Sarah was laughing and joking like nothing was wrong, so I couldn’t use her being ill as an excuse this time. So we followed the guys to the bar, secretly trading glances the entire time. A few of the guys did break off to head back to their rooms, claiming they needed some rest after being out on the slopes all day.

When we got to the bar, I slid in next to Kelly, with Sarah sitting across from us. “So how was skiing?” I asked her as we waited for our first round of drinks.

“Pretty good. I’m really getting the hang of it now.” She looked over at Sarah. “I hope you’ll be out there with us tomorrow. The guys showed me one of the tougher slopes and it’s freaking awesome!”

“I hope so, too! Maybe tomorrow my stomach will be better tomorrow and I can go out with you guys again. I wanted to go out today but I was afraid I might barf going down the trail!”

Kelly grimaced but laughed. “Yeah, probably good you stayed in. Hopefully some rest will have helped.”

“I think it did, but just to be safe, I’m gonna take it easy tonight. Probably won’t stay out very long, you know?”

“Oh yeah, I totally get you. Being stuck in that cabin probably didn’t help much either.”

The two girls laughed and chatted as I sat and sipped my drink. The two girls really were best friend, both animated and excited no matter the subject.

Craig nudged me to get my attention. “You gonna be out on the slopes tomorrow?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Probably. As long as Sarah’s feeling better, I’ll be out there. You guys have a good day today?”

He nodded. “You should’ve seen Billy face plant! He was trying to show off on his snowboard and fucked up a jump. Went face first into the snow. Took two of us to get him out of it, too. Was freaking hilarious.”

“Damn, I wish I’d seen that!” I said with a laugh. Served him right for trying to hit on my sister, I thought. “I guess that’s why he didn’t come down for dinner?”

“Probably. Even Kelly was laughing her ass off at him. He was probably too embarrassed to show his face!”

Again, I laughed. Now I was really disappointed I hadn’t gone out today. Would’ve liked to see Sarah’s face when he busted his ass, too. Then there was no way she’d have hooked up with him.

Although, judging by the way Sarah kept looking over at me and smiling, I doubted she’d be hooking up with anyone else anytime soon.

The two of us stayed downstairs for maybe another hour before Sarah yawned and said she wanted to head back up to the room. Being the courteous step-brother I was, I offered to escort her up there, barely able to contain my grin as we headed out of the bar together.

But the moment the door was shut behind us, Sarah was in my arms, our lips locked together once again. Our hands were all over each other, and we left a trail of clothing leading from the door to the bed.

By the time we finished, and Sarah was curled up against me again, I was starting to think the smile on my face might be permanent. One thing was for sure, I was happier than I could ever remember being.

It was going to suck when the week ended and things went back to normal between us.


The next morning, I woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. Being completely naked with Nathan spooning me may have had something to do with it, but I wasn’t going to complain. And feeling his stiff cock pressed against my ass just made it even better.

When Nathan woke up, he fucked me again, then the two of us headed into the shower. I think we spent more time enjoying each other’s bodies, but I still wasn’t going to complain. Even if the shower did end with me screaming and begging for more as Nathan fucked me from behind.

We’d fallen into a routine, it seemed. Sex in the morning, shower sex before skiing, shower sex after skiing, and then sex in the evening before we fell asleep naked in each other’s arms. It was almost hard to believe that when I’d gotten here, I was a complete virgin.

Most of the guys were already down in the restaurant when we got there, but I didn’t care. Getting fucked twice this morning was much better than being on time to breakfast. Besides, it wasn’t like anyone had set a specific time for us all to meet.

For some reason, Billy was still absent. I wondered if he was still too embarrassed about wiping out yesterday, but I didn’t put much thought into it. At least I wouldn’t have to deal with his constant flirting. Even if he wasn’t as pushy as he’d been at Nathan’s party, the flirting did get old after a while.

He didn’t have a chance before, but now that I was with Nathan, he didn’t have a shot in hell!

When we finally got out onto the slopes, I was a little nervous, but when Nathan smiled at me, all my worries faded away into nothingness. Even if I did mess up, I knew he’d be right there next to me, helping me back up. And once we’d gone for our first run, I wasn’t nervous in the least.

When I’d first woken up, I’d briefly considered talking Nathan into staying in bed all day, but now I was glad I’d decided not to. Having Nathan fuck my brains out was fun and all, but learning to ski was actually a lot of fun too.

Besides, even I had to admit I was getting a little tired. I loved having Nathan inside me and all, but every once in a while, I needed a little break! I was actually kind of amazed Nathan hadn’t had any trouble getting it up yet. Briefly, I wondered if he’d been popping little blue pills to help keep his stamina up.

Then I’d look him up and down and know there was no chemical help. Nathan was just pure man, more than enough to satisfy any woman. Boy, did he know how to satisfy me!

And whenever I caught Nathan’s eyes I knew we’d make time for fucking later, somehow.

Just as I thought, when we headed back to our room to clean up before dinner, I ended up bent over in front of the kitchen sink as Nathan fucked my brains out. Maybe our routine wasn’t set in stone after all. Even if it was predictable, there was still plenty of wiggle room to spice things up!

Even though we didn’t have sex in the shower this time, it still took a bit longer than normal. We may have both been freshly, but it didn’t mean we couldn’t both enjoy each other’s body while we washed. No matter how many times we had sex, I knew I’d never tire of his body.

As the night went on, I started to wonder what was going to happen after the week was over. Sure, things were going great now, but what about when we left? After this week, we wouldn’t be in a ski lodge together, sharing the same room every single night.

Would Nathan want to keep this up when we went home? Or would he go back to having a different girl every week?

More than that, what did I want?

Every time I looked at Nathan, my heart skipped a beat. I could barely go ten minutes without thinking about him, no matter what we were doing. Even my dreams were filled with him. It was almost like he was an addiction, one I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to give up.

The sane, rational part of my brain told me to give this up when we went home. Nathan was my step-brother. Having a fun weekend wasn’t going to be the end of the world, but it wasn’t exactly like we could be in a relationship together.

Could we?

“Earth to Sarah!” Kelly said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“Huh?” I blinked at her, trying to figure out what was going on. I’d been completely absorbed in my head that I’d barely even registered her sitting next to me.

“I asked if you’d had fun out there today.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Are you sure you’re feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little tired, that’s all. I did have fun. I’m still not a huge fan of the snow, but it’s not nearly as bad as I’d expected.”

Kelly laughed and the two of us chatted aimlessly until the waitress arrived to take our order. After that, I tried to join in the conversations with the guys, but every time I locked eyes with Nathan, my mind began to wander.

What were we going to do?

Even when we’d gone back to the room and ha

d sex one last time before falling asleep, I still wasn’t sure what to do. My mind and body warred against each other, both with their own idea of what should happen after we went home.

We only had a couple more days before we had to pack up, and I wanted to have things figured out before then. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in the car with Nathan for hours on end as we tried to figure things out.

At least here in the hotel, even in the same room, we weren’t trapped practically on top of each other. Nathan’s Jeep was nice, but it wasn’t exactly a conducive location for a tense or awkward conversation, that was for damn sure.

Still, by the time we were back on the slopes the next morning, I hadn’t made up my mind one way or another. I wanted to keep this going, I wanted this to be more than just a fling for the two of us, but was that even feasible?

I had fun out on the slopes again, but my heart just wasn’t in it today. I was lucky I didn’t wipe out and end up buried under two feet of snow, with how distracted I was the entire time. Yet somehow, I managed to stay standing and avoid making an ass out of myself, even though we were on the intermediate slopes the entire day.

Even after our shower sex, and dinner, and our after dinner sex, I couldn’t stop thinking about what we were going to do in a few days. I didn’t want this to come to an end, but did I want to turn this into a relationship?