Most unnatural magic wielders burned through whatever they absorbed. They had to kill someone with magic to acquire more. What William took, he kept...until he took too much and expelled it, making horsemen.

With a wave, he utilized enough magic to torch a hole in the center of the room. Sparks crackled in the air, growing and spreading, creating a seven-by-seven-foot doorway that led to William’s palace. More specifically, a doorless, soundproof bunkroom underneath the palace.

At the creation of the portal, the crowd nearly rioted.

Pandora hefted the unconscious bolter over her shoulder and said, “Ladies first.” With a salute to William, she carted the human through the portal, into the bunkroom, where she stayed.

“Be quiet, line up and walk through,” William commanded the others. Most cried and shook, but all obeyed.

Yet again, Sunny was an exception. She stood her ground, radiating challenge.

Her unwillingness to back down, even for a moment, threatened to put him in a lather. She deserved praise. And a spanking.

When his son approached her, intending to...what? William shook his head, saying, “What’s the golden rule, Greenie?” His son despised the nickname, so of course he used it as frequently as possible.

Green took a page from Panda’s book and flipped him off. “You sure you don’t need help with her?” He hiked a thumb in Sunny’s direction. “She seems feral.”

“She is feral.” William strode over and shoved his son through the portal, fixated on his unicorn, the sole remaining occupant in the ballroom. So lovely. So powerful.

I prefer meek, biddable females, remember? Then why was steam rising from his boiling blood, fogging his mind?

Inner shake. “Desirous of another kiss, duna? Why else would you disobey a direct order?”

She smirked. “How fitting. You deem your kisses a punishment, too.”

Her come-hither voice swept over him, and he decided his must-haves were due for a change. Forget meek and biddable. Snarky and voice of a porn star now topped the list. Then her words registered, and he scowled, his ego taking another hit. Little witch.

“I’ll go as your guest,” she said, “not your prisoner.”

“As if you have a choice.”

“Are you sure this is the hill you want to die upon? As a guest, I reward. As a captive, I punish.”

Tone wry, he said, “I’ll risk it.”

“Very well.” How did excitement and rage coat her words? “What does duna mean to you, anyway?”

“Abyss of darkness.” The nickname served as a reminder for William. His friends might consider their women beacons of light, but he could not do the same. If Sunny proved to be the one, she would destroy him if he let her. “Would you prefer ‘My Little Horned Pony’?”

“Horned—” Fluttering a hand over her heart, she stumbled back. “You know what I am.”

“I do. Just as you know what I am. A ruthless killer with an agenda.”

Now terror darkened her features. The sight threw him, an unexpected pang ripping through his gut. At least he didn’t have to wonder why she’d reacted so strongly. Last night he’d done his homework. Since the dawn of time, unicorns had been hunted. Poachers removed their horns to grind up and snort, to use as a magic wand or to sell. Collectors either killed and stuffed the unicorns for display, or kept them alive and caged.

Most immortal species feared the magical beasts, since you never knew which side of their nature you’d get. The loving saint, or the hated sinner. Sometimes unicorns spread joy, other times fear. Sometimes they aided, sometimes they killed without remorse. Damn if William wasn’t intrigued by both.

“You have no reason to fear me, Sunny.” Yet. “For fourteen days, I will be your protector. Poachers and collectors will be murdered on sight. I’ll put a sign on my door and everything.”

Adopting a defensive stance, she said, “Why such a short time frame? What happens on day fifteen?”

Perceptive female. “We’ll discuss it later.” After I’ve decided which path to walk with you, but before we have sex.

Sex is now a forgone conclusion, then? He’d changed his mind too many times.

“I don’t know how you survived my magic bullet,” she said, menace pulsing from her. “Unless you’re a cockroach-shifter?”

He ran his tongue over his teeth. Did she hope to spur an attack, so she’d have an excuse to strike at him, or did she believe insulting him would sending him fleeing?

“If you mean cock-shifter, then yes. That is what I am.” As casually as possible, he asked, “So you’ll offer no apology for your actions last night?” Not even the pretense of one?

“I probably should apologize,” she grumbled. “I mean, immortals usually regenerate exact replicas of lost body parts, but you...your face... My bad.” She exaggerated a wince.

I’m hot as fire, damn it.

“People apologize for accidents or regrets,” she said. “I meant to shoot you, so I’m not remorseful.” She pointed at the dead codebreaker. “Do you plan to apologize to Harry?”

He offered a negligent shrug. “Professor Willy needed to teach an unforgettable lesson to his class. Harry volunteered.”

“And when did you speak with Harry?”

“After I recovered from my face swap with the floor.” He’d returned to the hotel, intending to sneak into Sunny’s room and teach her a lesson. Never mess with William King. But, he’d spotted this Harry guy in the bar, spiking a woman’s drink. Rape was a crime he avenged swiftly and without exception, so, he’d rushed to intervene, stealing the woman away and locking her in her room, alone. Not killing Harry then and there had been the true challenge. But, William ultimately decided to punish Harry in front of the other codebreakers, proving he wasn’t some closeted white knight they could manage. “His T-shirt offended me.”

“You mean the T-shirt covered in smiley faces?”

“You hate it, too?” All right, enough banter. Ticktock. William prowled closer, saying, “Don’t worry, duna. Your punishment is an all-night tongue-lashing.”

Intrigue lit those amber eyes, and he did a double take. She liked the idea?

He shot harder than stone. Shit! He liked it, too.

Before she had a chance to respond, making his desire worse, he grated, “I have a message for you. Are you listening?”

Sunny pasted on a brittle smile and gave a royal wave. “Today’s your lucky day. I remembered to wear my listening ears. Do continue.”

Smart-ass. The closer he came, the faster she breathed, her breasts rising and falling. She wants me; she just doesn’t want to want me. Satisfaction stirred in the marrow of his bones.

Finally, he stood a whisper away. He inhaled her maddeningly sweet scent and drank in those sparkling eyes, so like liquid gold. Awe nearly dropped him to his knees.

“Well,” she prompted, a little irritated and a lot anticipatory. “Let’s hear the message.”

Yes. Let’s. Voice low and smoky, he said, “You tried to kill me. Therefore, you owe me a life-debt, and I will collect. From now on, you are my property. Every breath you take is my gift to you. Meaning, yes. I own you, body and soul.”

As she sputtered, William’s darkest instincts went to war with his lightest. Punish. Possess. Protect.

He would. Nothing would stop him. Oh, the things he would do to this woman...


“My humbleness is one of my greatest attributes.”

A thousand thoughts jumbled together, creating a quagmire of confusion in Sunny’s mind. Only one remained untangled and crystal clear. William King did, in fact, light her wick. Her body craved his, hunger gnawing at her.

Had he aided Lucifer all those centuries ago? She didn’t know anymore.

Did he truly own a coded book and require a translator? Yes. That, she believed. At the start of the worksho

p, Jaybird and Cash had droned on and on about William, a “hot piece of beefcake with photos of a unique code.” But why protect the codebreakers for only two weeks?

The exact same time frame as mating season.

Her instincts pinged. Something’s fishy here. If he desperately needed the book decoded, why not give her the time she needed to succeed?

For that question and a thousand other reasons, she would not be trusting William with her life, even for two short weeks. Why should she? The man considered her a dark abyss. He defied her magic and wielded his own. And let’s not forget his propensity for murdering people sporting novelty tees.