I watched him go, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I hadn’t really cared if he’d told anyone, but it was still relieving to hear. At least now people would find out from me or her, not from his vindictive ass. That was one problem, solved, but I still had a bigger one to worry about, I thought as I looked toward the tent.

With a sigh, I went back over to the guys and flopped down onto the couch next to Craig. They all seemed to understand I wasn’t much in the mood to talk about anything, so we all just sat there in silence, waiting to hear that Sarah was okay.

Even sitting down, I couldn’t stay still. My knee bounced up and down. Just like when we’d been stuck in the cabin, there was nothing I could do. At least then, there were a few things I could do that helped, like chopping firewood and keeping the fire going.

But now… There was nothing I could do now except wait. Sarah was in the hands of the medics now, and until they were finished, there was nothing I could do. Why couldn’t they have at least let me sit with her and hold her hand? I could only imagine how disorienting it would be for her to wake up after that, surrounded by people she’d never even seen before.

Finally, one of the medics came out of the tent and looked around until he saw us. I was out of my chair in a flash, sprinting across the lobby to reach him.


God, my head fucking pounded as I sat in the decided uncomfortable bed they’d laid me in. One of the medics shined a light into my eyes several times, nodding to himself as he did so. It’d been a bit disorienting to wake up in a tiny tent surrounded by people I didn’t know, but at least now I had my bearings.

“Well, it looks like you’re going to be okay,” he said, smiling at me. “You’re going to need a bit of rest, but there shouldn’t be any lasting damage. If I were you, I’d spend the rest of your trip up in your room, watching TV and ordering room service. No more skiing for you, at least not for a while.”

I nodded. No more skiing for a while sounded like an excellent plan to me. The doctor may have said I was fine, but my entire body still ached like I’d been hit by a minivan. Right that moment, lying in bed for a few days sounded like heaven.

The doctor stepped out of the tent while a nurse handed me a warm cup. “Hot cocoa.” She smiled. “It’ll help warm you up.”

“Thank you.” I returned her smile, then took a sip, savoring the sweet taste as it slid down my throat, warming me almost instantly. The hot chocolate was perfect, just hot enough to warm me up without burning my insides. They’d even put tiny marshmallows in it for me.

When the tent opened again, I was surprised to see Nathan standing there instead of the doctor. The nurse politely excused herself while Nathan ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me and almost covering himself in hot chocolate in the process.

“God, I was so worried about you.” He buried his face in my neck, and for a few moments, it sounded like he was crying. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I put my arms around him and pulled him tight, glad to once again be in his embrace. Earlier, I’d wanted to get out of here and away from him for a little while, but now I didn’t want to ever be separated from Nathan ever again.

“I’m sorry I went off without you,” I said, fighting back my own tears. I’d been so foolish to leave when I came out of the shower and found the room empty. But I’d been so pissed at him for walking out on me. I thought for sure he’d never want to see me again after I’d gotten all clingy this morning.

But Nathan shook his head. “This isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I’m so sorry for trying to push you away this morning. I should’ve just told you how I felt. I should’ve told you how much I love you, how much I want to be with you.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

Nathan had a lot to lose by being in a relationship with his step-sister. I couldn’t really fault him for not wanting to give up his entire life just for me, especially not after a few days of being together. I’d been foolish, thinking with my heart and not my head.

I’d turned into one of those clingy girls that I’d tried so hard to avoid.

“No, you don’t understand.” He pulled away from me and took a deep breath, looking right into my eyes. “I love you, Sarah. I don’t want things to be over between us. I don’t want to go back to how we were before this trip. I don’t want to live my life without you in my arms anymore.”

I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. Was he really saying what I thought he was? No, it had to be my mind playing tricks on me. Maybe I’d hit my head harder than the doctors thoughts. This had to be an illusion or a hallucination or a dream or something.

“I love you, Sarah, and I don’t care who knows. I don’t care what my friends think. I don’t care what my father thinks. As long as I have you, I know I can get through anything that comes my way.”

“You… you really mean that?”

When he nodded his head and pulled me back against him, it was my turn to cry as I buried my face into his chest.

This morning, I’d wanted him to at least consider taking our relationship to the next level. This though… this was far beyond what I’d even hoped for. To have Nathan confessing his love to me was something I’d expected to only happen in my dreams.

“You’re not just saying that because I almost died, are you?”

“God no. I’d gone back to the room earlier to apologize and tell you how much I loved you, but you’d already left. When I found out you’d gone up on the mountain with Billy and that there’d been an avalanche…” He took a deep breath. “God, I was so scared. I thought I might never get to see you again, that I’d never get to tell you I loved you.”

“I love you too, more than anything.”

My entire body tingled as the words left my mouth. I’d known last night that I loved him, but I hadn’t dared saying it out loud. I’d been so scared that if I’d told him I loved him, he’d have dumped me in a hot second for a girl who didn’t fall in love with the first guy she slept with.

But maybe if I had taken a chance and told him, none of this would’ve happened. I definitely would’ve liked to avoid getting trampled by a metric ton of snow.

As he held me in my arms, I realized I wouldn’t go back and change things, even if I could. I had Nathan now, and we were closer than ever. Even with all the aches and pains and bruises, it was all worth it.

After a few more minutes, Nathan pulled away and slipped off his jacket, handing it to me. “You might wanna put this on before we go out there.”

It was only then that I looked down and realized I was wearing only my bra. I’d completely forgotten the doctors had needed to cut my shirt off when they brought me in. Blushing I accepted the jacket and slipped it on, zipping it up to cover myself.

Once I was decent, Nathan offered me his hand to help me down from the bed. Then, he pulled me into his arms again and kissed me, his arms tight around my waist, like he was never going to let me go.

It wasn’t until the guys had surrounded us that I realized Nathan was still holding my hand. I tried to pull it free, but he wouldn’t let go, grinning at me the entire time. None of them even seemed to notice though. They were all too busy asking how I was and if I needed anything.

“I have everything I need,” I said smiling over at Nathan.

They all looked at my curiously, but didn’t comment. Then, Nathan turned to face me and pulled me into his arms, kissing me right in front of everyone. It wasn’t a soft, chaste kiss either, certainly not one you’d give you sister. It was fiery and full of passion, his tongue pushing into my mouth for just a brief moment.

When he broke the kiss, everyone was staring at us, their mouths hanging open in shock. My face flushed, and I looked at the ground. Nathan had said he didn’t care who knew about us, but I hadn’t been expecting him to tell everyone right away. And not like that!

But he didn’t seem to be the least bit ashamed or embarrassed about what he’d just done. Instead, he grinned broadly at everyone, his hand

still wrapped firmly around mine.

“I guess there’s a few things we need to fill you guys in on,” he said, still grinning like an idiot.

Craig slapped him on the back of the head. “I’ll say! How long were you two planning on keeping this a secret from us?”

Nathan and I shrugged at the same time, neither willing to admit that, before today, we hadn’t been planning on telling anyone. Before today, neither of us were even sure we’d be together after the week was over.

But now, Nathan seemed confident we’d conquer the world together, head on. And when he let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist, I was ready to face the world along with him, consequences be damned!

There was no reason to be worried though, since like true friends, every one of them stood by the both of us with nothing but support. Most were more curious than anything, wondering when we’d gotten together. Nathan left out the more scandalous details, but filled them in on most of what had happened over the last week.

Including Billy attempting to blackmail him.

The fucking sleaze. I couldn’t believe I’d gone out skiing with him, right after he’d just come from blackmailing Nathan. God, did the guy have no conscience at all? I was glad Nathan had sent him away before I came out, else I’d have been tempted to shove a ski pole up his ass for pulling that stunt.

I didn’t care that I’d nearly died because he’d suggested we go off trail. After all, I’d agree to it, and I had been doing pretty well until the avalanche struck. But how could he think I’d want anything to do with him after he blackmailed Nathan like that?

I’d planned on going back to the room and relaxing, like the doctor had suggested, but the guys convinced us to join them in the restaurant for a little celebration. And I wasn’t feeling that bad, though I certainly wouldn’t have turned down an aspirin or two!

After dinner, Craig ordered a round of drinks for everyone, though I passed. A drink probably would’ve helped take the edge off everything, but it didn’t seem like the best idea after everything that happened.

Once the waitress delivered the drinks, Craig raised his up into the air. He looked at Nathan and I and smiled, his bright white teeth showing. “To Nathan and Sarah. I wish you both the best.”

“To Nathan and Sarah!” The guys said, raising their glasses and clinking them together before taking a drink.

Nathan and I took a sip, then turned and looked at each other, grinning like fools. Nathan leaned in and kissed me again, sparks flying the moment our lips touched together. Even just a quick kiss from him took my breath away.

I wanted to take him back up to the room and fuck his brains out, aches and pains be damned. I hoped we never lost that. It didn’t matter if we were eighty and in beds in a nursing home, I hoped that every time I looked at Nathan, it felt just like now.

“I love you.” He kept his eyes on me, making me feel like I was the most important person in the world. The president, the Beatles, and an alien could’ve walked in right then, and I doubted he’d have even noticed them.

“I love you, too.”



Standing outside the door, I took a deep breath and smoothed out the creases in my suit. I’d waited until Kelly had left, then crept down the hall. I had to be in and out before she got back, lest I incur her wrath.