Think, think. Could she think? The deeper he worked those fingers, the faster he scissored them, his knuckles caressing her inner walls, hitting all the right spots. Pleasure became agony, agony became pleasure.

Lick his tattoos. Tongue his nipples. Suck his testicles.

Yes, yes. But once again, he thrust the two digits in deep, deeper, and she lost her mind, crying out. Come first, then think and lick, and flick and suck.

“A third finger,” she pleaded. “Give it to me.”

“Not ready.” He pushed the words through gritted teeth. “You’re too tight, sundae.”


“Tormented. Want to give you something bigger.”

Like the wily unicorn she was, she wound her legs around his waist and locked her ankles—trapping his fingers inside her and his erection against her inner thigh. He was so hot she felt forever branded.

He heaved a breath. Sweat trickled from his brow, and tension branched from his eyes. He was seduction incarnate, a warrior without equal. And mine. But she wasn’t as wily as she’d thought. By trapping his fingers, she’d ensured they couldn’t move. Need friction!

She dropped her legs.

He released her wrists and cupped her nape. Crazed, she combed her fingers through his hair, embedded her nails in his scalp and drew his mouth back to hers.

Their mouths crashed together, their tongues rolling and thrusting. Finally! He wedged in a third finger, and oh, the stretch. The burn. He thrust them, and withdrew. Thrust, withdrew, changing his pace with every stroke, ensuring she could never anticipate his next move.

She could only writhe and beg and score his back. Still pressure built. So close, so close. She needed—


He rubbed his thumb against her throbbing clit and sent her hurling over the edge, screaming his name.


“I’m good at three things. Sex, killing and sex. Yeah, I’m so good at sex I had to mention it twice.”

William was lost in the throes. Watching Sunny come, her face radiant with pleasure...feeling her inner walls clench around his fingers... She’d come alive, all the colors of the rainbow glowing in her eyes, her hair switching from white to blue to pink to black again and again.

Was there a more glorious sight? I am undone.

He’d been with inhibited and uninhibited lovers, greedy ones, selfish, giving, those with and without fetishes, those cold or hot, sadists and masochists, those seeking to win him or hurt him. But he’d never been with a woman who made him desperate to possess her body and soul.

Before her inner walls ceased clenching on his fingers and she sagged into the mattress utterly sated, he removed his wet fingers.

As she unleashed a stream of unicorn curses, he spread her wetness over her lips, around her nipples. Her breasts fit his hands, as if they’d been made for him alone. All of her fit him.

Two puzzle pieces, locked together.

When he placed the tip of his erection at her entrance, her curses turned into pleas.

For a moment, he felt as though he was forgetting something. As soon as the thought formed, however, it vanished, pleasure his only concern.

“Do it!” she cried. “Please.”

“Am I...hurting you?” he gritted out.

“No, no, don’t stop.” she commanded.

Heaving every breath now, he slid in an inch...two, but she was tight, so damn tight. More sweat beaded on his brow. His muscles bulged with tension. Not slamming inside her required every ounce of his strength.

After licking her lips, he pushed in another inch. Wet heat seared him. His bulging muscles began to tremble, extreme effort required to maintain a slow and steady pace. Will not fucking hurt her.

She moaned his name. In one swift move, she sank her nails into his ass and lifted her hips, forcing him to thrust to the hilt. Finally, he was fully seated inside her.

He’d thought, hoped, the pressure would ease.

The pressure grew worse.

“That brought a little more pain than I expected,” she offered, breathless.

Guilt surged. Reached a point of no return. He was losing the ability to think or see past the pleasure. He wanted more, and he would have it. “Tell me are ready...for me to move,” he said, between breaths.

She licked her lips and nodded, then gave her hips an experimental rock. He bit his tongue to stop a roar, a sexual haze falling over his line of sight.

Another rock, this one stronger. Then another and another. Her eyelids turned heavy, her lips parting on a gasp. At the same time, he reached between their bodies to thrum her little bundle of nerves until she continually rocked up, mimicking the shallowest of strokes.

I won’t last.

I will, damn it. Her pleasure came first, now and always, but staggering arousal had ignited his most ingrained aggression, and it was taking a toll. The need to hammer into her, to brand and to claim besieged him. Control! He would be the best lover she’d ever had—better than Sunny herself—even if it killed him.

William withdrew to the tip, still teasing her swollen clit.

When a flush darkened her cheeks, she cried, “I’m ready, I’m ready!”

Yes! With a roar, he surged back in, shaking the bed. Little moans escaped her as she curled her body around his, so he did it again. And again. Again. He hammered into her.

“Harder!” she commanded. “Faster!”

No. No? Slower. He wanted to savor this. But when he hooked an arm beneath her knee, forcing her legs to open wider, his control frayed. With his other hand, he gripped the headboard, his bicep flexing.

Once again, he slammed to the hilt, the pleasure nigh blinding him.

He bent his head, taking her lips in a wild, wicked kiss. My everything? They sucked on each other’s tongues, nipped at each other’s lips. Their teeth clinked, not usually something he enjoyed. With her, with the ferocity of their lovemaking, he saw it as a sign of their passion, and only wanted more. She tasted of heaven, her lush body his portal there.

He wanted to be her portal to heaven. Wanted her to crave this, and William, every day for the rest of her life.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, never stop,” she panted.

Last, damn it! “So good, love. So good. You please every way.” He plunged in, pulled out, the friction scrambling his thoughts. Mindless, he unleashed. Pounding. Pounding.

She arched beneath him, sending him deeper, deeper still. A scream left her, her inner walls clenching on his length, bathing it in hot feminine honey.

Can’t withstand the pressure. Too much. With a final thrust, William threw back his head and roared, coming in a rush, emptying himself inside his woman.

The little unicorn wrung a savage climax from him. The most savage of his life.

When the spasms abated, he collapsed atop her, but rolled to the side, keeping her within his arms. As she curled into him, he kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and the pulse that raced at the base of her neck.

Contentment overwhelmed him, an odd and wondrous sensation. A smile teased the corners of his mouth, and he said, “Now you’re only the second-best lover you’ve ever had.”

* * *

“Arrogant bluebell,” Sunny muttered, smiling inside.

William barked out a laugh, a genuine laugh, and she realized the ones she’d heard in the hotel bar had been fake. All she could do? Snuggle into his side and peer at him with awe. So beautiful. Amusement softened his features and turned his baby blues into stars.

He petted her hair, saying, “Can you deny it, sundae?”

While inside her, he’d called her “love,” an endearment she missed and yearned to hear again. Did he love her?

A staggering need arose. I want him to love me. I want to make him a member of my pack.

Tracing a fingertip around his nipple, she answered his question at last. “No. I can’t.”

He smiled at her, eyes sparkling, a reward for her honesty. “I’ve never lain with a lover and discussed my life, have never wanted to...until now. I’m desperate to learn more about you.”

Desperate. Yes. “I want to learn about you, too.”

“Tit for tat?”


“Ladies first. Start with how much I pleasured you.”

Oh oh oh, what was this? Did someone need reassurance? How adorable! “Pleasured...put in a coma of bliss...”