So many obstacles against them.

A commotion drew his gaze back to Evelina’s cell. The royal witch had awakened. Bellowing in a language William didn’t know, she struggled to rise from the cot with her arms tied behind her back. When she succeeded, she darted to the back of the cell, pressing her back against the wall. Clumps of dirt were stuck to her hair, obscuring the color of the strands. Mud had dried on her skin, so thick she must have fallen into a sea of the stuff just before being carted away. Her irises were lovely, green rimmed with silver, her pupils as big as saucers. She wore a tattered gown as muddy as the rest of her.

“Where did you find her?” William asked Green.

“An immortal brothel.”

Why would she stay or work in a brothel, if she hoped to hide? At her wedding, a witch cast a spell over Evelina—at Lucifer’s insistence. If ever she slept with another male, or orgasmed, Lucifer would know. He would also know where she was, and who she was with.

“Let me in the cell,” Sunny commanded.

Again, his boys looked to him for permission. Curious about what his unicorn planned to do, William nodded, straightened and closed the distance. He would enter at her side. If Evelina made a move against her, Evelina would pay dearly.

Though no one touched the lock, Red opened the door with a wave of his hand. Sunny stepped forward, but William flashed in front, entering first.

Evelina met his gaze and cringed, inching into a corner.

Peering at her, needing her to see the seriousness of his expression, he said, “Harm the girl, give her even the barest scratch, and I’ll gift you to Lucifer within the hour. Nod to show you understand.”

Tremors racked the witch-shifter’s small body, but still, she nodded. She looked to Sunny, the horsemen, Axel, then back to William, only to zoom back to Axel and visually trace his wings. Her eyes widened before she bellowed a string of unintelligible words, seeming to take the Sent One to task.

“Anyone know the language?” William asked.

A chorus of “no” belted out at different volumes.

Sunny took another step forward, slow and steady. Still, Evelina yelped and scrambled along the wall, moving farther away. When Sunny took a second step, the girl bared her claws and hissed.

Shoulders sagging, Sunny looked to William. Tears pooled in her eyes, the sight of them nearly sending him into an unstoppable rage. “Why is she afraid of me? I only want to help her.”

“Sometimes the only way to help someone is to walk away.” He tugged her against him, holding her close. He told his boys, “Ensure news of Evelina’s capture spreads to Lucifer without harming her.”

“Or touching her,” Sunny added with a sniffle.

He fought a smile. Such a soft, gooey center beneath her hard, chocolatey shell.

“I will ensure Lucifer knows.” Axel’s unbending tone echoed through the chamber. “He might not believe others, but he’ll believe a Sent One.”

His brother wasn’t wrong. Lies burned to death before ever escaping a Sent One’s mouth.

“And,” Axel added, “I will take the girl with me. I can keep her in a place Lucifer and his demons cannot reach.”

No doubt that place belonged in the heavens. “She’s part witch,” William informed him. Sent Ones considered witches as evil as demons. “A magic wielder, like me.”

Axel arched a brow. “I’ve never known who or what I was. Not really. As if I would judge another for being what they are.”

Like this man more and more.

His boys issued immediate refusals, but William silenced them with a glance. What to do? While Evelina would be safer in the heavens, the Sent Ones might not give her back when the time came.

“What do you think?” William asked Sunny.

Red frowned, Green scowled and Black spat a curse. This was a first. He’d never sought advice from anyone other than Hades. Ignore the pang.

“I think...” She curled her fingers around the collar of his shirt. “Yes. Let Axel take her where she’ll be safest. But first, demand concessions.”

He flashed a smile. “I love the way your mind works.”

At the word love, her breath caught.

Oh, shit. He’d just used the dreaded L-word, and he’d...


Meant it. And he could not take back the words.

Or the emotion.

He loved the way her illogical mind worked. How she helped those in need. Her courage, her strength. Her sense of humor, and her loyalty. Her dark side. Her soft side. Loved her goofy, loved her serious. He loved the way she demanded his best. The way she responded to his every touch. Never had she cowered from him. Never would she. Every single day, she gave him a new memory to cherish.

He just loved her, period. The emotion flooded him in torrents, nearly drowning him. No denying it a moment longer. She’d been made for him, and he’d been made for her. They were a pack. A family.

The future Hell king, and his treasured queen.

His heart slammed against his ribs, fear surfacing. Damn it! This was bad. So very bad. Surely the curse had just activated.

Why hadn’t she raged and attempted to remove his head, the only sure way to end him?

She petted his chest, as if she sensed his turmoil.

He needed to stop loving her. It’s her, or it’s me.

It’s...her. It will always be her. Stop loving her? Too late.

The code had to be broken. Soon! And if she tried to kill him in the meantime? What would he do? If he fought back, he risked harming her. A total nonstarter. What did that leave?

Axel smiled a cold smile. “What kind of concessions? I don’t slaughter anyone who tries to stop me?”

Spoken like a true...whatever our last name should be. Hiding his turbulent emotions behind a carefree expression, he said, “I want Evelina brought back when I demand it, and I want Fox spared for her crimes against your people. She may remain Bjorn’s prisoner, but she must not be killed.” She’d murdered ten Sent Ones, yes, but only because her demon had overtaken her. Did she deserve punishment? Yes. And she’ll get it. But death? No.

Several beats of silence. Then, “Agreed,” Axel grated.

“Then so it shall be.” Leaving the Sent One with Evelina, William took Sunny’s hand and flashed her home...back to the book, for better or worse.


“To meet me is to crave me.”

One mi

nute bled into another as William prowled through the bedroom, adhering Wear a Condom notes everywhere. Sunny watched, concerned about his stiff movements and unwillingness to glance her way. Something was wrong.

They’d returned over an hour ago. He’d handed her the book, then started on the reminders. He’d been working at warp speed ever since, muttering about the effing curse. Of course, he’d used the actual F-word.

“We need to talk,” she finally said.

“Not in the mood for chitchat.”

Instinct screamed, Get this settled. “So? I said need, not want, and need wins. Now that we’re official, it’s your duty to ensure I have everything I need.”

He flashed her a scowl, still not meeting her eyes. “Then talk.”

Seriously, what was his problem? Before they’d entered the dungeon, he’d been kind and sweet. But maybe his boys’ dislike had rubbed off on him, despite his claims to the contrary?

A rising tide of nausea took her by surprise. “If you’re super worried, just chain me in the dungeon next to Evelina until the end of mating season.”

“No.” He adhered a note to the dresser with more force than necessary. “I will take care of you.”

“I’m still decoding your book, William, and there are still moments I want to kill you. Plus, what if the notes make no difference and you forget to wear a condom? Now isn’t the time for a baby, not even a chance for one.”

“Because you don’t want me smuggling an ally into your womb?”

“Not until Lucifer is dead.” But...would the desire to kill William cease if he had an ally on the inside?

He said nothing more, and Sunny took his silence as an affirmation. Chained, it is. Disappointing but necessary.

As he bent over, putting a note on the floor, her belly fluttered, a raspy moan escaping her. Was he hoping to take her there?

He froze, and her heart raced faster. Slowly, he straightened and faced her. The moment he spied her expression, he hardened, tenting his pants. Her body responded, heating, aching...preparing for invasion.

Arousal, stronger than ever before. Familiar sensations bombarded her. Her nipples beaded. Her blood heated another thousand degrees. The most delicious aches plagued her...until they became the most painful. Her panties dampened, and her core clenched, desperate for him. Her skin tingled, seeking his touch.