It was a stalemate.

In more ways than one, it turned out, since neither of us had a hand to play. Frustrated, I glared at the cards like they’d betrayed me. It was irrational, sure, but god damn it, I wanted to see Nathan naked! I’d have never admitted it even under torture, but I’d never wanted anything more in my life.

Nathan tossed his cards away, then let out a breath. I couldn’t tell if it was a sigh of relief or frustration.

I shuffled the cards again dealt what could possibly be our last hand. As I looked at my cards, I couldn’t help but grin. Three aces! There was no way he was going to beat me!

But when I looked over and saw him grinning as well, my confidence wavered. Could he possibly have something to beat me? If that happened, I’d be the one naked, my entire body on display for him. I wasn’t quite sure whether that was a bad thing or not though.

Finally, he laid down his cards. “Three kings!” he said proudly, sitting back and grinning at me. As he did so, his boxers shifted, giving me a clear view of his stiff cock hidden beneath them.

I froze in place, unable to take my eyes off him. My mouth was dry suddenly, and my brain had once again shut down. It wasn’t until Nathan stretched his leg out and gently tapped me with his foot.

“Well? What do you have?” He still smirked, like he’d just won the lottery.

“Three… three aces,” I said, setting my own cards down.

I had to admit, seeing that cocky grin disappear off his face was almost as good as what was going to happen next. Now it was my turn to grin at him, though my smile was much shakier and less confident than his had been.

“No way!” he shouted. “You cheated!”

I shook my head. I hadn’t cheated, despite my earlier thoughts. I beat him fair and square. Now it was time for him to give me the prize I’d won. “You know the rules!” I said, sounding much braver than I felt.

With a scowl, Nathan stood up and yanked his boxers off in one movement, his hard cock springing up and slapping against his stomach. He didn’t even bother covering himself, not that he could’ve covered that monster up easily.

God damn, it was no wonder he was so popular with the girls! For a brief moment, I wondered how that even fit inside them. I was pretty sure if he tried to put it inside me, it’d split me in half! Then a shiver went through me as I imagined Nathan on top of me, that cock pressed right against my slit.

It wasn’t until Nathan started snapping his fingers in front of my face that I came back to reality. “Huh?”

He rolled his eyes. “Are you going to shuffle the cards or not?” he asked, waving his hand at the scattered cards.

“Shuffle them? Why? I already won.”

“Yeah, right! We’re going to keep playing until you’re naked too. It’s only fair.”

“And what do I get if I win?” I frowned at him. “You’re already naked. If we keep playing, then you don’t have anything to lose.”

Nathan thought about it for a moment, then his eyes lit up. “Fine. If you win another hand, you get to ask me a question and I have to tell you the truth, no matter what. Deal?”

I found myself nodding, despite my growing fear of having to remove my panties. Seeing Nathan’s naked body, and then picturing him atop me like that, had gone straight to my pussy. There wouldn’t be any way to hide my arousal now, if Nathan had me remove my underwear.

But I couldn’t pass up the chance to be able to ask him any question I wanted. This was a chance I’d likely never get again!

So I shuffled the cards and dealt them. But, once again, luck was on my side. Straight, ten high,” I announced proudly, laying out my cards.

Nathan scowled as he placed down his pair of twos. He sighed, then pursed his lips tight. “Fine. Ask me your question.”

“How big is it?” I asked, the words stumbling out of my mouth, my eyes once again locked on Nathan’s manhood.

I glanced up at his face just in time to see him blush and look down at the floor. “Eight and a half inches,” he admitted.

Fuck! I knew he’d been big. From my high school sex-ed class, I remembered the average was closer to six inches. No wonder he looked so big. He’d have fit right in on the set of a porno with that cock. Not to mention he had the body to go along with it!

He really was created by the gods, I thought to myself. There was no other explanation.

With a nod, I gathered the cards and repeated the process. Much to Nathan’s utter dismay, I won again, my pair of sixes beating his pair of fives. “You sure you’re not cheating?” he asked as he tossed the cards my way to be shuffled again.

I shook my head. “I’m not, I promise!”

“Fine,” he said with a sigh. “Ask your question.”

I had to think about what I wanted to ask this time. Then I settled on a question I’d wondered about, but was never really sure of “Are you a virgin?”

Just as I’d suspected, he shook his head. “Not for a few years now.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I was glad only I got to ask questions, since I dreaded having to admit I was still a virgin to him. I doubted he’d parade it about, but it was still embarrassing to admit to someone like him.

As I dealt the next hand, my heart began to race again. Something told me I wasn’t going to win a forth hand in a row, and sure enough, I was right. Nathan had a straight versus my pair of sevens. This was the moment I was both excited for and dreading. Now both of us would be completely naked together, for the very first time.

Dropping the rest of my cards on the floor, I took a deep breath, then stood up. I hooked my thumbs in my panties and pulled them down in one swoop before I could second guess myself. When I stood back up, I put my hands on my hips and spread my legs slightly, letting him see everything.

My heart continued to hammer, like it was trying to leap from my chest. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Not only was I naked in front of a guy for the first time, but it was Nathan of all people. I was completely naked in front of my step-brother.

It was a wonder I didn’t pass out!

When I looked between Nathan’s legs, I saw his cock twitching. The head was bright read now, barely his foreskin almost completely retracted. The entire shaft glistened with precum, showing me just how excited he was.

I giggled, covering my mouth. Was he going to come without even touching himself? God, that would’ve been the perfect ending to the night. Not only would it have been the hottest thing ever, but it would’ve been worth a lifetime of blackmail.

Glancing down at my own body, I blushed. My nipples were still erect, and there was no way Nathan couldn’t see how wet I was right now. It was all I could do not to reach between my legs and touch myself.

“Looks like we both need a cold shower,” I said at last, breaking the silence.

Nathan nodded, still not otherwise moving and not taking his eyes off my body. It was both embarrassing and a turn on to have him staring at me like that. I wondered if he felt the same way with me staring at him all evening.

“We… we should probably get dressed.” Nathan looked up at my face for the first time since I’d taken my panties off. “You know, in case someone sees our sign out there.”

I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse. Nonetheless, I picked up my panties from where I’d dropped them and slid them on slowly, watching as Nathan’s eyes never left my body until my underwear was back in place.

That was when he seemed to snap out of his haze, standing up and retrieving his boxers. I watched his cock bob and sway as he moved, the sight oddly hypnotizing. I wondered briefly if that was what he’d thought as he stared at me.

As I slid my jeans on, I grinned at him. “So, was it worth it?” When he blinked at me, his brain obviously malfunctioning, I rolled my eyes. “You know, seeing me naked.”

Nathan nodded immediately, his eyes seeming to light up as the memories flashed before him again. “Yeah, definitely.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I

winked at him, then grabbed my t-shirt and slid it on without bothering to retrieve my bra. The damn thing wasn’t all that comfortable to wear anyway.

Nathan blushed and didn’t say anything until we were both dressed again. Then, while I started putting the cards away, he headed into the kitchen to make our peas for dinner. It wouldn’t be that filling of a meal, but hey, it beat having to choke down any more of that chili.

When we were seated in front of the fire again, I nudged him with my foot. “You okay?”

He’d gone back to being lost in his own head again. I could only imagine what he was thinking about, since he didn’t seem all that inclined to tell me.

Instead, he just nodded and muttered “yeah” just barely loud enough for me to hear.

Yeah, there was definitely something bothering him. I just wished I knew what it was. Was he regretting playing strip poker with me? It had been his idea, after all, even if it had just been a joke. Or was it something else? Had I said or done something to upset him?