“That’s exactly what I think. You’re not leaving this room today. You crawl into bed, and I’ll go down and grab us some breakfast.” I kissed her again. “But when I come back, I expect you to still be naked.”

“Oh?” She put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. “What makes you think I want to spend my birthday trip in bed? Maybe I want to get back out onto the slopes, to improve my skills a little.”

I pulled her back into my arms, letting her feel my hardening cock press against her. Her eyes widened and the smile returned as she looked up into my eyes.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe we won’t use the bed.” I winked at her. “There are plenty of places in here for me to fuck you. Over the desk, in the chair, maybe even up against the window. Besides, I know how much you hate snow. I’m sure you’d rather spend the day in bed with me, keeping warm.”

Her face flushed, but she nodded. “You better bring a lot of food then. I’ll need a lot to eat if you expect me to keep my strength up. And believe me, you’re going to need your strength too. I’ve got a lot planned for you today!”

Chuckling, I kissed her one more time before grabbing a pair of jeans and slipping them on without bothering to find underwear. I didn’t plan on wearing them very long. After slipping a t-shirt on, I found my shoes as well as my wallet and room key.

Sarah insisted on giving me one last kiss before letting me venture out for supplies. I hadn’t expected on holing up in a room with Sarah again, but hey, at least we’d have real food to eat this time! Plus, we’d be having a lot more fun than reading books.

Hell, I might even try some of the things I read about in the book in the cabin. It had a few good ideas that I was sure Sarah would enjoy!

My friend Craig was in the restaurant when I got there. He waved me over and I pulled out a chair to sit at his table. “Sleep in?” he asked with a grin.

I shrugged. “Sarah’s not feeling well. Not sure if it was something she ate or if she just drank too much later night. Either way, we’re gonna hang out in the room for the day.”

Craig nodded, accepting my lie without question. The two of us chatted as I waited for the waitress to bring mine and Sarah’s food in to-go boxes for us. Once it showed up, I bid Craig farewell and practically ran back to the room with it.

Craig had assured me he’d let the others know where we were so they wouldn’t worry. I made sure to tell him Sarah would be resting most of the day and to tell everyone we’d see them tomorrow. Didn’t want anyone stopping by while I was balls deep inside Sarah.

We’d had one interruption already, and I didn’t want to deal with another! Once I got back upstairs, I didn’t plan on putting clothes back on until it was time to retrieve dinner.

I had much better things planned that wouldn’t involve pants!

When I walked back into the room, Sarah was laying on the bed, her legs spread wide as she rubbed her pussy. My cock twitched in my jeans, and part of me wanted to drop the food to the ground and just bury my face between her legs again.

Who needed pancakes when you could eat pussy?

But I knew that would be silly. Like Sarah had said, we’d both need our strength for today. So I set the food on the desk and grinned at her. “Miss me, did you?”

“More than you can imagine!” She closed her legs, then hopped off the bed, walking over to me. “So, what’d you bring? I’m starved!”

I laughed and shook my head. So much for missing me! It sounded like she wanted the food more than me. Though, as my stomach growled, I couldn’t blame her. We had done our best to work up an appetite this morning, not to mention last night!

“Pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon,” I said with a grin. “And a large hot coco for each of us to help wash it down. Figured that’d give us enough food to last until dinner time.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Oh? Have a big day planned for us, do you?”

“You bet!” I said, slapping her ass.

She squeaked, then punched me in the arm. “Well them, you better get those clothes off. I wouldn’t want you getting syrup on them. It’ll be much easier to lick it off you if you’re naked.”

Well, I liked the sound of that! While Sarah opened the to-go boxes and brought the food over to the bed, I stripped off the few clothes I wore. Eating naked wasn’t on my list of things to do today, but I wasn’t going to complain.

There were certainly worse things I could be doing!

If Sarah wanted to lick syrup off me, there was no way I was going to stop her! Hell, I might have to dribble a bit of it onto her tits and have some fun licking it off her body. Wasn’t that what people did in porn? It sounded like a fun thing to try, at the very least.

The two of us ate in silence, but that didn’t stop me from staring at Sarah. Even doing something as simple as eating pancakes made my heart thunder in my chest. What was it about Sarah that kept my attention without fail? What made her so different than all the other girls I’d been with?

I wasn’t quite sure, but I vowed to figure it out. We had a few more days here in the resort, and I vowed to find out every last thing about Sarah. Oh, I planned on having quite a bit of sex with Sarah, but it wasn’t like we could stay in this room for the rest of the week.

The guys would definitely get suspicious if we tried that.

But that didn’t mean we couldn’t do other things together. I could still find out more about her, even with the guys around. Maybe I’d spend a bit of time with Kelly too, and learn a bit about Sarah from her. After all, there were things friends would notice that you sometimes didn’t know about yourself.

“What’s on your mind?” Sarah asked after swallowing a piece of bacon.

“You,” I said, being honest. There wasn’t much point in denying it.

She smirked at me. “Oh, I can just imagine all the things you were thinking of! I’m sure I was thinking of quite a few of the same things.”

Immediately, my mind went into overdrive. I was sure Sarah had quite a few fantasies that would be fun to fulfil. For a girl who’d been a virgin not that long ago, she sure as hell hadn’t disappointed me yet. I was sure the future had quite a few fun things in store for the both of us.

I returned her grin. “I can’t wait to see what you’re imagining. You’ve read quite a few of those dirty books. You’ll have to show me what you’ve learned from them. You did pretty damn good with that blow job.”

“Oh, I’m sure I can think of a thing or two to show you. There’s a few things I’ve read in those books I’ve been dying to try with someone. And today sounds like the perfect day to try out each and every one of them!”

Well, that was one reason I couldn’t get enough of her. Somehow, we both seemed to be on the same wavelength, both craving the same things. And I wasn’t lying when I said I was excited to see what she had planned for today. I could only imagine the sordid things the characters in her novels did. And for once, it would be fun to be the person experiencing it all.

I may not have been a prince and may not have been her savior, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t have our own experience. I was sure I could rock her world better than any fake prince or pirate or whoever else were in all those books.

They were big shoes to fill, but I was up to the challenge. Besides, we had an entire day ahead of us. And with such a big breakfast, we were going to need a lot of exercise to burn off all those calories!

After we finished eating, Sarah let me drizzle syrup onto her nipples, then lick and suck them clean. I didn’t see what was so amazing about it, though she seemed to enjoy it. Then again, she’d have enjoyed it if I’d sucked on her tits even without the


As the day went by, we quickly lost track of time. I also lost track of how many times we had sex together. True to my word, I tried out many different positons and locations. I loved fucking her from behind, since it gave me more control. I think she liked it when I laid on the bed and let her ride me the best though.

I didn’t realize how late it had gotten until the sun had set, leaving us lying in bed in the dark. “Think we should venture down for dinner? Let everyone know we’re okay?”

I shrugged. “I told Craig you weren’t feeling well so they wouldn’t come looking for us. We can go down and eat, if you want. As long as I get to fuck you again afterwards.”

Sarah laughed and slapped my chest lightly. “You really are horrible; you know that?” Despite her words, she smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“But I’m fun aren’t I?”

“Oh, you’re definitely fun!” She licked her lips. “Let’s shower, then we can get some food and recharge. This way we can keep your strength up. Can’t have you passing out in the middle of fucking me!”

I smacked her ass again, making her squirm and snuggle closer to me. I loved the way she teased me, but I also loved giving her a bit of mock punishment. Can’t let her get too cocky, now can I?

Our shower took longer than it should have, but eventually we were dressed and on our way down to the restaurant for some food. The guys were already there, part way through their meal, when we showed up. But they greeted us and welcomed us to the table like it was no big deal. I noticed Billy wasn’t there, but just figured he was still in his room showering.

Many of the guys asked Sarah how she was feeling and she played it up like a ham, claiming she’d had eaten something that hadn’t agreed with her yesterday. Her flushed look helped sell the story, and none of them seemed to even guess she’d spent the entire day naked and in bed with me.

I tried to focus on the conversation with the guys, but like before, I couldn’t take my attention off of Sarah. But unlike before, it wasn’t regret that had my attention but my lust for the future. When the guys began to migrate to the bar, I almost tried to beg off, but I knew that would look suspicious.