After texting his self-appointed decorator, Anya, to request a replacement bed, William linked his fingers with Sunny’s and flashed to Hades’s throne room. He’d had too many women in the old bed, and the thought of making love to his lifemate there—

Making love? Who are you?

He popped his jaw. I’ll make like to her, not love. Not yet. Was there potential for love? Yes. Okay? Yes. Were his feelings for her greater than his fear of the curse? Absolutely. As proven by his actions these past few days.

What he felt for her... He wasn’t sure how he’d ever believed someone else belonged with him. The more he learned about Sunny, the better she fit him. They had common interests. They both enjoyed winning, hating Lucifer and dishing punishments.

With Sunny, William had discovered a new appreciation: receiving those punishments. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t try to improve his behavior. The woman kept him guessing, too. He never knew what she’d do or say. The fact that she came alive for him alone roused his every possessive instinct. Her changing appearance intrigued him. He had his variety, but kept the woman he carved above all others.

He could not give her up.

A pang lanced him. As if he’d needed more proof that Sunny was his lifemate, he’d just discovered the curse had begun to affect her. In her diary, she’d written Kill William and William must die again and again. Yet, she’d no clue she’d done it.

Even now, horror vibrated in his bones. He’d once thought he would lock her away if ever she reached this point, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. She hated captivity, and rightly so. He would not subject her to days...weeks...months of fear and pain. Which meant the curse was far more insidious than he’d ever realized. The more he cared for Sunny, the more her well-being mattered. At this rate, he might end up helping her end his life, just so she thrived.

His self-preservation instincts protested. He wouldn’t help anyone end his life, and he wouldn’t let his feelings for Sunny affect his decisions. He must proceed full steam ahead, regardless of their feelings. Only then could they have a future together.

A future... Yes. He wanted a future with her.

He wanted forever.

Therefore, he would take action to ensure he got it.

They stopped outside Hades’s throne room, all alone. No guards stood before the closed doors. Interesting.

No better time.

He turned to Sunny. Realizing he’d taken her hand automatically, he brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. “From this moment on, you are free. If you wish to leave me, I will understand. However, I’d like you to stay with me. In my bedroom.” A smart move? Probably not, considering the curse affected her. But he’d rather be with a willing Sunny and roll the dice.

Her brand-spanking-new purple eyes shimmered with astonishment. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”

“I am.” He nodded for emphasis.

“I... You... You’re setting me free? Truly? I can leave right now, and you won’t stop me?”

Pang. “Truly. So say yes, you’ll move in with me,” he all but pleaded, more strained by the second. If she said no... She couldn’t say no.

She merely gaped at him. “We’re really doing this here? Now?”

“We are.” He wanted the matter settled ASAP. “Say yes,” he repeated.

“But...are you sure you want this? It’s a big step. An official step.”

Still not a yes. Heart racing, he backed her into the double doors. “Not a big step. We’re already living together. If you fear I’ll be untrue, you can rest easy. I will not stray, I vow it. I will be by your side, protecting you at all costs.”

She searched his face for several prolonged seconds, the suspense killing him. He nearly yanked her against him, just so he could bury his nose in her hair and draw in her incredible scent. Anything to feel closer to her.

Then she said, “Yes. No. I don’t know! The curse...”

So his worry had rubbed off on her. But that, he could combat. “Big risk, big reward, sundae. Take a chance on me. On us.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, thoughtful. Finally, finally, finally she nodded. “All right. Yes. I will stay with you. And I will protect you at all costs, too.”

Something akin to joy snuck up on him. He wanted everything she had to give. Right here, right now. If not for the meeting...

He planted a swift kiss on her lips—can’t resist her—and stepped back. “We’ll talk more when we return home. You ready to speak with my father?”

Confident nod. “Let’s do it.”

With his free hand, he gripped the hilt of a bone dagger. Then, he kicked open the doors. Side by side, he and Sunny strode inside the throne room.

“Oh, my... Wow.” She gawked, whispering, “Is this heaven? Because this feels like the beefcake edition of heaven.”

William popped his jaw. Even when he’d been on a date, he’d never hesitated to admire another woman. As Sunny gaped at the nine kings, each male perched upon Hades’s dais, she mimed wiping away drool.

I deserve this, I really do. Oh, to go back and kick his own ass.

“Don’t worry, Ever Randy,” she said, squeezing his hand. “I’ll be going home with you. Sure, I might picture Rathbone’s face, but—”

He growled, and she laughed. Tease!

Hades sat upon a throne of skulls, an adorable black cat perched in his lap. He stroked her fur Dr. Evil–style, maintaining an emotionless expression—something he did with everyone but William. Until now.

His joy drained away, as if a plug had been pulled. Hades wanted nothing to do with him. Had written him off, same as he’d done to Lucifer. A fate William had never thought he’d have to endure.

A part of him would die because of Axel? You nailed it, Hades, but you are at fault, not a prophecy.

Sunny lifted their joined hands and nuzzled the back of his against her cheek. A gesture of comfort, support and love.

Did the most exquisite female in the worlds love him? The thought excited him more than sex ever had. A true shock.

Suddenly he had the strength he needed to focus on the other kings, ignoring Hades.

There was Rathbone, of course, the greatest shape-shifter ever born. Achilles the First, who inspired terror in everyone he met. Everyone but William and apparently Sunny. Nero, who refused to use a title. Baron the Widow Maker, who collected women

like other males collected baseball cards and was once William’s hero. Gabriel the Maddened One, whose sanity came and went. Long ago, he’d trained William in the art of sword making. Falon the Forgotten, who had the ability to possess anyone, at any time. And did, often. He’d possessed William several times, as a joke. Lastly, Hunter the Scourge and Bastian the Uninvited, brothers whose mere presence caused certain living things to die slowly.

He’d always admired these males. Like Hades, they wielded extreme power.

He cast his gaze throughout the rest of the room. It boasted golden walls, a diamond floor and stained-glass windows. Another deception on Hades’s part. The lack of “evil” decorations tended to put people at ease. A grave mistake, usually their last.

“Who’s the girl?” Baron asked, his deep voice echoing.

“Hello to you. Hi, Rathbone.” Sunny waved so sweetly she made William think of an innocent Little Bo Peep surrounded by big, bad wolves.

When he’d first seen his warrioress in such a dainty outfit, with her sexpot silver-white hair mussed, her purple eyes bright, he’d hardened painfully, as if he’d overdosed on a shit-ton of Viagra.

He was still hard as steel.

“I’m Sunny Lane. I—”

“Belong to me. She’s mine,” William interjected. Claiming her puffed his chest with pride. “A slight to her is a slight to me.”

“And he’s mine, in case anyone was wondering. Oh! Look at the pretty kitty!” Wrenching from his hold, she bounded toward Hades without a care.

Each of the kings braced, resting a hand on a weapon. William flashed in front of her, acting as her shield. She crashed into his back and would have ricocheted backward if he hadn’t wound an arm around her waist, holding her steady.

Her breasts smashed into a spot beneath his shoulder blades, so wonderfully soft.

“She merely wishes to pet the cat.” His voice, though husky with desire, deepened with authority as he added, “Let her.”

Sunny didn’t wait for permission. She stepped around William and crouched down to pet the cat. “Hello, pretty baby. What’s your name? Since people are dumb and suspicious of black cats, I bet it’s something ferocious like Venom or Killer.” With a wide, toothy grin, she claimed the animal. Again, without permission. “Why don’t I call you Love Bug?”