Crying out, she arched her back and fisted the sheets. Trembling, she said, “More.”

His absolute favorite word, uttered by those rosebud lips. Gritting his teeth against the powerful avalanche of lust gaining new ground, snatching up more and more of his control, he scissored those fingers and worked them in and out, mimicking sex.

Passion-fever spread over her skin, giving it a rosy undertone. The transformation entranced him and wrapped him in a blanket of heat.

“William,” she said, breathless. She reached between them to gently squeeze his testicles.

Control, damn it! “Someone likes to play dirty.” He barely managed to push the words out of his mouth.

As he removed his fingers a final time, she babbled denials.

Eventually, he cut her off. “Don’t worry, love. I’ve got something bigger for you.” He just needed to do something first... What, what? Casting his gaze through the room in an effort to remember, he noticed little notes posted everywhere. Oh, yes. The condom. The condom he couldn’t wear if he wanted Sunny to come.

He absolutely wanted Sunny to come.

With the tip of his shaft resting at her entrance, he clasped her hips and drew her backward slowly, impaling her on his cock. His breaths came faster, and far more shallow. Hers, too.

Being gloved by all that wet heat... He fought the urge to come. Must last.

He bit his tongue, tasting blood, as her body accepted the final inch. Tremors rocked her against him. He clasped her on both sides and drew her upright, putting her back flush against his chest. Her desire still wet his fingers—fingers he grazed over her lips, so he could lick away her feminine honey when next they kissed. A new addiction.

With one hand, he cupped and kneaded her breasts while pinching her tight little nipples. With the other, he strummed her swollen bundle of nerves. All the while, her inner walls clenched around his length, wrenching curses from him.

William kept his lower body still, ratcheting up her pleasure as he ran her earlobe between his teeth. Any minute she would—

Sunny arched her back. Yes! Movement! Her breasts pressed against his palms, stealing his thoughts. Wild and wanton, she turned her head toward him, seeking his lips.

Desperate for her, he captured her clitoris between two fingers and squeezed her hip, urging her up. His shaft inched out of her, nearly popping free...until he thrust forward once again, filling her.

Her ragged cry echoed from the walls. A starting bell of some sort.


He pounded inside her, again and again, the bed shaking.

Her next cry tapered into a breathless moan. “Yes, yes!”

In, out. In, out. In. On the next retreat, he didn’t shove back in. Yet. Instead, he flipped her around, so that they faced each other. Only when she wrapped her legs around him, and he claimed her lips in another earth-shattering kiss, did William thrust home once again. Thrust, thrust.

When he required greater friction than their current position allowed, he tossed her to her back. Thrust, thrust. Then she flipped him, straddling his waist as she rose above. He thrust harder... Harder. Faster.

“So close, love. I’m going to give you every drop. You ready?”

“Ready! Please, William. Please.”

Never had he burned or ached like this. Never had he felt so sated before a climax. With his woman’s plea for more ringing in his ears, her breasts bouncing above him, her sex gloving his shaft with liquid fire...

No stopping it. Finally he let go, hot jet after hot jet lashing from him.

Sunny threw back her head and screamed, her entire body convulsing. When she collapsed atop him, he rolled her to her side, removed her blindfold, and held her close. Will never let her go.

They hadn’t just had sex or made love. They’d communed, two souls made one. Exactly what the Lords had often spoken about when they’d explained the difference between sex with a stranger and sex with a mate. Until now, William hadn’t truly understood the difference. His satisfaction hadn’t come from his climax, but his partner’s.

If anyone tries to take her from me, I will do murder. I will have this every day for the rest of my life.

“We’ll get to rest a few minutes, then the urges will start up again,” Sunny told him between panting breaths. “If you can’t keep up—”

“Can’t keep up?” he bellowed.

A giggle escaped her, soon becoming a laugh. The sound enchanted him. The sight of her, too. Amusement lit up her entire face, making his heart race. As much as he wanted more sex and more afterglows, he wanted more of her merriment most of all.

A smile a day keeps my homicidal tendencies at bay.

“Let me rephrase,” she said.

He arched a brow, all let’s hear this.

“If, at any point, you have to leave, not because your stamina sucks and you need a break, but because...reasons, I’ll understand. I’ll ridicule you for eternity, but I’ll understand. Just be ready to be attacked the second you get home.”

“I might have to leave to speak with Hades,” he replied, hurt crackling in his tone. “But there’s nothing I’d rather do than take care of my woman during a...difficult time. And, yes, giving you orgasm after orgasm is going to be difficult for me. A real hardship. When mating season is over, you’re going to owe me so big.”

Another giggle. “So big,” she echoed. “As a reward, I might do a fashion show for you, and model my favorite granny panties.”

“Maybe? No. You will,” he said with mock ferocity. “The offer’s been made and accepted. No take backs.”

“Oh, I can—” She gasped, her blunt-tipped nails curling into his chest, holding her prey in place. “William, it’s starting again.”

“First of all, my name goes on your roster for permanent mating season duty. Second, you just lie back and let your man do all the work.” He drew her bottom lip between his teeth. “You’re about to discover my stamina is unmatched.”

* * *

He never actually vowed to lock me away, only to give me what he thought I needed.

After two weeks of sex, sex and more sex, Sunny awoke with a clear head for the first time in eons. Her fourteen-day deadline to decode the book had passed times two, yet William didn’t seem to mind. He seemed happ—

The realization about him smacked her upside the head, and she jolted upright, her mind whirling.


uring mating season, her man had perfectly divided his time between satisfying her and war. What she’d needed, her baby had provided. She’d luxuriated in a tide of bliss, losing count of the number of times she’d licked his tattoos, sucked him dry or rode him to climax.

But now mating season had reached its conclusion. Yay! Boo! No, no. Definitely yay. William slept like the dead beside her, and a soft smile spread over her face. Poor darling. She and the war had exhausted him.

As she stretched her sore, sated body, morning sunlight deluged the bedroom. More thoughts filled her head, things mating seasons had made her forget. No forgetting now. William’s curse. It had to be dealt with and fast. Only then could they truly start their lives together.

Sunny extracted her limbs from William’s as carefully as possible and lumbered to unsteady legs. Dude. She kind of felt like she’d survived a nine-car pileup. Once she had the book in her possession, she gathered her diary and a pen, then returned to the bed to prop herself up on pillows. Satisfaction hummed inside her as William slept on.

All right. Let’s do this. She opened the book to the page she’d last decoded and traced her fingertips over the symbols. In a snap, her blood heated. She frowned. Mating season hadn’t ended?

Still heating...

Sweat sheened her skin, yet the air seemed to cool by a hundred degrees, her limbs quickly freezing. Her teeth chattered.

Steaming hot and ice-cold at the same time? Madness!

Kill William.

She gasped. Not this. Not so soon. She’d only just begun.

So close to the end. Can’t give up now. Keep your eye on the prize and forge ahead. Break the curse, and the madness ends.

She focused on the symbols. Kill him! Heating. Freezing. Her heart thudded, reminding her of a gavel after a judge delivered a life sentence. Kill, kill, kill.

No. Never. Unless...she needed to kill him? Born to kill the princes of hell—wasn’t that her fate? Her only purpose in life? Yessss.