Trained, not tamed.

Each of the hounds bared razor-sharp fangs while giving Cameo the stink eye. Did she look like a grab-and-go snack? Oookay. Moving on. She picked up the pace, turned the corner--

And smacked into William the Ever Randy, Hades's son.

Ever since the object of William's affections had wed another man, he'd been crazed. A madman with a short--cough nonexistent cough--fuse.

According to the ladies of the house, William was the reason Hades had lost the first battle with Lucifer.

He glared at her with eyes bluer than any ocean. "Watch where you're going, Misery."

"Sure thing. But you had better watch your tone," she snapped. "Why are you man-pouting, anyway? Why aren't you out fighting for your girl? Time is short and--"

He flinched, and she pressed her lips together. Right. Lazarus could tolerate her voice, but few others had the fortitude. While here, she had to watch her mouth.

"Her coward of a husband has hidden her from me." William raised a half-empty bottle of whiskey to his lips.

The demon snickered. Don't consider it half-full?

Does it matter? The bottle is refillable.

Gulp, gulp, gulp. With his free hand, William wiped his mouth. "Anyone ever mention you sound like death?"

"Only everyone," she muttered.

"Well, you do," he grated, perhaps not realizing she'd agreed with him. "Now get out of my way before I'm forced to cut through you." Despite the threat, he stumbled around her when she remained in place.

His shoulders brushed against hers, his sorrow pulsing over her skin. Misery purred with delight.

A hot tear slid down Cameo's cheek. "William," she called.

He shuddered but ignored her, and then he was gone.

With a sigh, she continued forward--and nearly smacked into another warrior.

Sabin, keeper of Doubt, glared down at her. "I know what you're planning, and I'm not on board. I forbid you to leave! We need you with us, searching for the box."

"You forbid me?" She sputtered with indignation. "Tell me you're joking."

The big, black-haired warrior with battle-hardened features flinched, just like William, irritating her. "You know I have no sense of humor, Cam. Come on." He forced her down the hall and pushed her inside his bedroom. "Let's talk about this in semiprivacy."

The beautiful Gwen stood in front of a rumpled bed, chewing on her bottom lip. Her strawberry blond locks were piled in a messy bun on top of her head, and her petite body was packed inside a tiny tank and shorts shorter than anything Lazarus had given Cameo.

Sabin pointed an accusing finger at her. "We just got you back. We--"

Cameo punched him in the face.

As his head whipped to the side and blood dripped from his lip, Gwen cheered. The Harpy loved her husband, but she loved girl power, too.

In the heavens, Sabin had been appointed general of Zeus's army. Lucien, too. They had called the shots, two big, bad Papa Smurfs to Cameo's Smurfette. They'd continued to call the shots here in the mortal world. Well, no longer! She was taking charge of her life.

"Nice right hook. You've improved, and I'm impressed." He rubbed two fingers into the knot she'd left behind. "But Juliette is trouble. We don't need more trouble right now."

"She hurt my friend, and she will pay." Knowing Sabin would freak if she mentioned her plan to return to Lazarus, even for a single night, she offered no more.

"Your friend. You mean Lazarus, the man our brother beheaded." He peered up at the ceiling and muttered, "Please tell me the woman I trained isn't so foolish."

Whispers of uncertainty drifted through her mind. What if Lazarus only wants to be with you to punish Strider? What if he's sleeping with someone else? What if--

She threw her arms into the air. "Put a muzzle on your demon. Now."

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Look, I know you're worried about me, but I'm a big girl. I've got this." She patted his cheek. "I love you even though you're an asshole, and I will return." After she'd spent a night with Lazarus, lost in a sea of passion.

"Yes, but will you return in one piece?" Sabin quipped.

"No promises."

"If you attack Juliette," Gwen said, "the entire Eagleshield family will come after you."

"I know the risks. I don't care." Lazarus had told Urban the best gift to give your date was the severed head of an enemy. Cameo would present him with something even better--Juliette's hands.

He lived for vengeance, and she would give it to him.

Trying to buy his affections? Misery tsk-tsked. For shame!


"I'm going, and that's final." She stomped from the room.

To her surprise, Viola waited in the hall, dressed in a leather catsuit, ready for battle. Princess Fluffikans danced between her ankles.

"Is the mission to fight Juliette Eagleshield still a go?" Viola asked.

How had she known?

Well, it didn't take a mind reader to learn the answer. Torin. His mics and security cameras were everywhere. Plus, he knew Cameo better than most. He'd seen her at her lowest and even helped her pick up the pieces. Despite their failed romantic relationship, he loved her, wanted the best for her. Wanted her protected. Whether he'd known Cameo's plan to speak with Viola or not, he'd acted accordingly.

"It--" Cameo jolted. A butterfly had just fluttered down the hall to land on the goddess's shoulder. A sign of impending doom.

Or coming success, according to Lazarus.

Deep breath in, out. The sign--good or bad--didn't matter, she decided. Her goals were too important. She couldn't back down.

She nodded. "It's absolutely a go."


"Be the monster other monsters fear."

--Eternal Truths for Every Man

Lazarus returned to the portal. He dismissed his soldiers, preferring to be alone with his crazy.

The mortal world was only five steps away. His enemies were there. Cameo was there.

He'd gone three days without her. Far too long. A fact that baffled him. The last time they'd parted, the separation had grated but he'd managed. This time, he wasn't managing. His mood grew darker by the second.

His conversation with Rathbone continued to play through his mind, torturing him.

"Will you hunt her?"

"You know I cannot leave the spirit realms."

"You are Lazarus, only son of the Monster, yes?"


"Then I know no such thing."

The warrior believed Lazarus could pass through the portal without ending up in the void? Why? How? Nothing had changed. He--

Not true. Many things had changed. His alliance with Hades. Had it strengthened him? The pull the portal now had on him. Why? The apple hanging from his neck...a living being might or might not be trapped inside it. Another means of strength? The magic mirror. Since it had revealed possible futures to Cameo, he'd brought it with him. Maybe it had the power to reunite him with his woman, maybe not.

Desperate enough to try anything.

But. More of his veins had filled with crystals. Soon he wouldn't be able to hide the transformation from others. A certain weakness.

If he ended up in the void, he would lose precious time. Another immortal could take over his realm, steal his army. When he returned, he would have to waste even more time fighting the new king.

If he ended up in the mortal world, he would have to give up his army, anyway.

He bit his tongue until he tasted the metallic tang of blood. He would have to wed a queen sooner rather than later. There would be no faster way to regain the power he would lose.

Was a chance at vengeance worth the risk? No. He could wait, as he'd always planned to wait, for Hera and Juliette to die and end up in the spirit realms.

Powerful immortals died every day. He was proof.

Was Cameo worth the risk, considering he couldn't keep her?

No need to ponder the answer. Yes. Cameo was w

orth any risk, and the irony wasn't lost on him. She hosted Misery, but only she could make him happy.

With one hand, Lazarus picked up the mirror. With the other, he reached into his satchel, and withdrew a freshly squeezed Amazon heart.


Cameo and Viola strode into the Downfall side by side. The immortal nightclub was located in the third level of the heavens, where evil and good often collided. It was owned by three Sent Ones. The walls and floor looked to be made of thin, white clouds, allowing the occupants to peer at the black sky and bright stars both beyond and underneath the building. An astonishing phenomenon, since those clouds were solid to the touch.

The scent of liquor, sex and clashing perfumes hung heavy in the air. The heat had been jacked up, either to encourage drinking or stripping. Probably both.

Cameo spotted the mirrors on the ceiling and groaned. Every demon came with an array of flaws, and mirrors were one of Narcissism's. Anytime Viola caught sight of her reflection, she became entranced. Anyone could attack her, and she would never see it coming, wouldn't even react until far too late.