Page 48 of Rock Hard

I crumpled down to the bed, spent with pleasure. Dalton guided me onto my stomach, laying my limbs out, and I felt him mount me from above.

His hand clamped around my mouth as he pushed into me, allowing his weight to trap me beneath him. His ankles pushed outward, spreading my legs, and he leveraged his limbs against mine to keep me pinned down.

Once his improvised bindings were in place, he shoved himself deep into my body, completely dominating me like never before. All I could do was weakly push my ass up as Dalton rode me, asserting his complete mastery of my body against his own.

“I think it’s about that time,” he murmured in my ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth. “Are you ready?” He moved his palm to allow me to speak, clenching my wrists with both hands and holding them bound down.

I hazily nodded, a lustful grin crossing my lips. “Do it, Dalton…. come inside me.”

With my permission granted, his movements became more erratic. Smashing his hips against mine harder than ever, pushing himself deeper into my slick chasm… he was about to lose control of himself. I could already feel a deep, simmering growl from down in his lungs as he punished my body, thrusting again and again…

With a long, strained grunt, his cock took every millimeter it could, forcing itself deep down and unleashing his scorching-hot seed inside. We both groaned with satisfaction as he pumped me full, his fingernails digging into my flesh as he released everything he had into me.

After one final groan, he rolled off of me, sliding down into place beside me. I flipped over to nestle up beside him, feeling his massive chest fill and disperse with precious air.

“That was fucking amazing,” he murmured.

“Yeah, it seriously was,” I replied quickly. “I’m so glad that we did this. This was perfect.”

“You think so?” He turned to face me.

“Of course… it’s been a fantastic night.”

“Night’s not over yet, love,” he smirked. “I just need to recharge for a few minutes, but I plan on keeping you up until sunrise…”

And so he did.

By the time we collapsed for the last time, the better for half of a dozen orgasms under my belt, I was fulfilled in ways that I’d never dreamed possible. As the sun’s earliest rays tried to penetrate the drawn drapes against the glass, I felt completely assured that, even if we couldn’t have any more than this one night…

…It was a night that would raise the bar forever.

Arrogant Brit

Chapter 12

The dreaded union of our parents hurtled towards us with a vengeance, and soon we were standing across from each other at a small altar in a quiet church.

The wedding itself might have been small and relatively meager, but I couldn’t overlook the fact that our parents just looked… happy together.

Privately, I was thoroughly disgusted that my grandparents were present. They were seated in the front pew, the very image of distinguished, posh irritation. It’s said that the English people keep a stiff upper lip – Raleigh and Riana Carlyle embodied that stereotype to the end. They were both dressed as if they had been kidnapped from some sort of regal, high-society event, and the quiet disdain on their faces shamelessly echoed that suggestion.

My father should have been able to treat his blushing bride to a lavish wedding, wherever in the world that she wanted. Unfortunately, his uppity, self-serving parents excelled at holding grudges, and so Father wasn’t eligible to the Carlyle fortune.

It’s not like it was even his fucking fault.

People make mistakes.

William, if anything, had proven himself worthy by pulling himself back from the brink of self-destruction. But it was clear that they would never, ever see it that way.

Thoughts for another time, I told myself as Dad walked down the aisle with Sarah on his arm. I plastered a forced grin across my face, glancing over at Clara.

Sarah looked beautiful in her rented bridal dress, but Clara was the real winner here. With a modest dress that accentuated her beautiful features and stunning shape, I could barely keep my eyes off of her.

The maid of honor wouldn’t meet my gaze, but I caught her checking me out, too – particularly in how my three-piece suit tightly hugged my broad, built frame.

“Dearly beloved, we gather here today to honor the unions of William Carlyle and Sarah Campbell…”

The minister, to his credit, performed the ceremony as if they were being wedded on a mega-yacht cruise liner beneath the beautiful, open stars. An older gentleman still clinging gracefully to his youthful prime, he remained jovial and concerted throughout the entire proceedings.

Dad and Sarah had elected to write each other vows, which they recited:

“William, I never thought I’d love again until I met you. You’ve brought a light to my life that I thought extinguished by time, circumstance, and horrible life choices…” She glanced over at Clara, apologetically, but her daughter merely shrugged with a smile. “But I can’t say I regret those choices, given the wonderful girl that they’ve brought into my life,” she turned back to her groom, “I know now that whatever decisions I have to make… you’ll be there by my side, guiding me with your love and your selflessness. I can’t picture a better man to stand across from me now, and I promise you that I’ll see you through every burden that comes your way until the day I breathe my last…”

William, who was more human than both of my grandparents combined, was moved slightly to tears by her words. He took a deep breath before giving his own vows:

“This life I’ve led hasn’t always taken me down the right paths. It’s been hard, sometimes, keeping myself on the correct road, ensuring that I don’t fall astray again… but ever since meeting you, I’ve known in my heart that you are my guiding light now. I never believed in love at first sight, not until I met you. It was some foolish concept that hormone-driven youngsters championed, some false dichotomy that wasn’t really there… but you showed me something else. With your love and your adoration, I grew to trust you, to trust this, and I just want you to understand how much I love you. I can’t fathom a life without you now. Until my dying gasp, I will provide for you, take care of you, and dedicate myself to relieving your stresses…”

The two gave beautiful sentiments in their small speeches. All the while, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Clara, who returned my gaze with an unwavering, silent stare.

Whatever emotion that was running through her head, I couldn’t tell what it was; however, it spoke volumes to me that she couldn’t break our fierce, mutual gaze.

I presented the rings, and they placed them on each other’s fingers. In their haste, I realized, they hadn’t even bothered with engagement rings to begin with.

They made their final promises.

And with a kiss, our parents were wed.

The marriage document was signed, and the two of us were the dedicated witnesses. Raleigh and Riana merely sat to the side, watching the proceedings without the hint of shedding a tear. To her credit, my grandmother looked fairly pleased at least, although her husband had the approximate emotional reaction of a brick.

There wasn’t any budget for a wedding reception, apparently, but that didn’t stop them from redirecting things back to their house, citing “caterers” on the way.

Clara and I rode in the backseat of their car, as we had on the way there. We sat at opposite sides, staring out our own prospective windows.

There was so much to say.

I didn’t like the gulf that had developed between us since that night. She was all I could think about now, but we’d barely spoken since checking out that following morning.

It was plain as day to see what she was doing.

Clara was having second thoughts.

If it wasn’t a mountain of doubts over the things we had done together with the world outside none the wiser, it was over our relationship to each other now.

Of course, we were now officially stepbrother and stepsiste

r… something that threw a distinct wrench into my hopes to pursue things with her.

I couldn’t get a read on Clara. Although she was only a few feet away, she felt like she was miles, maybe even worlds apart from me.

It’s not like we could talk, with our parents upfront and jovially celebrating as they drove us back towards their home. For the moment, they’d decided to settle into Sarah’s house, since William’s apartment in the city wasn’t exactly the more attractive option.

“You two look like somebody died!” Sarah chuckled after apparently watching us in the rearview mirror. “This is a happy time! I want to see some smiles on those faces!”

“Oh, leave them alone,” William graciously smiled. “I can only imagine that they’re just a little drained. We did spring this on them at the last second, after all. Let’s let them have their space.”

I was never more grateful to my father than in that moment.

Sarah glanced over at him, confused, but let the sentiment drop. “Oh well. There’s plenty of good food that’ll be available shortly after we arrive. Personally, I’m starving!”

I let the two of them fade away from my attention as I reached into my pocket, withdrawing my smartphone. I wasn’t sure if Clara had hers nearby, given the dress she was wearing, but I went ahead and texted her anyway:

> Maybe we should talk.

A few seconds later, I heard the faint sound of her text tone, and she withdrew her phone from her purse. I was afraid she was going to ignore me, but she responded before switching on the vibration setting.

> Talk about what?

I frowned grimly. This wasn’t good.

> About this. About us. You’re being distant. I don’t like it.

Clara stared at her phone for a few moments, shaking her head. She still wasn’t looking at me. Finally, she started typing.

> There’s nothing to talk about. We had our night together. That’s over now. That was it. I had a great time with you, but that’s in the past now. It’s time that both you and I move on.

I was quietly furious, but I knew that she was convinced of her point. There had to be some way to get through to her, to keep this fire of ours burning bright…