Page 101 of Rowdy Boy

I bite my bottom lip and lean in to give him a short peck, before returning my attention toward my mom.

“Mom … please … I know our start was rocky, and I know what you’ve seen online might muddy the waters. But trust me when I say this, us, Cole, is the best thing that has happened to me since I went to my new school.”

She takes in a deep breath, clutching her glass. “But he hurt you … so many times …”

“To protect me … from him.” I swallow. “But I don’t need any more protecting. I’m done with that. I’m done with crying, done with hurting. I’m done with my past.”

“And you’re sure you can handle whatever comes with him and his band? All the jealous fans, the screaming girls?” she asks, in complete denial at this point. “Because I don’t think you can, Monica.”

“I don’t know. But I will try. And dammit, I won’t give up,” I say and look up at Cole. “Not with this.”

Mom places her glass down and cocks her head. “Well, it seems you managed to do something no one else has done up till this very day, Cole.”

“And what’s that?” he asks.

My mom throws him a look. “Steal her heart.”

We both tighten our lock on each other’s hand.

A slow but tepid smile finally forms on her lips. “If you’re sure about this, Monica—”

“Yes, a hundred percent,” I interject. “And I want you to be okay with it. That’s all I ask. Just let me be me, and let me love the people I want to love.”

Her shoulders relax, and she leans back in her chair. “If you put it like that, how am I ever going to say no?”

The smile grows bigger and bigger, and so does mine, and I jump up from my seat to get to her side of the table for a big hug. We squeeze each other tightly, and she rubs my back.

“Oh honey, I’m just trying to look out for you. I’m scared. I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t want to lose my baby.”

“I know, Mom. But I’ve dealt with my demons, and I need to move on. On my own terms.” I lean away and look her in the eyes.

She grabs a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. “You’ve grown up so much. I barely recognize you.” She leans her forehead against mine. “But if you’re happy, then so am I.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I say as she gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.

“All right … you’ve got my blessing.”

I do an inner happy dance as I quickly sit back down beside Cole.

“But don’t bring that whole charade into my home, got it?” She points at Cole. “I don’t want any of that TRIGGER stuff happening here. No fans. No paparazzi. You do that shit somewhere else.”

Cole smashes his lips together. “Yes, ma’am.”

I snort at his obedience.

My mom knows how to whoop some ass, and she’s not afraid of him.

“Good,” she retorts, and she picks up the bread basket and holds it out to him. “Now have some fucking bread. You look like you haven’t eaten in days.”

I have to hide my laughter behind my hand.

“Thanks,” he mumbles as he grabs a bunch and places them on his plate.

“Well? Dig in!” Mom says, grabbing a cookie for herself too.

I grab some chips while Cole shoves a whole bread into his mouth.

“God, I’m hungry,” he groans. “And this is delicious. Did you make these yourself, ma’am?”

“I wish,” she muses.

“Well, either way, I love it,” he says.

Mom takes a bite of her cookie and says, “But no fucking under my roof, got it?”

Cole starts to choke on his bread and coughs it up while I burst into laughter.

“I’ll try to remember that,” he says, trying not to die inside.

“Good, because I’m not gonna clean up after your mess.”

“Mom!” I scream, mortified, and I grab his hand. “Okay, let’s go upstairs. I don’t need or want to hear any of this.”

“But no fuckery or else!” she yells after us as I rush upstairs with him.

I don’t say another word.

I’m not gonna make promises I can’t keep.

And when the door closes behind us, Cole immediately grabs my face and kisses me hard, smashing me into the door like nobody’s business. His lips are on my neck and chest, while his hands travel down my ass, squeezing hard until I moan with delight.

“God, I fucking love you,” he whispers, our lips barely able to unlatch.

“I love it when you say that,” I say, smiling against his lips. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Monica Romero,” he says with a guttural moan as he whisks me up in his arms.

He was right when he said he’d catch me one day. I didn’t realize it then, but I know now. I’ve fallen hard for Cole fucking Travis. I’ve fallen all the way in love with him.