“Is there nowhere private?” I ask softly.

“No, silly,” Emmy says as she walks behind us. “This is where all the adults clean themselves of their sins. And the dirt, of course.” She giggles.

This is the norm for her, but it isn’t for me, and even when the water cascades down on me, I still find the need to hide myself in a corner, hoping no one will watch.

A man walks by, and I feel even more uneasy than before, so I quickly rub the soap all over, rinse it off, and walk out.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m done,” I say, leaving soaking wet footprints on the floor.

“Towel,” the elder sister at the door says, and I whisk it out of her hand before she can say another word, wrapping it around my body as tightly as I possibly can in order to hide the more intimate parts of me.

I never wanted to share this with anyone, let alone every random stranger in this community.

But I guess this is their thing. Sharing is caring. Love means no limits.

“Put on the slippers,” the elder sister says, and she hands me a pair.

I do what she asks, and she points at a different door than the one through which we entered this building. I narrow my eyes at her, hoping I might be able to slip past so I can go back to the hut and pretend I don’t exist, but of course, she’d never let that happen. I contemplate bursting past her or inflicting pain, but one glance over her shoulder confirms my fears; guards.

They’ve been following me wherever I go, and I don’t think they’re going to stop anytime soon. Not until I’ve assimilated completely and am no longer a flight risk, I assume.

With disdain, I spin around and walk into the direction the elder sister points at. There’s a thick, heavy door I can barely open that leads to a set of stairs with no escape route. I checked. I swallow away the lump in my throat and head upstairs. There’s no one behind me, so there’s no pressure, but I know they’ll be watching, waiting for my hesitation. I tilt my head and find multiple cameras hanging in the corners. Of course.

Who’s watching? I’m not sure, but if I can guess, it’s probably one of the higher-ups.

The door in front of me is closed, but there are loud noises behind it. I lean in and press my ear against it. Actual music is coming from the other side. Like, loud organs playing bombastic, almost etheric music. That must be where the ceremony is.

After taking a big breath, I open the doors and step outside onto a terrace, high above the ground. Flickering lights hanging from the balcony distract from the view, and I squint to get a better look. There are tables and chairs everywhere, but no feast to be found. But there is beer and lots of it, and people dance to the music as if they do this every week. For a second, I almost imagine myself being at this weird bar, getting my vibe on and meeting new people.

But then I remember I’m in a cult, and every inch of my fantasy is chipped away.

These people are insane.

They cheer each other on as they dance and bump into each other. Men are groping women, and no one says a word or jumps in. Men are grabbing women, putting a scarf around their heads, and forcing them to their knees.

What is happening?

There’s a stage all the way in the back where seven men are seated, watching over the entire spectacle as if it’s something they enjoy, like a show being put on by performers.

One of them is him. Noah.

He sits right there on that stage as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

As though he sensed I was watching him, he suddenly looks me directly in the eyes. I can’t tear my eyes away, no matter how hard I try. His penetrating gaze makes it impossible, and it’s almost as if he wants me to see.

See this. Know that this is what they do.

The same thing that will happen to me once the initiation is finished.

A shiver runs along my spine.

When I finally manage to tear my eyes away, I can’t help but look at the women on their knees, who offer their wrists to men. They willingly offer themselves to be bound … and fucked.

In front of everyone.

Their towels ripped off.

Bodies naked and on display.

Fucked from behind like some kind of animal.

Chapter 10


I can’t look away, and I know neither can she, no matter how hard she tries. She must see, must know what it is that we do. Our community is one of a kind, one of respect for God and love for your fellow believers.