She huffed and puffed but finally nodded and said, "All right, fine. We rest."

William dismounted without a word and flashed over to help Gillian to her feet. A shout of fury brewed in the back of Puck's throat--a shout Gillian gave voice to, bellowing to the sky.

He'd known they were connected, but this seemed...different, as if she was even more attuned to his every mood. As if they were becoming one being, with one heart.

No, I can never let her go.

"Go. Drink your syrup. Bathe." William gave her a gentle push toward a long row of trees shielding the pond. "I'll stand guard, and I promise not to peek...more than twice."

"You'll stay here," she told him. Then she turned to Puck. Her look of sheer unadulterated hunger said, You'll join me.

He offered a curt nod, instincts surging. Going to take her this time. Gently, skillfully, masterfully. Slowly. Quickly, feverishly. Give her all the pleasure she's been denied throughout her life, and make up for every pain she's ever endured.

If she agrees to my terms.

Peanut trailed her as she strode off. The moment she was out of range, William got in Puck's face, the air charging with challenge.

"Um, going to go set up my tent," Winter said. "Somewhere else."

"Here, let me help." Cameron joined his sister, and the two raced away.

"You will not join Gillian," William snapped.

"You will not stop me," Puck snapped back.

One second William had no weapons in hand; the next he plunged a dagger into Puck's gut. Sharp pain slicked through him, but other than a soft grunt, he gave no reaction.

No need to waste magic. Warp speed would serve him well. In a blink, he moved behind William, shoved a blade into his brain stem and held it there. A blow that would have killed a human only temporarily paralyzed the other man.

"You claim you want her to be happy," Puck said. "Do you lie? Because she hates liars."

William gurgled a sound of sheer hatred.

"I make her happy." Just in case Puck hadn't made his point, he shoved the blade deeper and added, "You had your chance. You didn't take it. Accept the consequences."

Though he knew the paralysis would wear off as soon as he removed the weapon, he yanked. Blood sprayed over his hand before William spun, facing him.

"Go, then." The command escaped through gritted teeth. "But know your time is limited, Pucker. Tick tock. Tick tock."

Puck had once heard the same countdown in his head. A countdown he refused to heed any longer. I'm keeping her always. I'll never accept the Connacht crown and never fulfill the terms of our agreement.

Say nothing! Remain mute! His competition would not learn the truth before he'd claimed his prize.

Possessed by ragged need, Puck maneuvered through a thicket of foliage and approached the pond. He spotted Gillian. His body hardened, readying to give this woman--his woman--pleasure. Starvation clawed at him. She swam, only her head and shoulders visible, a beautiful rose in the wilds of nature.

He searched the perimeter for any threat that might be lurking nearby, found none. On the other side of the pond stretched a wall of stone. A waterfall streamed from the top, pouring over the mouth of a cavern.

Wanting to surprise his wife, he shielded himself with magic before diving into the water and climbing the rocks, where he found a rare, ripe speir growing from a vine.

He plucked the fruit free, stepped beneath the waterfall and waited...


Where is he?

Only minutes ago, Gillian thought she'd scented peat smoke and lavender. Anticipation had bubbled over, but Puck had never appeared.

Now, cool water soothed her sore muscles, but failed to dampen her raging lust. Her breasts ached, the crests like tiny little spears. Heat uncoiled in her belly to pool between her legs.

Wait. Sniff, sniff. Puck's scent had just gotten stronger. She swam closer to the waterfall--stronger still. Anticipation sparked anew. Was he hidden beyond the waterfall?

Tremors invaded her limbs as she ascended the rocky platform. She wore a bra and a pair of panties because they'd needed cleaning, too, and had a small vial of syrup dangling from a leather cord at her neck. Her hips swayed of their own accord--a mating call--as she made her way under the spray of water...

A jolt of pleasure shot through her as she ground to an abrupt stop. Puck was here.

He stood at the other side of a spacious cavern, leaning against the wall, his arms at his sides, his ankles crossed. A casual pose. Or so it seemed. Aggression and power radiated from him.

This man had no equal.

A shadow beard glimmered with water droplets. Wet hair hung over his broad shoulders, the ends dripping onto his bare chest, sliding down the ridges of his abs and catching in the waist of his pants. A newly scabbed wound decorated his torso, and she didn't have to wonder where he'd gotten it. William!

Irritation was no match for her arousal, however. Or Puck's. He remained as hard as a rock. As far from indifferent as possible.

Cool air kissed her overheating skin, and her eyelids turned heavy. Her heartbeat raced faster and faster. As she fought for breath, her nipples stiffened further, rubbing against the fabric of her bra. Mmm. More. Tingles spread through her, sensitizing every nerve ending.

Puck looked her up and down, slowly, as if savoring a bounty of riches, then offered her a small, violet...plum? "For you."

Had any temptation ever looked so sweet? "What is it?" Another gift?


Truly? She'd heard talk of the fruit found only on Connacht land, and only ever in the spring...sometimes.

Gillian sauntered closer, Puck's eyes tracking her every move. She accepted the treat, bit into the tender flesh and moaned with delight, tasting a blend of pineapple, coconut and spiced rum. Reminded her of a pina colada Cameron had once made her, using a secret stash of ingredients he'd brought from the mortal world.

Puck took the speir and bit into the same spot, a kiss by proxy...and a carnal invitation. Shivers rained over her, and passion-fever ignited ever hotter.

In tension-drenched silence, they finished off the fruit, passing it back and forth, always watching each other. Awareness made the damp air electric.

"I'm still hungry," she whispered, need consuming her.

His pupils flared as, with measured steps, he circled her. "You want all of me? Want your first time to be with me?"

"Yes." Please. "Very much."

"Then you shall have me...after you agree to my terms."

She gulped. "Terms?" How ominiously he'd uttered the word.

"William will dethrone Sin. I will decline the Connacht crown. You and I will rule the Shawazons together, as husband and wife."

What! "But you long to rule the Connachts...long to rule all the clans."

"I want you more."

Realization dawned--and devastated. I've killed his dream, just as predicted. He could co-rule the Shawazons with her, no problem. If he put the work in, he could even unite all the clans with another man acting as Connacht king--but he could never actually rule the Connachts, which meant he could only ever rule five of the six. Five clans would never be enough.

Puck stopped in front of her, only a whisper away, so close her nipples brushed against his chest every time she inhaled. "Agree."

"No." No way, no how. "I told you I won't let you forget your goals, and I meant it. I won't kill your dream."

"I have new goals. A new dream. Agree, lass." He framed her face with his big, calloused hands. His thumbs brushed the rise of her cheekbones, soft, almost reverent. "Life is both endless and too short, and I don't want to go another minute without filling your beautiful body with all that I am."

Mercy! Thoughts muddled, heart like a speeding bullet in her chest, she leaned into him. "I..." She gulped. "I will never agree."

He narrowed his eyes, but nodded with slow, calculated assurance. "Very well. No agreement, no sex."

"You're blackmailing me?" she gasped


"I am." He lowered his head...only to let his lips hover over hers, one second ticking into another, the warmth of his breath fanning her lips. "I'd do much worse to win you."

For an endless eternity, he remained unwavering. At first, anticipation thrilled her. Her body ached...ached so badly. Heat melted her resistance, and her bones. She sagged against him, every point of contact setting off a new bomb of sensation, rousing primal needs. Eagerness owned Gillian.

She had to have more. But eagerness soon turned to torment. She was dying.

"Do something!" she demanded.

He brushed the tip of his nose against hers. She moaned. He groaned, as if he'd just gotten a hit of his favorite drug.

But it wasn't enough.

"Give me what I want." Warmth spilled through her once again. "What we both need."

"I'll kiss you," he rasped. "I'll touch you. But I won't take you until I have your agreement."


"Gillian." Finally--blessedly--he kissed her. His lips pressed against hers, his tongue persuaded rather than demanded.

Soft. Tantalizing. She groaned and wondered where he would place his hands...

One combed through her hair to angle her head. The other slipped under her panties to cup her ass and draw her closer, putting them skin to heated skin. Her breasts smashed against his chest, and her nipples throbbed.

"More," she croaked. Delicious...

With a growl, Puck thrust his tongue past her lips, parting them. He jolted, lifted his head for a split second. "I love the taste of you." Another growl. His tongue dueled with hers.