented No Shirt Mondays. And Tuesdays. And Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

“I saw you and Gillian talking earlier,” William remarked. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”

“She’s wonderful.” Gillian might be Sunny’s favorite visitor. There was no one more passionate than Gillian, who fought to help women and children stuck in abusive situations. “We’re planning ways to torture you, if ever you need something more than a spanking. Oh! Did you know she’s pregnant?”

“I did not, but I’m happy for her. And I’m pretty sure we’ll spawn our first brat next mating season.”

She smiled. “You think Axel is crushing on Evelina?” She watched as the Sent One moved off to the side to check his phone. He had a camera on the girl at all times.

“For sure. He hasn’t killed her as ordered, and not because he fears my wrath. Thankfully, now that Bjorn is dating Fox, no one should care who Axel ends up with.”

“Well, if anyone has a problem with it, they should fear your wrath. Everyone should. Well, except me.” All of the underworld knew if you messed with Sunny, you’d have to deal with William’s wrath...after you dealt with Sunny’s wrath. “You’re going to make an amazing king.”

“I know,” he said, and she grinned. More and more of his memories were returning.

When the song ended, they returned to the throne.

Hades approached and eased into the diamond one. “I found my magic mirror in Lucifer’s bedroom. The goddess has gone quiet, and won’t show me images. I think Lucifer did something to her, magically speaking, and I’d like you to siphon it, as you did for Axel.”

With William’s help, she’d aided Axel’s memory recovery. “Happy to,” she replied. “Once you’ve properly apologized to my fiancé.”

William grinned.

Hades compressed his lips into a thin line, but also nodded. Peering at William, he said, “I’m not the same male I was when you were a child. You helped change me. You were so damaged back then. You needed things I knew nothing about—kindness and understanding. We learned together. As you grew older, I feared I would lose you if ever Axel became part of your life. I feared you would remember the purpose of your creation, and you would try to do what you were programmed to do, and I’d have to do what I do best. Put a potential assassin down.”

“As if you could,” William said with a snort.

Now Hades’s lips twitched at the corners. “You aren’t wrong. You’ve become a strong man. A powerful king. I’m proud of you, and I’m sorry for my part in your pain.” He patted William’s hand and stood, then rejoined the party.

“Better?” she asked William.

“Much,” he said, squeezing her hip. “I still love him.”

“Well, he’s part of your pack. Our pack.” She rested her head on his broad shoulder, utterly content. Never in all her wildest dreams had she envisioned a life like this. So full, so exciting. So promising. “His actions, despicable as they were, played a part in bringing us together, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”

“I had the same thought about Lilith. How can I be upset, when you brighten my life, chasing away the darkness?”

She beamed at him. “We’re going to have an amazing future, baby.”

“The best.”

They shared a look, and that was all it took to rev her engine. “How would you feel about leaving—”