I smiled back but was much more interested in the menu than him. Even after everything I’d eaten yesterday, I still felt like I need to eat more to make up for the two days in the cabin. And, compared to that canned chili, everything looked fucking delicious.

By the time we headed out to the slopes, they almost had to roll me out there. I just hoped I wouldn’t puke going down one of the trails!


Just like I’d expected, Sarah and Kelly were soon skiing down the easier slopes without problem! They only fell as few times during the day, and most of those were right at the start of the morning. All in all, they were pretty fast learners.

By the time we headed back to the resort to clean up before dinner, we were all pretty exhausted from a long day on the slopes. We’d even gotten Sarah and Kelly to go down one of the intermediate slopes with us, even though they were nervous about it.

It was turning out to be a great vacation, all in all. Sarah really seemed to be enjoying herself, even if she was mostly surrounded by my friends. And for a girl who didn’t care for the cold very much, she had a pretty big grin on her face by the time we headed back to the cabin!

Being with the guys again had definitely helped me as well, though I still found my eyes drifting back to Sarah. When we were on the slopes, I couldn’t take her eyes off her. I tried to brush it off as just brotherly protectiveness, not wanting her to get hurt while she skied, but deep down, I knew it was more than that.

Something about her just kept drawing me in.

When we went back to the room and she came out of the bathroom after her shower, completely naked, I thought my heart might force its way right out of my chest. Nothing about her was sexual in the least, and as soon as she was out, she started dressing, but all I could do was think about that morning in the cabin, my cock right at her entrance.

I hurried into the bathroom for my own shower, needing to get away from here, even if it was only with a thin wall separating us. As I stood under the shower’s hot spray, I wished we’d been able to get our own rooms like I’d planned. I needed some space away from her. The temptation of pushing her down onto the bed and having my way with her was getting to be too much.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I made sure I was smiling and that my cock had gone soft again. Sarah didn’t need to know about the turmoil going on inside me. I doubted she’d understand, and it’d probably just make the rest of her trip uncomfortable.

Yet, as we walked down to the restaurant to meet up with everyone, I couldn’t get my mind off her. No girl had ever done this to me before. I’d been with plenty of them over the years, but most had just been one night stands. I’d never been so fixated on one person before.

Why did it have to be Sarah of all people? The one person I wasn’t supposed to have these feelings for. Why couldn’t it be Kelly or some waitress at the bar or some snow bunny looking for a fun time? Why her?

There was just something about her. She was sweet, kind, innocent. The kind of girl you could see yourself with for a lifetime. The kind of girl who would be happy just lying in your arms. The kind of girls you fell in love with.

I sucked in a breath.

No, I wasn’t in love with her, I told myself.

Sarah was my step-sister. It was as simple as that. I couldn’t be in love with her.

I tried to focus on the conversations going on over dinner, but my heart just wasn’t in it. My entire body seemed to be rebelling against me. I was barely able to even touch my food, yet I downed three beers by the time we headed from the restaurant to the resort’s bar.

I should’ve been stumbling as we walked, yet it felt like I was floating on a cloud. When Sarah looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, I just grinned at her. She smiled back, a little uncertainly, then turned back to whatever the guys were talking about right then.

When I had my first shot of fireball, the warmth quickly worked its way through my body. I did my best to push Sarah from my mind, focusing instead on the guys as they talked about their favorite trails to ski or snowboard.

“The ones here are totally better than at Ridgeland.” I rolled my eyes at Billy.

Billy shook his head and frowned. “Fuck no! Ridgeland had way better slopes. Not all the baby shit like here. Those were real slopes!”

The other guys chimed in at once, each offering their own opinion. I listened for a minute or two, then stood and headed over to the bar to get enough drink. The alcohol was helping loosen my up a bit, and I wasn’t planning on stopping until I was ready to head back to the room and pass out.

As I waited for my drink, Billy saddled up next to me. “Hope you’re not mad about what I said about the slopes here.”

“Nah,” I said with a shrug. “I’m used to you being a dickhead by now.”

He snorted and grinned before turning back to look at the group sitting only a few feet. After a moment, he turned back to me. “Is she single?” he asked, nodding toward the table.

When I followed his eyes, I saw them locked on Sarah. Immediately, my heartrate spiked, and I frowned. “Dude, that’s my sister.”

“Step-sister.” He shrugged. “Come on, dude. She was flirting with me at your party, but she shot me down. Now she seems pretty interested though. Just want to make sure some angry boyfriend isn’t going to be upset if I make a move.”

My frown deepened at the thought of Billy making a move on Sarah. Yeah, she was an adult and capable of choosing who she dates or hooked up with, but I really didn’t like the idea of her getting with him. He was my friend, but he also was a dickhead.

“Yeah, good luck with that. She’s pretty picky about who she goes out with.”

It was partly true. She’d only dated a couple guys since we were in high school, and none of them had lasted very long at all. I highly doubted Billy actually had a shot, even if I still wasn’t thrilled with the idea of him trying.

“Yeah, well, that’s what Jaeger’s for, isn’t it?” He grinned at me, then turned back to the group and raised his voice. “Who’s up for a round of Jaeger Bombs?”

Everyone cheered, including Sarah, which just made me frown even more. The high I’d built up had vanished now, leaving me feeling lower than I had before. Even when I had my drink in hand and headed back to the table, I still didn’t feel any better.

When Billy came back with a load of drinks and sat next to Sarah, I became downed the rest of my drink before accepting the one from him. Maybe a bit more alcohol would help bring back that high I’d had before.

It definitely made me feel something, but it wasn’t what I’d hoped for. Instead of that clouded, giddy feeling, I was more alert, more aware. Now all I could do was focus on Sarah, and to an extent, Billy, who seemed to have blocked out everyone else at the table and was talking solely to her.

A jolt went through me as Sarah giggled at something he said, batting her eyelashes at him. As they spoke, her attention seemed to be focused intently on him, and I began to worry she might actually be interested in Billy.

When he reached over and placed his hand on her thigh, I stood up abruptly. Everyone stated at me, eyebrows raised, but I ignored them.

“Hey Sarah, can you come help me with something?”

She looked at me curiously, but nodded. She smiled apologetically at Billy, then slid her chair back and stood up. The moment she walked over to me, I grabbed her wrist and lead her out of the bar, not looking back at the group.


I frowned as Nathan practically dragged me from the bar. As we wound through the halls, heading back to our room, his grip on my wrist tightened. Soon, there was a dull ache, and it seemed like he was trying to pull my arm out of its socket.

What the hell was wrong with him?

He walked with a slight stumble but with a purpose. I could only imagine what was going through his drunk head right then, and I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to find out. Part of me just wanted to slap him upside his head for being a dumbass


’d been having a good time at the bar. The guys had opened up to me, welcoming me and Kelly into their group liked we’d always belong there. So why had Nathan decided to pull me away all of a sudden? What was so urgent that we had to go back to the room right away?

By the time we got back to the room, my blood at begun to boil at the way Nathan was yanking me like I was a toddler on a leash who’d disobeyed a command. When we walked inside, we barely made it a few feet before Nathan released my wrist and turned on me, his eyes narrowed into slits.

“What the hell was that all about?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips and glaring back at him.

“What was with you and Billy?” he asked, his voice raised.

I blinked at him. Billy? What the hell did he have to do with anything? “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t give me that!” He let out a breath. “God, he was practically in your lap all night. “