Why, why, why?

“The message,” William said, and sighed.

“You are two minutes late. Get to the club. Oh, and he requests your presence for dinner tonight.” Rathbone’s dark gaze returned to Sunny. “Feel free to bring a guest.”

Judging by the male’s tone, requests meant commands.

“Hello.” Sunny waved. “I’m Sunny. William’s girlfriend. We’re committed, aren’t we, cuddles?”

The newcomer shook his head as if he’d misheard and zoomed his attention back to William. “Girlfriend?”

She expected another denial. Instead, he grated, “Committed,” then finished making introductions, leaving her flummoxed. “Sunny, this is Rathbone. He’s one of nine Hell kings.”

“I’ve heard of you,” she said, suddenly awed. “You’re the original shape-shifter, able to morph into anything. I was your biggest fan until you became an underworld king.” She’d heard he ruled with an iron fist, executed any and all who betrayed him, never offering a second chance, and had once skinned his own brother alive. Rumors his black-as-night aura supported, but even still he didn’t ping her “must destroy evil” instincts. “Then you went and totally redeemed yourself, helping to downgrade Lucifer from king to prince.”

Every underworld king owned a crown with special powers. Without it, they lost their spot at the royal table. From her researching, she knew Rathbone had used his ability to shape-shift to help Hades steal back the crown.

“Would it be terribly forward of me to ask you to transform—” Between one blink and the next, Rathbone morphed into William. She laughed and clapped. “Do it again, do it again!”

William blew the male a kiss with his middle finger. “You better change back, bones. I’ve never been so attracted to someone in my life, and I’m about to jump you.”

With a wink, Rathbone returned to his original visage. “I’ll tell Hades you’re on your way to the meeting, and you’re happy to join him for dinner. Should I mention you’re in the middle of planning your wedding or not?” He grinned and vanished.

William unleashed an unholy snarl, and Sunny slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her giggle.

He wagged a finger at her, opened and closed his mouth without saying a word, then turned on his heel and marched out of the stable, never looking back.

She released her laughter at long last, though it quickly ended in a groan, mating season never letting her forget her attraction to William for long.

What to do next, what to do next?


“I’ve killed thousands—a number that does not compare with the carnage to come.”

You’re mine.

Sunny’s words continued to reverberate inside William’s head, her image seared into his memory. That waterfall of blue waves...the half shirt, leaving the bottom swell of her breasts visible...those rock-hard nipples...that slender build and flawless brown skin with a wealth of rose tattoos he’d longed to trace with his tongue...that tiny scrap of fabric pretending to be panties...those perfect legs.

The woman’s body was incredible, a masterpiece of femininity and sparkly unicorn goodness. One look at her, and blood had rushed straight to his groin. Where it had stayed ever since.

In her presence, everything heightened. He needed to keep his distance, but she drew him like a magnet drew metal.

The magic he’d taken from the demons? Hadn’t helped. He craved Sunny with every ounce of his being. And she craved him. The most exquisite creature in any world saw him as boyfriend material. Him. A male with no memory of his childhood and too many memories of rape and torture. A prince of Hell without a true kingdom of his own. A cursed warlord who’d never known true, genuine love.

Hold up. Am I questioning my worth? He scowled. Because yes. Yes, he was. Would his past disgust Sunny? It certainly disgusted William.

Won’t tell her. Ever. If she failed to decode his book in two weeks, there’d be no need. Mating season would take over, and she’d want him, regardless.

“Damn it!” He punched a wall. Skin split, and bone cracked. Pain shot through his knuckles, pooling in his wrist. He didn’t want her to want him because of hormones or pheromones, or whatever mating season did to her body. He wanted her to want him because of the man he’d become.

Most fevered dream and worst nightmare, Keeley? You nailed it.

Sunny made him feel alive. Sometimes she even reminded him of...himself. Oh, shit. She did. She was his female counterpart. A feminine William. The best of the best. She was confident but vulnerable, solitary but social. Sometimes finicky and always irreverent. Determined and witty. Smart and gorgeous. A wild creature in need of a wild ride. A challenge. Exuberant. She demanded what she wanted and took nothing less.

William admired her greatly and wanted her desperately, madly. Making her come was becoming an obsession. How would she react when he succeeded? How would he?

The urge to return to the stable hit, and hit hard. I won’t race back to Sunny. I won’t. Not now, not later. After the meeting, he would be ensuring the poachers and collectors were dead, as expected.

With a huff, William flashed to a nightclub known as the Downfall. The club’s owners—Bjorn, Thane and Xerxes—had closed to patrons for the day, allowing Hades to rent the entire building for the meeting with Lucifer.

Menace crackled in the air, buzzing against the back of his neck. Black velvet covered the walls, the perfect frame for a gallery of portraits featuring different mythological creatures performing different depraved sexual acts. There were hundreds of small round tables with four chairs. Elaborate chandeliers cast muted beams of golden light.

Bjorn stood on the other side of the room. He met William’s gaze and nodded, acknowledging his arrival without saying a word. He had brown hair, eyes the color of a rainbow and mother-of-pearl skin that sometimes looked dark, sometimes looked light. His wings were solid gold.

Like Axel, Bjorn and his partners had recently received a promotion. They’d gone from Warriors to part of the Elite 7, when most of the former Elite had died in a heavenly explosion.

Thane looked like an angel with curly blond hair, flawless tanned skin and wicked blue eyes, while Xerxes looked like a devil with white hair, scarred white skin and neon red eyes.

Hades was there, along with Pandora, Lucien—coruler of the Lords of the Underworld—and Anya. In the far corner stood another Sent One. Axel.

In an instant, longing threatened to choke William. Close the distance. Hear his voice. Breathe his scent. Why had Hades allowed Axel to stay? Or had he tried to force the male to go, but Axel refused?

Knowing both males...yeah. That.

As he stared at his brother, longing darkened Axel’s features, too—until he reshaped his expression into his customary smirk. Know that smirk well. I’ve donned it every time I’ve wanted something I couldn’t have.

William looked to Hades. Shit! His father watched him through slitted lids, no doubt expecting him to defect to the Sent Ones, ditching the male who raised him in order to be with a blood relative.

I want...both in my life. For now, he moved toward Hades.

Axel stiffened, obviously offended.

Damn it! William paused. He felt like a frayed rope in a violent game of tug-of-war.

Before Axel had ambushed him at home, William had believed he could keep his brother out of his life, no problem. As he’d told Keeley, you couldn’t miss what you’d never had. But he’d since had a taste of what could be, and he only wanted more. So much more.

However, he wouldn’t dismiss the concerns of the man who’d taught him to protect himself and those he loved. Not until they’d had a chance to speak in private. So, William gave Axel another nod, then trekked the rest of the way to the tables and sat between Hades and Anya.

Hades remained quiet and unmoving while his brother fisted his hands. William’s

chest tightened. Can’t aid one without hurting the other. Had he made a mistake? Should he have shown Axel support instead, helping repair an already damaged relationship?

“So. Where are your brats, huh?” A grinning Anya bumped his shoulder. One of the loveliest females in existence, she had a wealth of pale hair, perfect golden skin and sparkling blue eyes. “I hoped I’d get to see the Rainbow Brigade.”

“They’re on a mission for me.” They’d heard a rumor about a possible hideout for Evelina.

William couldn’t wait to use her to ruin Lucifer’s life.

“Beer?” a female vampire called. “Wine? Me?”

Ah. One of three waitresses shlepping drinks. The vampire approached to take William’s order, eyeing him like the last slab of ribs at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Not even tempted.

Damn that Sunny Lane! What has she done to me? William sent the woman on her way.

“So, what’s this I hear about a female codebreaker living in your stable?” Anya asked, offering the perfect distraction.

“I have many codebreakers in a bunkroom, some female, some male.” Reveal nothing about Sunny. Anya would insist on meeting her. Together, they’d destroy what little sanity he’d maintained.