"I know! That's the problem."

He stepped back, so strong and competent, so wonderfully masculine as she crumbled inside. "Get your bag," he repeated.

"No." In the years Gillian had spent with the Lords of the Underworld, she'd watched one alpha male after another fall in love and change, wanting to be better for his Lady.

Puck doesn't want my love, remember? No, no. He did. He must. His terms...

Did she love him?

She wasn't sure. So, moving on. The Lords' mates always had a potent effect. Battle-hardened warriors became putty in the right hands.

Powerful Sienna, current queen of the Greek gods, fascinated Paris simply by strutting into a room, despite the fact that he'd lived for multiple millennia and had already experienced every vice, trick and treat.

The delicate Ashlyn calmed Maddox with only a glance, touch, or spoken word.

The feisty Kaia aroused Strider with the wicked things she said.

What would others say about Gillian and Puck one day? The hot mess Gillian melted Puck with...what?

"For once, I agree with Pucker," William said, materializing beside her husband. His tone was just as emotionless as Puck's, just as cold, hard and uncaring. He, too, had a black eye and bloodstained clothing. "We shouldn't stay here."

"In this condition," Gillian said, "Winter and Cameron are defenseless."

"Not my problem," Puck replied.

Just how deep did his coldness run, that he would voice such a callous remark?

William went stiff, anger glinting in his eyes. "There's business I must attend to. I'll be back." He flashed away.

Relieved to have a private moment with Puck, Gillian said, "We can't leave while he's gone. You need him, remember? So for now, you're stuck here. We can use the time to melt your ice." Please.

"The ice is not the problem," Puck said. "You are."

What? "Me?" She pointed to herself, just in case he needed clarification.

"You would have died for William. You would have killed me to save him."

Was that the problem? Jutting her chin, she said, "I'd do it again, if necessary." Know the truth, deal with it, because there was no changing it.

He took a step back, as if she'd kicked him.

Then she added, "But I would have gone after you, too. Probably faster. Okay, definitely faster. And, if necessary, I would have mowed William down to do it."

His gaze bored into hers, searching, his pupils dilating. His breathing became uneven, and his hands balled into fists.

The ice was melting at last!

Triumph blended with feminine power--the kind of power only he could rouse--and it was more heady than magic. One day, people would say the wily Gillian melted Puck with truth.

"Come, lass. We are going to chat." He stalked toward her and, without a pause in his stride, hefted her over his shoulder and carried her to the blanket Peanut rested upon. "And do not worry about the others. The thorny vine I set will keep predators at bay."

He sat, then tugged her into his lap, her body sideways with her shoulder pressed against his chest.

"You like me better than him," he said, and smirked with satisfaction. "You want to stay married to me forever."

One thing was certain. Smirk still looked good on him. "I'm not sure how you went from I like you better than William to I want to stay married to you forever." Whispering now, she said, "But I think you're right."

His grip on her tightened. "I will make your happiness my mission, lass."

"Even though I refuse to agree to your terms? Because I won't destroy your dream, Puck. I won't. If we're going to be together, you're going to become king of the Connachts. Maybe we can convince William to release you from your vow?"

Would her friend be willing?

No. No, she didn't think he would. So, there had to be another another way.

No happy ending...what could be versus what would be... Foreboding settled on her shoulders.

"Be warned now," Puck said. "Let there be no misunderstandings between us. I won't let you go. I will do whatever proves necessary to keep you, and I will choose you over anything. Life will no longer be about what is best for others or me. Life will be about what is best for Gillian and Puck. We are a team. A family. I will trust you, and you will trust me."

Never, in all her days, had she heard a more beautiful or heartfelt pledge. Tears stung her eyes, the urge to wrap her arms around him and cling nearly too strong to deny. But even now, she couldn't agree to his terms. The past few days, he'd given her more than she'd ever imagined possible. So, from now on, she would give to him; she would do anything to ensure he lived his dream.

Needing a distraction...another dinner date...Gillian dug into her bag, withdrew the satchel of berries and nuts she'd brought from home, and placed the ripest piece of fruit at his lips. "We missed breakfast and lunch, and I know how my warrior likes to keep up his strength. Open."

"I am hungry." His eyes smoldered, all darkness and light. "But not for food."

"Too bad." He usually ate on a schedule, but he'd been forgetting lately. "You need sustenance if you're going to keep up with me, old man. I'm young and I've got stamina."

The corners of his mouth twitched before he accepted the berry. As he chewed, his brows drew together with surprise. "I can taste the richness of the flavors." He swiped the satchel and popped multiple berries into his mouth, chewed and frowned. "Tasteless now."

She took two berries, placed one on his tongue and one on her own.

Pleasure washed over his expression. "I can taste the flavors again, just as I once tasted you. So sweet. Delicious."

He tasted...because she'd fed him? And because he'd feasted on her? How exquisitely tantalizing.

"Give me more." With his hand wrapped around her wrist, he guided her fingertips to his open mouth to nip another berry. "Astonishing. When you feed me, I taste. When I feed myself, I don't."

Astonishing indeed. And there was a very good chance she was the one smirking with satisfaction now. "I might make a vegetarian out of you yet," she teased.

"Yes." Like a kid at Christmas, he motioned to the satchel. "Feed me more. Do not stop until we run out."

His eagerness was contagious. Smiling, she placed a pecan-like nut inside his mouth, transfixed as he chewed. His eyes closed, a ragged moan leaving him. His throat moved sensuously as he swallowed, sending a spear of bliss straight to her core.

"Just as delicious." Sultry tone, hooded gaze. He peered at Gillian as if she were a miracle. "Salty."

She squirmed in his lap, her need for him only intensifying. When her hip brushed his erection, she stilled. He s

tilled. Neither of them dared to breathe. Then, with a grunt, Puck lifted and turned her, so that she straddled him.

A whimper spilled from her mouth. "William could return at any moment." Even as she spoke, she twined her fingers through his hair and rocked against him. Another spear of bliss. A gasp. "We can't." But I want to... "And we must remain on alert for a magical attack from Sin."

"We can do this while remaining alert." His hands flexed on her hips. "My woman needs to come, so I'm going to ensure she comes. I left her needy and aching."

Come...yes. With him, only ever him. Here and now. Tomorrow and always. Her inhalations turned ragged, scraping her throat. Arousal throbbed between her legs. "Yes, we'll remain alert."


Shut up.

When she pressed her forehead against Puck's, her hair created a curtain around their faces. In that moment, they were the only two people alive--and staying still wasn't an option.

Helpless, Gillian rocked against him, taking, giving. Yes! With her breasts flush against his chest, her nipples rubbed, rubbed. More bliss. Rapture, rippling through her. "I can never get enough of you."

"Never," he agreed. "Want you always."

"Need you."

"Lost without you."

Don't lose track of--Oh! That felt good. He anchored his hands on her ass, fingers splayed, and ground against her with more force.

A twig snapped. Leaves swished together. Incoming.

Noooo! Not now. Puck stiffened and stood, his body shaking with rage. Gillian choked back a whimper and rose, a dagger palmed.

William entered the clearing, took one look at them and scowled. "I spoke with Hades. We have two weeks to overthrow Sin, or the Sent Ones will destroy this entire realm."

The entire realm? "But why?"

William glared at Puck. "Apparently your asshole brother bombed a sacred temple, killing hundreds of Sent Ones, and the entire race is out for his blood. But no worries. Hades is sending reinforcements."

Two weeks to figure out a way to be with Puck and keep his dream alive. Two weeks at most. If they found Sin sooner...

Gillian's stomach churned, arousal and good humor gone. A countdown had been placed on her happiness, and she could think of no way to stop it.


With Gillian no longer wrapped in his arms, Puck struggled to remain calm. His emotions had gotten caught up in some sort of crisis, causing the demon to protest louder than ever. Think, think. Help from Hades? Sent Ones determined to attack? The coming destruction of Amaranthia? Sin marked for death by an entire species?