“The rest of the sentence!” A good one, too. “‘The lesson begins with a curse, and ends with a funeral...unless he performs one small task.’”

Eagerness palpable, William said, “Keep going. Please.”

Please. Had he ever pleaded with her before? That he did now, over this, something he wanted most in the world... Can’t let him down. But not sure I can resist those dark urges.

“Are you hurt, sundae?” Concern laced his voice.

“I need...need...to be alone.” Yes. The solution. “Okay?”

He flinched, though it was barely perceptible. Had she not been watching intently, she would have missed it. Guilt flared. In her efforts to save him from harm, she’d hurt him.

“Very well,” he said, his tone now devoid of emotion. “I’ll visit someone who enjoys my company.”

She snagged his wrist to hold him in place, and he let her. Eyes watchful, he moved closer to her. Hoping she’d pleased him, she moved closer to him, too. They stared at each other, their breaths growing uneven.

So she was getting turned-on only minutes after she’d planned to murder him? So what? Look at him. His body, sculpted with all those muscles. His tattoos, lickable. And the way he watched her right back, his eyes heating again, as if he’d just found his next meal.

“You want me close,” he said, his eyes shimmering. “You want me gone. Tell me, Sunny. Why would I want more of this?”

Ouch. “I knew my dual personality would get to you.” No need to mention the curse.

He didn’t contradict her, which hurt way worse. “Did learning more about my past ruin me in your eyes? The things done to me. The things I did. Yes, I slept with married women in the past, nullifying their commitments. An action I regret. At the time, I considered the husbands fools for binding their futures to someone, anyone, and they deserved what they got. Over the past few years, I’ve encountered genuine examples of loving relationships. For the first time, I see possibilities.”

Possibilities...with me? “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry I made you think your past disgusted me. It doesn’t.” His life had shaped him. She liked who he’d become. A man, a warrior, who fought for what he believed in, with a heart more fragile than she’d ever realized.

His gaze dropped, lingering on her lips. Her gaze lingered on his, too, those beautiful, soft lips capable of making her mindless with bliss. She shivered, her arousal deepening.

Lightly pinching her chin between his fingers, he forced her gaze to lift. Something he must love to do. “You’re not sorry you asked me to leave?”

Can’t tell him the full truth. He’d only panic. But again, she couldn’t lie. So, she shook her head and went with, “I was in a bad mood and feared I’d hurt you.” Truth. Kind of.

“Don’t worry about hurting me. Worry about pleasuring me.” He licked his lips, as if he could already taste her. “I’m hungry. Ready to feast.”

Resist. Take a moment to calm. “All right, but I’ll require a meal of my own.” The invitation left her lips unbidden.

“I will gladly—” He released her suddenly, as if she’d burned him, and stood.

Okay, what had she done wrong?

Tone sharp enough to cut glass, he said, “Someone’s coming.”

Really? How’d he know? She listened, but detected no odd noises. “Who?”

A knock sounded at the door and she jolted. “William?” Axel called.

Dawn remained on the bed; at the sound of the Sent One’s voice, her heads jerked up. She bared both sets of teeth. A vicious growl echoed through the stable.

Sunny scrambled to unsteady legs, raced to the desk and returned the book to its case. Confused by the hound’s reaction, she strode over, hoping to comfort the little darling.

“Enter,” William called. “I’ve disabled the magical blocks.”

Hinges squeaked, the door opening. Axel stalked inside—

Sunny did a double take. Whoa. Before, his aura had been as blurry as William’s. Now? It was solid black, with no hint of light.

The kind of aura demons possessed.

Unless Axel’s personality had undergone a drastic change in the past day, their guest was someone pretending to be Axel.

A shape-shifter.

Like Rathbone.

Or... Sunny stiffened. The Great Deceiver. Lucifer.


“All the world is a stage. Immortals play the predators, humans play the prey. Go ahead, break a leg.”

In a handful of seconds, William ran the emotional gamut. Worry for Sunny’s well-being. Fury over her dismissal. Determination to make her want to show him her unicorn form. Confusion about her moratorium on sex. Hatred for Lilith. Happy to see his brother. Pissed off that he couldn’t finish his argument with Sunny and have hours of makeup fellatio.

How did not having sex with her feel so much better than having sex with someone, anyone, else? How could he crave more from her, more of her, never less?

He was desperate to keep her and cut ties, a sentiment that magnified every time he glanced in her direction. She was the first woman, the first person, to make mincemeat of his iron control, and there’d never been a less inopportune time. So much at stake.

“Hello, William,” Axel said.

“Welcome,” William replied.

“Thank you.” As Axel stepped into the stable, Dawn barked louder and louder. “I came to tell you Lucifer attacked a group of Sent Ones. I fear this was the first of many strikes. We must prepare.”

Sunny jumped to her feet, her breasts bobbing beneath her shirt. The color had drained from her cheeks, his concern returning in a flash. Was she sick?

She met William’s gaze and whisper-bellowed, “Your penis is cute.”

His penis—William stiffened. She’d just uttered her safe word, which must mean Axel’s aura didn’t belong to Axel, but Lucifer. But she had to be wrong. William had taken magical precautions to prevent something like this.

On the flip side, Dawn hadn’t barked the last time Axel visited.

If William made an aggressive move and his little sundae had gotten this wrong, he might shatter the already fragile bond he’d managed to establish with Axel. But if she was right, and he did nothing, Lucifer could kill them both.

Lifting his chin, he eyed the other male. Axel looked the same as before, zero differences. He’d have to find the truth another way.

Protect Sunny at all costs. Safeguard the book, and the medallion.

The order surprised him. All costs? Even his own life?

No time to analyze or rationalize. If their guest was Lucifer, he’d either come to steal the book, enact a fact-finding mission—get in, learn William’s plans, get out—or to ambush and kill. Or maybe even try to drive a wedge between William and the real Axel? Lucifer fed off misery, like an emotional incubus.

“I’m glad you came, Axel.” Excellent. His casual tone shouldn’t set off any alarm bells.

The maybe/maybe-not Sent One watched as Sunny leashed the still-barking Dawn and led her to the bathroom, where she sealed the two-headed monstress inside, just in case a fight broke out.

“Axel,” he snapped, testing the other man’s reaction. “You know the rules. No looking at the girl.”

An amused blue gaze slide to William. “You’re right. My apologies. She’s a beautiful woman, and you’re a lucky man.” His voice was an exact match for Axel’s. Only, William had never given a “no look” order. “I’d like to discuss next steps, and how we’ll protect ourselves against Lucifer’s second attack, but I’m happy to come back later, if you need a moment to finish the discussion about your penis.”

He bit his tongue, tasting blood. How many times had he looked at an enemy with amusement, certain he had victory in the bag? Countless. Should he attack? And what had happened to the real Axel?


! Knowing Lucifer, Axel still lived, but only as collateral. He might be imprisoned, a blade poised at his throat. His life in exchange for Lucifer’s safe passage, just as Hades had taught them. Always have a contingency plan. Or, Axel might be out there, oblivious to Lucifer’s schemes.

“Yes. Please stay.” Offering a sugary sweet smile, Sunny sidled up to William, rested her head on his shoulder and tucked her hand into his, secretly passing him a dagger. Good girl. “I might have a way to kill Lucifer. Maybe I should get your take first?”

His chest puffed with pride. Smart girl, tempting the male with false information, without telling a single lie.