Cameo's gaze darted to the path Lazarus had taken. "I think I'm into supermodel-heroes. If you aren't careful, I'm going to fall in love with you and ask you to marry me."

The praise was better than a warm bath. "You wouldn't be the first. Or the last."

Cameo picked up the broken part of the arrow, studied it, and pursed her lips. "I recognize this craftsmanship."

In the distance, a mud-splattered Lazarus emerged from the line of trees. He carried an Amazon under each arm. The Lords and their ladies trailed behind him, and oh, wow, that was a whole lot of sexy to behold.

"What do Amazons want with us?" Anya demanded.

Lazarus dropped the Amazons at Cameo's feet. Twine had been used to truss up the pair like pigs on a spit. Probably thanks to Keeley, who could grow a plant from seed to maturity in a heartbeat.

As the Amazons fought for freedom, Lazarus grabbed them by the hair, holding their heads at an uncomfortable angle. A position the two couldn't fight without breaking their necks.

The other warriors aimed semiautomatics, swords, and the very bow the Amazons had used.

"Dare you to make another move," Strider said with an evil grin.

"Please make a move," Kaia begged. "I love to see my guy in action. Plus? Post-battle sex. 'Nuff said."

Lazarus peered at Viola, his black eyes fierce. "Thank you for saving Cameo from harm." His tone had a ragged quality, as if the words had been pushed through a window of broken glass. "I owe you a boon. Whatever you wish."

Some of his fury was directed at himself, she could tell. He'd failed to sense the Amazons before they'd lobbed off a shot at his woman, after all.

"Yes, you do owe me." Viola rubbed her hands together. What should she choose? The heart of McCadden's brother? A sky serpent of her own? Lazarus's life force?

Oh! There were too many options. "Perhaps you owe me two boons?" she said, nails tapping against her chin. "I mean, I saved more than Cameo. I saved the day."

He ran his tongue over his teeth. "One boon. No more."

Her shoulders drooped a little. "Fine. I'll name my prize at a later date." She needed time to think this through.

To Cameo, he said, "You remember the woman who killed my guard, I'm sure. Her tribe--those who still live--received word of her placement in my Garden of Perpetual Horror. They seek vengeance."

"The statues," Cameo said, her eyes widening. "You turned the Amazons to stone."

He gave a curt nod.

He could turn people to stone? How cool was that!

These newest Amazons looked to be from one of the Asian clans. Their beauty was jaw-dropping. They'd branded their faces and bodies with symbols she didn't recognize.

The older one spit at Cameo. "You choose to be with a murderer. You will suffer his same fate."

Lazarus unleashed an unholy sound before bellowing, "Hypocrite! You tried to murder a woman who never hurt you. Make no mistake. You will be the centerpiece of my newest Garden of Perpetual Horror, a cautionary tale for any others who think to harm what's mine. Your next actions simply decide how you are posed. I suggest you apologize."


A bird squawked. A dog barked. The circle of warriors surrounding the Amazons began to shift from one foot to the other. Eager?

Amazons were known throughout the immortal world for their unwillingness to give up, no matter the odds stacked against them.

Lazarus tightened his hold on the spitter's hair, tilting her face higher. She cried out.

"Apologies," she snarled at Cameo.

Viola's hand fluttered over her heart. Oh, to have a man as strong and menacing as Lazarus devoted to her!

He stared at Cameo, his dark gaze searching. Did he seek permission for his next deeds? Awareness smoldered between the two, heating the air. Sweat actually beaded on the back of Viola's neck, her body aching for what it had never known--passion born of authentic desire rather than her demon's trickery.

Finally Cameo nodded. She had to suspect what Viola knew. If freed, the Amazons would attack again and again, and they wouldn't care who was harmed so long as their objective was accomplished.

Lazarus smiled his most lethal smile.

A strange and terrible tension descended over the Amazons, and their skin began to gray. One gasped with shock while the other cursed. As their flesh hardened into stone, both screamed with horror.

When the process was completed, Lazarus rubbed his hands together in a job well done.

Murmurs rose from the crowd.

"Whoa," Kaia said. "Did Lazarus just do what I think he just did?"

"We need more statues! Naked statues!" Anya jumped up and down. "Everyone, lure your enemies here el pronto."

"If Cameo doesn't have his babies," Sabin said, "I will."

Viola was practically shoved out of the way as the warriors surrounded the statues, admiring the exquisite detail.

Well, this was lovely, going from hero to zero in a snap. She huffed and puffed until her gaze collided with the silvery-white eyes of the monster she'd first seen in the spirit realm.

Brochan had returned. He stood just beyond the circle of her comrades. No one else noticed him.

Forsaken, he mouthed, and her heart rioted in her chest. The deep ebony in his feathers had spread. Barely any white remained. Two horns had sprouted from his head.

Fluffy crawled up her body to perch on her shoulders. He mimicked Lazarus's growl, daring the monster to take a single step closer.

Though Brochan had come to steal McCadden's life force from Fluffy, had vowed to do it, he remained at a distance once again. Did he fancy her?

Can't blame him.

She blew him a kiss, testing his reaction. He blinked in confusion before his expression hardened. He took a step toward her, only to stop. At his sides, his clawed hands curled into fists.

He launched into the air, soon disappearing in the clouds. Too many people around to mess with her?

No matter. Viola forced him out of her mind. For now.

A kaleidoscope of butterflies had appeared above Lazarus. Cameo stiffened before extending her arm and allowing one of the insects to perch at the end of her finger.

Watching her, Viola suddenly wanted to vomit. Neither Cameo nor Lazarus could see into the invisible world around them, where ghosts and bodiless demons walked. As the goddess of the Afterlife, Viola had powers and abilities few--okay, none--could match. Her skills were unsurpassed. Legendary. She was one of a kind, one in a billion, a

nd had--

Lost track of her thoughts. A black mist now surrounded the couple.

Horror radiated from Lucien. As the keeper of Death, he must see the mist, too. Must know exactly what it meant.

One way or another, Lazarus or Cameo would die. And soon.


"What you love, your enemy loves to take from you."

--The Secret to My Success

--The Secret to Survival

Despite the arousal nearly burning him alive, Lazarus hadn't been able to shake his self-directed fury. Over the past week, he'd been dedicated to Cameo's recovery, too afraid to leave her side, constantly beleaguered by the fearful thought, Will she harm herself?

He'd been struck by helplessness and savage possession. Can't lose her.

Kill the demon, revive the girl.

He should have left when his sky serpents told him about Hera, how she'd attacked his former allies and destroyed every home Lazarus had ever known in the mortal world, all in an attempt to find Pandora's box. But he'd stayed put, determined to protect Cameo. Determined, and yet he'd still failed to prevent an enemy to attack.

He was ashamed. She was his monomania. He should have taken better care.

She doesn't just ruin my body, she ruins my concentration.

Before playing in the mud, he should have opened his mind to ferret out the Amazons. He should have erected defenses. The fact that he hadn't planned ahead...had only concerned himself with Cameo's happiness...

He should walk away. No, he should flash. The act would take him farther, faster. He wasn't good for her. Soon he wouldn't be able to protect her at all. The crystals had thickened on his arms and legs and had crept deeper into his chest. The moment they breeched his heart, he would have no defense against anyone, even bunny shifters and puny humans.

He still couldn't bring himself to leave.

Later. He would deal with the worst decisions later. But not today.

He led Cameo through the fortress halls and into their bedroom, where he locked the door, sealing them inside. He tugged her into the bathroom, his intention clear. She offered no protest.

He'd bathed her every day for a week, every shower an exercise of his strictest control. Having her naked curves in his arms had been as much heaven as hell.

He turned the knobs, water pouring from the spout.

"Wait." She placed a hand on his biceps and squeezed gently. "Now that I'm thinking clearly...or somewhat clearly...Juliette's words keep replaying in my mind. Tell me, Lazarus. Please. Do you know where Pandora's box is?"