“I hope this works,” I whispered, taking Liz’s hand in mine and squeezing, uncertain of who I was trying to reassure more: her, or myself. No matter how this went down, I would be down a manager, either because I’d fired her or because she’d quit. One way or another, I’d be left in a lurch. And depending on Tessa’s reaction, and just how well she could spin a story, things might be even worse than all that.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, I thought as I motioned for Liz to keep quiet while I phoned Tessa. After my little outburst the previous day, I had a feeling that she might not take my call.

I tapped her picture in my contact list. The phone didn’t even have a chance to ring a second time before I heard the line open up.

“Called to apologize, have you?” Tessa said, doing her best to sound impassive. “Well, let’s have it then, Julian. Say you’re sorry.”

I had to fight the overwhelming urge to hang up then and there. It was a sheer testament to my willpower that I didn’t. My heart was racing, my hands balling into fists as I tried not to let any of the wealth of fury I harbored for this woman creep into my voice.

“I’m sorry, Tessa,” I said, teeth gritted ever so slightly. I wanted to scream, to slither right through that phone and shake her, but I had to keep a civil tongue in my head—for both mine and Liz’s sakes.

“That’s a good lad,” Tessa said, and I could just imagine the smug smile on her face. “Now, was there something else, or can I go back to having my bath?”

“I wanted to talk about our plan,” I said. “I think it’s time I made a few more statements to the press. I’m ready to ride this wave.”

“You’ve finally come ‘round to your senses then?” she asked. I didn’t reply straight away, and she chuckled. “Well, first—”

“Not over the phone,” I said, so quickly and with such vehemence I’d basically shouted it into the receiver. Swallowing my rage once again, I did my best to recover. “I mean… I’d really rather talk about all of this in person. That way, we can be sure there’s no one around to eavesdrop—I’ve learned my lesson from last time.”

“Good Lord, it’s a Christmas miracle, and it’s not even July yet!” I rolled my eyes and held the phone away from my ear as peals of Tessa’s laughter echoed through the speaker. “All right, Julian, we’ll meet at your place. I’ll be there in about an hour to go over everything I’ve worked out.”

“See you then,” I said, trying to sound as normal as possible, though it was around that moment I remembered why I’d turned down all the film roles I’d ever been offered: I was a bloody terrible actor.

“Do you think she bought it?” Liz asked as I ended the call. I set the phone down on the coffee table in front of me. She took a seat at my side, pressing her cheek against my shoulder until I turned and kissed her forehead.

“I can only hope so, love.”

We spent the better part of that hour or so anxiously waiting. I didn’t know what I could expect from a professional liar like Tessa. She had the power to influence my career whether she was my manager or not.

She was well-connected in the industry. Well-respected, too. Who were her peers going to believe—the woman with a sterling reputation and a fantastic poker face, or the drunken rock god who took every chance he could to fuck things up for himself? Sure, I had Liz on my side, but her name had already been dragged through the mud. Any way you cut it, this was one hell of a gamble.

“Hide in my bedroom until I get her talking,” I told Liz as the sound of knocking at my door nearly made us both jump out of our skins. There was no more time for revisions, no turning back from this now. We had to move forward, whatever the outcome. “And no matter what, I want you to keep the phone rolling the entire time—even if she doesn’t say anything overtly incriminating. You never know when she might slip up.”

Liz gave me a firm nod and crept into the bedroom, closing the door almost all the way, but leaving just enough of a crack for her to get a good view of me and Tessa as we talked. I watched as she readied her cell phone.

My heart was thrumming frantically in my throat as I made my way toward the front door, looking through the peephole just to make sure it was her. Sure enough, Tessa was outside, looking impatient as usual in what looked to be a new blouse and tight pencil skirt—the kind I knew I’d seen at the last fashion show we’d been invited to. Someone was already reaping the rewards of their little scheme, and the sight of her only served to enrage me all the more.

“Tessa. Come on in,” I said as I opened the door, keeping my tone as even as I could manage—having my feelings in check wasn’t a normal state of affairs for me, especially when it came to anger. I was the kind of person to have it out if I was mad, to shout and let it loose so I could move on, and having Tessa standing in my flat in brand new, expensive clothes almost brought me to my boiling point.

“It’s about time you came to your senses,” she said, her devil-red heels—Fitting, I thought—clicking like a metronome as she stepped inside.

I took a deep, slow breath, my eyes cast toward my bedroom door where I could see the glint of the phone’s camera peeking out. I only hoped that Tessa was brazen enough to spill her guts about what she’d done if she’d thought she’d gotten away with it. She’d never been above gloating, that was for sure.

“I guess so,” I said, unwilling to add much fuel to this conversation—Tessa was the kind who’d go on all damn day, if you let them.

“I mean, she must have thought you were an idiot,” she continued, turning to look at me with a laugh. “Thinking that she could just take you for all you had over some brat she claimed was yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was already pregnant when you met. We should definitely push for a paternity test.”

“Yeah, must’ve thought I was a real tool,” I said, making an abominable face at her as she turned her back. “I guess I’m just an easy mark…”

“Too right,” Tessa laughed, her smile widening as she began to buy into the idea that I was on her side. “As though she could pull the wool over your eyes—especially with me watching your back. Honestly, Jules, if I hadn’t been there…”

“What would have happened?” I asked, eyebrows raised. Did she really think she’d been the hero in all of this, saving me from a life of happiness?

“You’d have been miserable!” she declared, laughing in a way that quite reminded me of a screech owl. “I mean, what kind of life would you have had with a woman like that? And with a child? You’re lucky I got you out of there like I did.”

“By setting Liz up to look like the bad guy?” I asked, taking a step toward her with my hands by my sides. “By making me think that she’d betrayed me? Like you’ve betrayed me?”

“What on earth are you talking about?” she asked, trying to pass off her tone as dismissive, though the look in her eye smacked of panic. “I didn’t set anyone—”

“I was happy, you know?” I said as I stepped toward her again, driving Tessa back. Those heels didn’t quite click now—they skidded

. Clattered. It was not an elegant, poised sound. “And you just couldn’t have that.”

“Julian, whatever you’re thinking…” she began, holding her hands up defensively. “You have to trust me! Like you’ve always done! No one is going to be there for you like I will!”

“That’s what you keep saying, and yet…” I took another step. Between the pumps and the pencil skirt, Tessa was having a hell of a time of it. And I was enjoying every second of her discomfort. “You couldn’t stand the idea that you were wrong. That there could be someone else in my life, someone who fit the bill—and who did so a lot better than you ever could. Isn’t that right, Tessa?” Another step. She was getting so very close to the wall. “You couldn’t stand the idea that I might not depend on you for everything anymore!”

“You do depend on me!” she shouted, finally taking a step in my direction. Unlike her, I held my ground. “You wouldn’t be anything without me! I made you what you are today, Julian Bastille!”

“No, you just took the credit,” I snarled. “You were the power behind the throne, treating me like I was just some cash cow you could manipulate! And just when I was going to do something on my own for once—when I was going to love someone who mattered a hell of a lot more than some one-night stand—you couldn’t handle it! You just couldn’t take the idea you’d lose the control you’ve had over me for a bloody decade!”

“And so what?” Tessa jeered, finally holding her ground. The meek and timid act had dropped like a cheap veil. Her hands were clenched now, her chin raised in haughty defiance. “So what if I’ve steered you like a bloody ship? You were nothing before I came along. You were utterly directionless, just some poor bastard playing in two-bit pubs! I made you into what you are! I own you!”

“And I suppose you expect me to say thank you?” I replied coldly.