“You shut your mouth,” Hades snapped, pointing a finger at him.

Lucifer grinned, smug, and eyed William. “Did you know Hades is the one you and your precious Axel were created by Wrathlings to kill? They took the most powerful traits of the most powerful gods and creatures to create you both, making only slight differences in your DNA. You’re almost the same person. As if the world needed two of you.” He laughed, bitter. “When Hades learned about you, he gave chase and killed the Sent One determined to hide you. But you and Axel escaped. So he hunted you and found you with the cannibals, intending to kill you. Only, he decided to raise you as his own instead, using your skills to aid his cause. I suppose at some point, he grew to love you. He feared you would learn the truth if ever you reunited with your brother, so he schemed, lied and gambled to keep the two of you apart.”

Lies! Had to be. But as Lucifer had spoken, Hades had paled. And... William hissed. Searing heat rushed up his arm, invading his head. The horn he held... It was still connected to Sunny...a lie detector and a siphon. His magic drained.

Magical walls tumbled down in his mind, childhood memories flooding him. Suddenly, he was a little boy, locked in a room with young Axel, being observed by multiple Wrathlings.

Young Axel took his hand and whispered, “We’ll find a way out, brother. We will.”

The image faded, a new one already taking shape. He and Axel were a bit older and bleeding on a floor, surrounded by a multitude of Wrathlings punching and kicking them.

“Fight back,” one shouted. “Do you think the gods will go easy on you?”

Again, his mind blanked. Again, a new scene formed. Young William struggled against the ties holding him to a table as a man in a white robe said, “Let’s see how quickly you regenerate, shall we?” and ran a dagger down his abdomen. He howled with agony, blood pouring from him.

“Axel,” he screamed. From the distance, Axel screamed back.

Blank. More images. William, sitting on the floor of his cell, his knees drawn up to his chest as he rocked back and forth, plagued by unshakable loneliness.

Why did no one but Axel love him? Why did no one but Axel want him?

The door to his cell opened, and the woman he’d assumed was his mother rushed inside. She dropped to her knees before him, placing her cold, clammy hands against his temples, forcing his gaze to meet hers. “Hades learned of your creation. He’s here, and he’s going to slay you. I’m going to hide your memories, yes? If you do not know who you are, he won’t know who you are. Then I’ll whisk you and your brother to safety. Yes?” she repeated.

Present-day William stood rooted in place, everything he’d ever believed about his life crumbling like those magical walls. Parts of him burned; the rest of him iced. As he blinked into focus, rage and anguish cast a red haze over his line of sight. He inhaled sharply, exhaled heavily, his hands fisted. All that pain. All that loneliness. All the love he’d poured into Hades. And for what? Betrayal at every turn.

He couldn’t bring himself to look at Hades.

“Aw, did the truth break your wittle brain?” Lucifer taunted.

With ruthless precision, William shoved the memories deep into his mind. Later, he would withdraw them for further study.

He peered at Lucifer—and grinned again. “Long ago, Lilith predicted one brother would slay the other. I’m supposed to win our war. Why else would fate gift me with a unicorn? A horn of my own? The fucking genetics to get the job done?”

Lucifer went pallid.

The crowd parted briefly, Sunny entering the circle. She galloped between Hades and Lucifer, who looked ready to vomit. She stopped abruptly—and mule-kicked Hades, sending him stumbling back, out of the way, leaving an open path for William.

That’s my girl.

William and Lucifer circled each other. Despite the male’s abysmal condition, he wasn’t out for the count, still shockingly strong and fast.

“If you want a piece of me, brother,” Lucifer spat at William, “come and get it.”

“He’s mine,” William shouted to one and all. “I’m the only one who touches him. The rest of you can watch.”

“Yeah, baby!” Anya called.

“Make it hurt!” Keeley shouted.

“Bust his balls!” Gillian cried.

William struck, swinging the spear; Lucifer blocked with a sword. Whoosh. Bam. Bam. Bam. Again and again, their weapons slammed together, impact sending powerful vibrations up his arms.

Grunting, Lucifer faked a left, then went right, stabbing William in the side. Blood gushed from the wound, pain overtaking him. Did he slow? No! He spun, going low, sweeping Lucifer’s feet out from under him. As the male floundered, toppling, William repositioned and slammed the horn into the bastard’s chest. Bull’s-eye. Right in the heart.

Upon impact, Lucifer froze, paralyzed, but he recovered quickly, rolling to a stand. Enraged, he attacked again. Bam, bam, bam. Whoosh. Bambam. When one struck, the other blocked, but at a much slower pace than before.

Lucifer jabbed a dagger at William’s face. He reared back, just not in time. The blade sliced a shallow cut in his forehead, blood trickling into his eyes, momentarily blurring his vision.

Finish this! When Lucifer attempted another jab and slash, William parried and caught the blade. Even as metal sliced his palm and terrible pain radiated up his arm, he yanked the weapon free of his brother’s grip, leaving the male with a single dagger.

Lucifer stumbled back, clearly stunned by the development. One of his eyes was swollen, his nose was broken and his lip split. A front tooth had been knocked out.

Knowing the piece of shit would attempt a retreat, William shouted, “Axel!”

“On it!” The Sent One rallied his comrades, who tightened the circle around them.

Sunny trotted around the inner edge, huffing and puffing. Hades—

Still not looking his way.

William and Lucifer prowled around each other once more. “I’m going to enjoy killing you,” he spat.

Lucifer hissed, past any sort of bravado, and threw himself at William. They crashed together, another brutal dance ensuing. They stabbed, ripped and punched. Though dizzy, William managed to fit his hands around the male’s neck, his claws cutting past skin and muscle, hot blood dripping. He tossed Lucifer to the ground, amused when he skidded to the edge of the circle.

Anya kicked him in the temple, and Keeley stomped on his windpipe. Gillian punted his testicles. Gasping for breath, Lucifer jacked upright and lumbered to his feet.

Too easy? Maybe. But William slammed one end of his spear into the floor and used it to vault and swing forward. His boots slammed into Lucifer’s chest, knocking him down a second time. William followed, a red haze falling over his eyes. He pinned Lucifer’s shoulders with his knees. Hurt him! Make him beg for death.

With one hand, he whal

ed. With the other, he twirled the spear, preparing to deliver a death blow. Snarls collected deep in his chest.

His brother bucked while doing something odd with his hands. No, not something odd. He’d unsheathed the blades strapped to his knees, hidden under his leathers. Now he stuck William in the side and back once, twice, thrice.

William hissed in pain. No wonder the bastard had let himself get pinned. Too easy indeed.

Suddenly acid attacked his every cell, weakness invading muscle and bone. Poisoned? Lucifer bucked him off easily and rose, standing over him. The shit bared his too-sharp teeth in a semblance of a smile as William tried and failed to stand. Then the bastard stomped on his face.

More pain shooting through his jaw. Bones shattered. Stars winked through his vision, and nausea ravaged his stomach. Maybe, just maybe, the kick loosened a few screws in his brain. In that moment, he knew what to do. Always Lucifer used trickery to win his battles. Today, William would, too.

Gleeful but hiding it... Maybe... He waited until Lucifer delivered a second kick. William caught his ankle and flipped him onto his back, even knowing his ex-brother would pop back to his feet. Cockroaches always came back.

Look at me, Lucy. Too dizzy to stand. Blinded by blood. All pretense. From his spot on the floor, he swung the spear—and missed. Okay, maybe he wasn’t pretending. He was dizzy, and he was partially blinded, but he wasn’t out for the count.

Grinning, Lucifer edged closer, expertly sidestepping the spear. He drew back his elbow, preparing to throw a dagger; testing the truth of William’s condition before he launched a death blow?


William had to fight not to brace as the blade arced through him, sinking into his heart. A direct hit. The pain...more poison. Every beat of his heart sent a new cascade of acid through his veins.

As his world grew dark, his friends shouted encouragements. They sounded miles away, but their energy helped purge the weakness. Another plan formed. William rolled into a ball, as if to protect his vital organs. An action meant to mask another.