It’s already gotten me wet again.


I sit up, and he immediately kisses me. Quick, but hard. He takes my mouth like it’s always been his. As if there was never anything other than him and me.

Suddenly, his phone rings, and the kiss abruptly ends, only for him to jerk the wheel.

“Dammit,” he growls, pulling over.

I sit back and listen as he tucks his cock back into his pants and picks up his phone.

Accompanying Song: “Close Your Eyes” by Run The Jewels ft. Zack de la Rocha


I hastily push the button on my phone and hope it’s short. I wanna get home and fuck the ever-living shit out of Syrena. I don’t have time to deal with other people’s bullshit right now. If it’s the company, I’ll tell them to deal with the problem. I’ll be ready for work tomorrow. Not now.

“We’ve got a problem.” It’s Brandon.


“They’re at your house,” he says. “Graham’s men.”

“What?!” I scream. Syrena leans back, and I can almost feel the fear dripping off her. It’s not good.

“You didn’t watch your own goddamn back while driving home, and now they know where you live …”

“No. It can’t be. I made sure I wasn’t followed.”

“Well, they went to your office first and asked the people at the front desk where you were. They thought it was suspicious, so they called the police. The men left, but I followed them right back to your place.”

Then it hits me.

Graham … he must’ve caught my face on tape the moment the mask dropped off. With a few quick searches, my face pops up underneath my workplace. And my home address isn’t hard to find once you have that.

“Fuck,” I murmur. “Fuck!” I slap the wheel so hard, Syrena startles in fright. “He couldn’t do it himself, so now he sent his goons? Fucking pussy.”

“I’m sorry, man, but you can’t go home right now. They’re inside, right now,” Brandon says. “I’m watching them through the windows as we speak. Your ass is lucky I was there.”

“Fuck … my shit’s at my place.”

“Can’t go grab it now. And what do you plan to do anyway?”

“You know what,” I growl back. “No way they’re getting out of this.”

“They’re out to kill you, Chase. They brought guns, knives, a whole buttload of weapons. This isn’t some random search job; they’re hunting you down.”

I mull it over for a second, grinding my teeth. Then a vicious smile appears on my lips. “Well then … let’s give them what they came for.”

Accompanying Song: “Bad Moon Rising” by Mourning Ritual ft. Peter Dreimanis

I park the car at the edge of the forest, out of sight, and turn toward Syrena. “Promise me you won’t unlock the doors.”

“What’s going on?” she asks.

I grab her shoulders. “Promise me.”

“You’re scaring me,” she says.

“Stay. Here,” I reiterate. “Tell me you understand.”

She nods slowly, but her body begins to shake underneath my hands, so I pull her close and press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”

Then I get out and close the door behind me, locking the doors with my remote. I march toward the other end of the small forest, where Brandon parked his car. He immediately takes out a bag from the back, along with a bunch of rifles.

“Bring enough?” I ask.

“I brought everything.”

I grin. “Good. We’re gonna need it for these fuckers.”

“You sure this is a good idea?” he asks, placing the bag on the ground.

“What other choice do we have?” I take the binoculars from the bag.

“Well, there’s hiding,” he says.

“No fucking way. That son of a bitch led them to me. No way am I gonna let him get away with this.”

“You sure it’s him? It could be an angry buyer. The one who purchased the other girl. I’ve been keeping tabs on him. He seemed very agitated.”

“I’m sure,” I reply. “But that’s not it. Graham tore off my mask.”

“What?” he shouts. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

“You know it is,” he grumbles. “He’s got you on video.”

“I know,” I say.

“How could you be so careless?”

“It happened. Nothing I can change about it now.” I put the binoculars in front of my eyes and peer into the distance. A few cars are coming close to the edge of the forest. “They’re here.”

“What now?” Brandon asks gruffly.

A devious grin spreads across my lips. “We lead them into the forest … and then we hunt.”

We march into the forest and take our positions in the middle, right behind a couple of thick trees. Then we wait.

They quickly appear through the bushes, their footsteps on the crackling dead leaves giving them away. I set up my rifle and take aim. One shot is all it takes to take one of them out cold.

The others immediately scatter while I reload.

“Flanks,” I say, as Brandon gets up with a cleaver in his hands and strolls off to search for them.