Page 98 of Rowdy Boy

“He was the problem all along,” I say. “He’s what ruined our band.”

“Yeah, but we can’t do anything without a guitarist,” Benji replies.

“I know, and that’s why I actually wanted to meet up.” I look at Monica and nod at her, and she turns around and quickly runs to the door.

“I want to try to fix things. I know this isn’t perfect, but it’s something,” I say as Monica brings in Nate. They both stare at him like he’s an uninvited guest.

“This is Nate,” I say while Nate waves. “He’s gonna be our new bass player.”

Tristan makes a face. “A new guitarist?”

Benji cocks his head. “Really?”

I nod a few times. “Best chance we have at making the audition.”

Tristan hops off his seat. “We don’t just need to make the audition. We need to earn it. Win it. And the only way to do that is through hard work and perseverance.” He eyes Nate up and down. “You think you got what it takes to join TRIGGER?”

Nate pulls his guitar out of the case, puts on the strap, and winks at me while Monica and I step aside. When he begins to play, both boys are completely stupefied, and their jaws practically dropped to the floor.

“But how did you find him?” Tristan mumbles in awe.

Monica folds her arms, and I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “Thanks to this … distraction over here.” I pull her close as we watch Nate play a song for us with pride.

When he’s done, they both clap. Then Benji asks, “But can we really do this in time for the audition?”

“Of course,” Nate replies. “I can practice the songs at night and rehearse them during the school’s lunch break.”

Tristan frowns, then licks his lips, eyeing us all, but mostly me. “And you’re sure this is going to work?”

A smug grin spreads on my face. “Thousand percent. It has to … because there’s no fucking way I’d ever give up on TRIGGER.”

Slowly but surely, a genuine smile forms on Tristan’s lips. “If you say so, I believe you.”

“Aw … c’mere,” I say, and I hold out my arms. “Group hug.”

“Really?” Tristan frowns, but I still give him the biggest of bro-hugs possible, Benji included.

“I’m sorry, man,” Benji says. “We should have trusted you.”

When I release them, Tristan starts to stumble over his words too. “Yeah … I’m … sorry on my part too. I didn’t mean to be so cruel, but it’s hard when there’s so much at stake, you know?”

“I get it,” I reply. “No hard feelings.”

Tristan throws me a playful punch. “Michael sure did a number on you. You’re covered in bruises.”

“Small price to pay to finally be rid of him,” I say, winking.

“Thanks,” Benji says. “For bringing Nate in, I mean.”

“Oh, you don’t have me to thank for that.” I look at Monica and beckon her to join us. “She did all this.”

“You?” Tristan raises a brow and lifts his head. “You brought TRIGGER back together?”

She bites her lip and anxiously steps forward. “I didn’t want this to mean the end. Especially not when I know you guys will make it big.”

A tepid but certain smile lights up his face. “I guess you’re not as bad as I thought.” He playfully pats her shoulder a few times, which turns everything into an awkward mess.

“Thanks, I guess,” she replies.

“That’s the way you’re gonna treat the girl who saved our asses?” I mock.

His cheeks start to glow. “Well, maybe, I mean, she did kinda distract you … a lot.” When we both throw him a dirty look, he adds, “But she’s also a good influence on you. And she brought an amazing bass player into the building.”

“Thanks, bro,” Nate replies, as he takes off his guitar strap and puts his guitar back into the case. “But just know, I don’t play for free.”

Everyone starts to laugh. For the first time in a long time, I’m confident we’re gonna make it. I’m convinced I made the right decision.

Because without Monica Romero, I would’ve probably given up on myself by now. I would’ve given up on trust, on my future, my school, and even this goddamn band.

But I pulled through, thanks to her and those sweet kisses that make me forget everything bad about my life.

And I grab her and press my lips onto hers, claiming her in front of everyone.

I don’t fucking care anymore what anyone thinks. I’m doing this for me. For us.

She’s the reason I do this.

Why I fight.

And I won’t stop fighting for her.

Not until she tells me to.



The club is booming with people, as we all gather to watch TRIGGER performing on stage. It’s a much bigger venue than the last time I saw them play, so their efforts to stick together and keep going really paid off.

The audition was a success, and the record label has asked them to write more songs, which they will now produce professionally and market to the world. Of course, the boys were ecstatic. Even Nate couldn’t stop celebrating this hard-earned win.